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Impact of Pediatric Palliative Care on Goal Concordant Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Lin, Matthew; Kazmi, Sadaf; Bosworth, Olivia; Kiernan, Taylor; Horner, Clara; Nelson, Jordan; Pierce, Kristyn; Dore, Deborah; Eison, Daniel; Zawistoswki, Christine
CONTEXT/BACKGROUND:Little is known about the prevalence of goal-concordant care (GCC) in the NICU and whether it can be measured from chart data. OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To determine if GCC can be evaluated using chart data, to identify factors associated with GCC, and to evaluate the impact of pediatric palliative care (PPC) consultation on GCC. METHODS:Retrospective review of infants who died in a level IV NICU over a 10-year period (2014-2024). A structured questionnaire was used to guide independent chart abstraction for GCC outcomes between two reviewers. Cohen's kappa was used to measure reviewer agreement. Mann-Whitney U and Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests were used to evaluate differences between infants with GCC vs. no GCC. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the impact of PPC on aspects of GCC. RESULTS:78% (99/127) of patients received GCC. Reviewer agreement for determining aspects of GCC was low, however, consensus was reached for all GCC outcomes. GCC was significantly associated with religious tradition, insurance status, limitations of resuscitation, mode of death, PPC consult, any family meeting or advance care planning discussion, and more social work visits. In logistic regression, PPC consultation was not a significant predictor of GCC after adjusting for religion, insurance, time since death, length of stay, and family meetings. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Most infants received GCC, which was able to be determined from chart data. GCC was associated with several demographic and hospitalization factors such as PPC consultation and psychosocial supports. After adjusting for confounding, PPC was not a significant predictor of GCC.
PMID: 39828099
ISSN: 1873-6513
CID: 5775102

Parent Preferences and Experiences in Advance Care Planning in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Lin, Matthew; Williams, David; Vitcov, Giselle; Sayeed, Sadath; DeCourcey, Danielle D; Wolfe, Joanne; Cummings, Christy
OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate the preferences and experiences of bereaved parents around advance care planning (ACP) in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: Single-center cross-sectional survey of bereaved parents who experienced the death of a child in the Boston Children's Hospital NICU between 2010 and 2021 was carried out. Chi-square, Fisher's exact, Fisher Freeman Halton, and Wilcoxin rank sum tests were used to evaluate differences between parents who did and did not receive ACP. RESULTS: Out of eligible parents, 40 out of 146 (27%) responded to our survey. Most parents (31 out of 33, 94%) rated ACP as being very important and 27 out of 33 (82%) reported having ACP discussions during their child's admission. Parents preferred initial ACP discussions to occur early in their child's illness trajectory with members of the primary NICU team, with most parents' experiences aligning with these preferences. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS: Parents value ACP discussions suggesting a further role for ACP in the NICU. KEY POINTS/CONCLUSIONS:· NICU parents value and participate in advance care planning discussions. · Parents prefer advance care planning with members of the primary NICU, specialty, and palliative care teams. · Parents prefer advance care planning early in their child's illness trajectory.
PMID: 37201532
ISSN: 1098-8785
CID: 5526762

Advance Care Planning and Parent-Reported End-of-Life Outcomes in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Lin, Matthew; Williams, David; Vitcov, Giselle; Sayeed, Sadath; DeCourcey, Danielle D; Wolfe, Joanne; Cummings, Christy
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of advance care planning (ACP) on parent-reported end-of-life (EOL) outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: Single-center, cross-sectional mixed-methods survey study of bereaved parents who experienced the death of a child in the Boston Children's Hospital NICU between 2010 and 2021. Logistic regression, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and Wilcoxon rank-sum test were used to evaluate the relationship between ACP and parent-reported EOL outcomes. Qualitative content was analyzed through inductive coding. RESULTS: A total of 40/146 (27%) of eligible parents responded to our survey. There was a significant association between ACP and improved EOL care processes and parental satisfaction with communication. Parents with ACP were more likely to report goal-concordant care and higher levels of perceived shared decision-making. Qualitatively, emerging themes in parents' descriptions of goal-concordant care included misaligned expectations and communication. Emerging themes for parental preparedness included infant symptoms, logistical aspects, impact on parents, and degrees of preparedness. For decisional regret, the primary theme was reevaluating supports. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS: ACP is associated with improved EOL care outcomes and parents qualitatively conceptualize goal-concordant care, preparedness for their child's death, and decisional regret in nuanced ways. Families should have the opportunity to participate in ACP discussions that meet their unique communication and decision-making needs. KEY POINTS/CONCLUSIONS:· ACP is associated with improved parent-reported end-of-life outcomes.. · Parents conceptualize end-of-life care outcomes in nuanced ways.. · Families should have the opportunity to participate in ACP discussions that meet their unique needs..
PMID: 37116531
ISSN: 1098-8785
CID: 5526752

Navigating the post-Dobbs landscape: ethical considerations from a perinatal perspective

Pyle, Alaina; Adams, Shannon Y; Cortezzo, DonnaMaria E; Fry, Jessica T; Henner, Natalia; Laventhal, Naomi; Lin, Matthew; Sullivan, Kevin; Wraight, C Lydia
Restrictive abortion laws have impacts reaching far beyond the immediate sphere of reproductive health, with cascading effects on clinical and ethical aspects of neonatal care, as well as perinatal palliative care. These laws have the potential to alter how families and clinicians navigate prenatal and postnatal medical decisions after a complex fetal diagnosis is made. We present a hypothetical case to explore the nexus of abortion care and perinatal care of fetuses and infants with life-limiting conditions. We will highlight the potential impacts of limited abortion access on families anticipating the birth of these infants. We will also examine the legally and morally fraught gray zone of gestational viability where both abortion and resuscitation of live-born infants can potentially occur, per parental discretion. These scenarios are inexorably impacted by the rapidly changing legal landscape in the U.S., and highlight difficult ethical dilemmas which clinicians may increasingly need to navigate.
PMID: 38287137
ISSN: 1476-5543
CID: 5626102

