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Preference for digital media use, biobehavioral attention bias, and anxiety symptoms in adolescents
Myruski, Sarah; de Rutte, Jennifer; Findley, Abigail; Roy, Amy K; Dennis-Tiwary, Tracy A
Adolescence is a critical developmental period of biological and social change during which 1 in 3 youth experience significant anxiety symptoms. The social-emotional lives of the majority of adolescents are largely conducted via digital media use (DMU; e.g., social media, text messaging). Yet the past decade of research on DMU and anxiety has yielded mixed results (e.g., Keles et al., 2020 review), leaving the complex role that DMU might play in the emergence and maintenance of anxiety poorly understood. A key step forward is to leverage psychophysiology to identify individual differences in cognitive and emotional processes that confer vulnerability to potential negative effects of DMU. Further, given the ubiquity of DMU, a greater focus is needed on measurements that move beyond sheer frequency to capture DMU in comparison to face-to-face (FTF) social interactions. This study examined attention bias (AB), characterized by selective and exaggerated attention toward or away from threat, as a moderator of the link between DMU and anxiety in adolescents (N = 75; 42 female) aged 12-14 years (M = 13.28, SD = 0.87). AB was indexed during a dot probe task using reaction time metrics (i.e., trial-level bias) and via ERPs capturing attentional selection and discrimination (N170) and cognitive control (N2) to threat compared to neutral faces. AB moderated associations between DMU and anxiety. A greater preference to use DMU vs FTF predicted greater anxiety among those with a greater behavioral bias away from threat, blunted N170, and blunted N2 in the presence of threat. Future research should examine potential causal and bidirectional links between DMU and anxiety and explore whether preferences for technology-mediated interactions and individual differences in threat processing increase risk.
PMID: 39268514
ISSN: 2451-9588
CID: 5690742
An investigation of the neural basis of anger attributions in irritable youth
Benda, Margaret S; DeSerisy, Mariah; Levitch, Cara; Roy, Amy Krain
Neurocognitive models of pediatric irritability suggest a prominent role of anger; however, few studies have investigated anger-related biases and their neural correlates. Resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the amygdala was examined in relation to anger attribution bias (AAB) in a sample of young children (5-9 years old; N = 60; 55% White, 26.7% Hispanic) with clinically significant irritability characterized by impairing emotional outbursts (IEOs). Children completed a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging scan as well as the assessment of children's emotional skills (ACES), which yields three measures of AAB in the context of social situations, social behaviors, and facial expressions. ACES scores were entered into a general linear model to examine associations with rsFC of the bilateral amygdalae. Children with IEOs exhibited significant biases in attributing anger to others across all three ACES domains. Greater biases toward attributing anger in social situations were associated with reduced rsFC of the bilateral amygdalae with the fusiform/lingual gyri and lateral occipital cortex. Alternatively, greater biases toward attributing anger to facial expressions positively predicted right amygdala-precuneus rsFC. Greater bias toward attributing anger to others based on their behaviors was associated with heightened rsFC of the right amygdala with the left middle frontal gyrus. Findings extend previous work implicating functional connections among regions of default mode and frontoparietal networks in pediatric irritability. Longitudinal studies are needed to further investigate the putative role of AAB in the etiology and long-term outcomes of pediatric irritability. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
PMID: 38127534
ISSN: 1931-1516
CID: 5612032
Novel Assessment of the Impact of Irritability on Physiological and Psychological Frustration Responses in Adolescents
Ferrara, Erica; Lee, Hyunjung; Stadterman Guarecuco, Jill; Somekh, Melanie R.; Hirsch, Emily; Keesey, Rodolfo; Cham, Heining; Hoyt, Lindsay Till; Roy, Amy Krain
Objective: Irritability, typically defined as a proneness to anger, particularly in response to frustration, falls at the intersection of emotion and disruptive behavior. Despite well-defined translational models, there are few convergent findings regarding the pathophysiology of irritability. Most studies utilize computer-based tasks to examine neural responses to frustration, with little work examining stress-related responding to frustration in social contexts. The present study is the first to utilize the novel Frustration Social Stressor for Adolescents (FSS-A) to examine associations between adolescent irritability and psychological and physiological responses to frustration. Method: The FSS-A was completed by a predominantly male, racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse sample of 64 12- to 17-year-olds, who were originally recruited as children with varying levels of irritability. Current irritability was assessed using the Multidimensional Assessment Profiles-Temper Loss scale (MAP-TL-Youth). Adolescents rated state anger and anxiety before and after the FSS-A, and usable salivary cortisol data were collected from 43 participants. Results: Higher MAP-TL-Youth scores were associated with greater increases in anger during the FSS-A, but not increases in anxiety, or alterations in cortisol. Pre-task state anger negatively predicted the slope of the rise in cortisol observed in anticipation of the FSS-A. Conclusions: Results provide support for unique associations between adolescent irritability and anger during, and in anticipation of, frustrating social interactions. Such findings lay a foundation for future work aimed at informing physiological models and intervention targets.
ISSN: 1537-4416
CID: 5629752
Developmentally specified characterization of the irritability spectrum at early school age: Implications for pragmatic mental health screening
Hirsch, Emily; Alam, Tasmia; Kirk, Nathan; Bevans, Katherine B; Briggs-Gowan, Margaret; Wakschlag, Lauren S; Wiggins, Jillian L; Roy, Amy K
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Developmentally specified measures that identify clinically salient irritability are needed for early school-age youth to meaningfully capture this transdiagnostic risk factor for psychopathology. Thus, the current study modeled the normal:abnormal irritability spectrum and generated a clinically optimized screening tool for this population. METHODS:The irritability spectrum was modeled via the youth version of the Multidimensional Assessment Profile Scales-Temper Loss Scale (MAPS-TL-Youth) in children (n = 474; 6.0-8.9 years) using item response theory (IRT). Both cross-cutting core irritability items from the early childhood version and new developmentally specific items were included. Items uniquely associated with impairment were identified and used to derive a brief, clinically optimized irritability screener. Longitudinal data were then utilized to test the predictive utility of this clinically optimized screener in preadolescence (n = 348; 8.0-12.9 years). RESULTS:Most children exhibit irritability regularly, but daily occurrence was rare. Of the top 10 most severe items from the IRT analyses, 9 were from the developmentally specific items added for the MAPS-TL Youth version. Two items associated with concurrent impairment were identified for the clinically optimized irritability screener ("Become frustrated easily" and "Act irritable"). The MAPS-TL-Youth clinically optimized screener demonstrated good sensitivity (69%) and specificity (84%) in relation to concurrent DSM 5 irritability-related diagnoses. Youth with elevated scores on the screener at early school age (ESA) had more than 7x greater odds of irritability-related psychopathology at pre-adolescence. CONCLUSIONS:The MAPS-TL-Youth characterized the developmental spectrum of irritability at ESA and a clinically optimized screener showed promise at predicting psychopathology risk. Rigorous testing of clinical applications is a critical next step.
PMID: 37712753
ISSN: 1557-0657
CID: 5593622
Understanding Phasic Irritability: Anger and Distress in Children's Temper Outbursts
Hirsch, Emily; Davis, Kaley; Cao, Zihuan; Roy, Amy Krain
Pediatric irritability can be highly impairing and is implicated in adverse outcomes. The phasic component, characterized by temper outbursts, is a frequent impetus to seek treatment. This study tested whether a previously described anger-distress model of tantrums applies to an outpatient sample of school-age children with clinically impairing temper outbursts (TO; 5.0-9.9 years; N = 86), and examined the clinical relevance of resulting factors through associations with measures of psychopathology, and differences between children with TO and two groups without: children with ADHD (n = 60) and healthy controls (n = 45). Factor analyses established a three-factor model: High Anger, Low Anger, Distress. These factors had unique associations with measures of irritability, externalizing problems, and internalizing problems in the TO group. Additionally, an interaction between groups and outburst factors emerged. Results provide evidence for the presence and clinical utility of the anger-distress model in children's outbursts and suggest avenues for future pediatric irritability research.
PMID: 33547990
ISSN: 1573-3327
CID: 4799692
Parental Factors That Confer Risk and Resilience for Remote Learning Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Children With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Silverman, Melanie R; Stadterman, Jill; Lorenzi, Danny; Feuerstahler, Leah; Hirsch, Emily; Roy, Amy K
OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To test whether parental factors including internalizing symptoms, parenting style, and confidence in assisting with remote learning conferred risk/resilience for children with/without ADHD's learning and emotional outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD/UNASSIGNED:= 148) and without ADHD completed questionnaires online (April-July 2020). RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Structural equation modeling identified parental risk/resilience factors. Across groups, risk predicted greater difficulties with learning, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, while parent confidence in educating their child predicted better outcomes. A positive association was observed between parental involvement and child difficulties, which was stronger in families of children with ADHD. Children with/without ADHD did not differ in remote learning difficulties. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:Parent factors impacted child emotional and learning outcomes during the pandemic. With increases in remote learning practices, there is a need for improved understanding of how parent factors impact outcomes of children with/without ADHD.
PMID: 35321570
ISSN: 1557-1246
CID: 5206702
A preliminary examination of key strategies, challenges, and benefits of remote learning expressed by parents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Roy, Amy K; Breaux, Rosanna; Sciberras, Emma; Patel, Pooja; Ferrara, Erica; Shroff, Delshad M; Cash, Annah R; Dvorsky, Melissa R; Langberg, Joshua M; Quach, Jon; Melvin, Glenn; Jackson, Anna; Becker, Stephen P
Among the many impacts of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, one of the most dramatic was the immediate closure of in-person schooling in March/April 2020 when parents were faced with much greater responsibility in supporting their children's learning. Despite this, few studies have examined parents' own perspectives of this experience. The aims of this preliminary study were to (a) identify challenges, benefits, and useful strategies related to remote learning and (b) examine differences in findings across two countries, between parents of youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and between parents of children and adolescents. To address these aims, parent responses to open-ended questions on the Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale (HACS; Becker, Breaux, et al., 2020) were examined across three studies conducted in the United States and Australia (N = 606, children: 68.5% male, ages 6-17 years). The challenges most frequently expressed by parents included the child's difficulty staying on task (23.8% of parents), lack of motivation (18.3%), remote learning factors (17.8%), and lack of social interaction (14.4%). The most frequently expressed strategy related to using routines and schedules (58.2%) and the biggest benefit was more family time (20.3%). Findings were largely consistent across countries, ADHD status, and age, with a few notable group differences. Given that the most common challenges involved child- (e.g., difficulties with staying on task and motivation), parent- (e.g., balancing remote learning with work responsibilities), and school- (e.g., remote instruction difficulties) related factors, there is a need for improved support across these systems going forward. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
PMID: 35266770
ISSN: 2578-4226
CID: 5387112
fMRI and Other Neuroimaging Methods
Chapter by: Roy, Amy Krain; Ferrara, Erica; Keesey, Rodolfo; Davis, Kaley
in: Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition by
[S.l.] : Elsevier, 2022
pp. 62-82
ISBN: 9780128186978
CID: 5460562
Editorial: Time to Rock the Boat: A Call for Developmental Psychopathology Approaches to Diagnostic Nosology [Editorial]
Roy, Amy Krain
The publication of DSM-5 came with a number of significant advances, including shifts in disorder classifications and a new focus on dimensional assessment.1 It also introduced disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), which was met with some criticism and concern. Although there was research to support the establishment of this new diagnosis aimed at improving classification of children and adolescents with persistent and impairing irritability,2 specific symptoms and definitions of frequency and impairment were not as empirically supported, and concerns arose regarding validity and reliability.3 The introduction of new diagnoses is a complex endeavor, particularly for disorders affecting children and adolescents, which require consideration of the immense neural, cognitive, and emotional changes occurring during this developmental period. Rigorous approaches grounded in developmental psychopathology are needed to establish a meaningful and clinically useful set of symptoms and associated characteristics. This is the approach that Wiggins et al.4 take to address the applicability of the DMDD diagnosis for children below the age of 6 years. Although this minimum age was included in DSM-5 to prevent unwarranted labeling of young children for whom temper outbursts are common,5 it fails to consider growing evidence of impairing irritability in preschoolers and limits identification of children who would benefit from early interventions. In response to this, these authors take a comprehensive bottom-up approach to empirically identify symptoms and to define limits of clinical severity, tailored specifically to preschool-aged children. As such, this study serves as a model of how to develop and to refine the diagnostic nosology of child psychiatric disorders.
PMID: 32712162
ISSN: 1527-5418
CID: 4770582
Functional connectivity of the anterior insula associated with intolerance of uncertainty in youth
DeSerisy, Mariah; Musial, Alec; Comer, Jonathan S; Roy, Amy K
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is a trait characteristic marked by distress in the face of insufficient information. Elevated IU has been implicated in the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders, particularly during adolescence, which is characterized by dramatic neural maturation and the onset of anxiety disorders. Previous task-based work implicates the bilateral anterior insula in IU. However, the association between anterior insula intrinsic functional connectivity (iFC) and IU has not been examined in adolescents. Fifty-eight healthy youth (mean age = 12.56; 55% boys) completed the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale for Children (IUSC-12) and a 6-minute resting state fMRI scan. Group-level analyses were conducted using a random-effects, ordinary least-squares model, including IUSC-12 scores (Total, Inhibitory subscale, Prospective subscale), and three nuisance covariates (age, sex, and mean framewise displacement). IUSC-12 Inhibitory subscale scores were predictive of iFC between the left and right anterior insula and right prefrontal regions. IUSC-12 Prospective subscale scores significantly predicted iFC between the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. IUSC-12 total scores did not predict significant iFC of the bilateral anterior insula. Follow-up analyses, including anxiety (MASC Total Score) in the models, failed to find significant results. This could suggest that the associations found between IUSC-12 scores and anterior insula iFC are not unique to IU and, rather, reflect a broader anxiety-related connectivity pattern. Further studies with larger samples are needed to tease apart unique associations. These findings bear significance in contributing to the literature evaluating the neural correlates of risk factors for anxiety in youth.
PMID: 32124254
ISSN: 1531-135x
CID: 4340582