Improving Prenatal Palliative Care Consultation Using Diagnostic Trigger Criteria

Lin, Matthew; Rholl, Erin; Andescavage, Nickie; Ackerman, Olivia; Fisher, Deborah; Lanzel, Ashley F; Mahmood, Laila A
BACKGROUND:Three percent of pregnancies are complicated by congenital anomalies. Prenatal integration of pediatric palliative care (PPC) may be hindered by non-standardized PPC referral processes. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to improve prenatal PPC consultation using a diagnostic trigger list. MEASURES/METHODS:Main outcome measure was the percentage of prenatal PPC consults completed based on diagnostic trigger list eligibility. Balancing measures included stakeholder perspectives on PPC consults and products. INTERVENTION/METHODS:Interventions included creation and implementation of a diagnostic trigger list for prenatal PPC consultation, educational initiatives with stakeholders, and iterative modifications of our prenatal consultation process. OUTCOMES/RESULTS:Interventions increased consultation rates ≥80% during the first six months of QI implementation (baseline vs. post-interventions) although this increase was not consistently sustained over a 12-month period. CONCLUSIONS/LESSONS LEARNED/CONCLUSIONS:Diagnostic trigger lists improve initial rates of prenatal PPC consultation and additional interventions are likely needed to sustain this increase.
PMID: 37858635
ISSN: 1873-6513
CID: 5605652

Wonder [Poem]

Lin, Matthew
ISSN: n/a
CID: 5545142

The Case for Advance Care Planning in the NICU

Lin, Matthew; Sayeed, Sadath; DeCourcey, Danielle D; Wolfe, Joanne; Cummings, Christy
Many NICUs have reached an inflection point where infant deaths following limitation of life-sustaining treatments outnumber those following unsuccessful resuscitations, and many infants who survive continue to require intensive supports. Families of such infants with serious illness may benefit from a standardized, process-oriented approach in decisional-support. Advance care planning (ACP), or communication that supports patients, or their surrogate decision-makers, in sharing values, goals, and preferences for future medical care, is recognized as a valuable strategy in supporting adults with serious and chronic illness. Although the role of ACP in older children and adolescents is evolving, its utility has not been systematically explored in the perinatal context. This article builds a case for formalizing a role for ACP in the NICU by defining ACP and appraising recent outcomes research, reviewing the current state of parental needs for decisional support and serious illness in the NICU, and describing how ACP may address current limitations in primary and specialty pediatric palliative care and challenges for decision-making in the newborn period.
PMID: 36321383
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5526742

Infant mode of death in the neonatal intensive care unit: A systematic scoping review

Lin, Matthew; Deming, Rachel; Wolfe, Joanne; Cummings, Christy
OBJECTIVE:To characterize literature that describes infant mode of death and to clarify how limitation of life-sustaining treatment (LST) is defined and rationalized. STUDY DESIGN:Eligible studies were peer-reviewed, English-language, and included number of infant deaths by mode out of all infant deaths in the NICU and/or delivery room. RESULT:58 included studies were primarily published in the last two decades from North American and European centers. There was variation in rates of infant mode of death by study, with some showing an increase in deaths following limitation of LST over time. Limitation of LST was defined by the intervention withheld/withdrawn, the relationship between the two practices, and prior frameworks. Themes for limiting LST included diagnoses, low predicted survival and/or quality of life, futility, and suffering. CONCLUSION:Limitation of LST is a common infant mode of death, although rates, study definitions, and clinical rationale for this practice are variable.
PMID: 35058594
ISSN: 1476-5543
CID: 5526732

The Impact of Hypernatremia in Preterm Infants on Neurodevelopmental Outcome at 18 Months of Corrected Age

Howell, Heather B; Lin, Matthew; Zaccario, Michele; Kazmi, Sadaf; Sklamberg, Felice; Santaniello, Nicholas; Wachtel, Elena
OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to assess the correlation between hypernatremia during the first week of life and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 months of corrected age in premature infants. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: A retrospective observational study of preterm infants born at less than 32 weeks of gestation who had a neurodevelopmental assessment with the Bayley scales of infant and toddler development III at 18 ± 6 months of corrected age. Serum sodium levels from birth through 7 days of life were collected. The study cohort was divided into two groups: infants with a peak serum sodium of >145 mmol/L (hypernatremia group) and infants with a peak serum sodium level of <145 mmol/L (no hypernatremia group). Prenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal hospital course and neurodevelopmental data at 18 ± 6 months were collected. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the correlation between neonatal hypernatremia and neurodevelopment with adjustment for selected population characteristics. RESULTS: = 0.03, odds ratio [OR] = 0.8, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.6-0.97) when adjusted for birth weight and gestational age. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS: Preterm infants born at less than 32 weeks of gestation with hypernatremia in the first week of life have lower fine motor scores at 18 months of corrected age. KEY POINTS/CONCLUSIONS:· Hypernatremia is a common electrolyte disturbance in preterm neonates.. · Hypernatremia may be associated with long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants.. · Hypernatremia is a potentially modifiable risk factor..
PMID: 32971560
ISSN: 1098-8785
CID: 4636572

Moral equivalence theory in neonatology

Lin, Matthew; Vitcov, Giselle G; Cummings, Christy L
This article explores the ethical concept of "the equivalence thesis" (ET), or the idea that withdrawing and withholding life sustaining treatments are morally equivalent practices, within neonatology. We review the historical origins, theory, and clinical rationale behind ET, and provide an analysis of how ET relates to literature that describes neonatal mode of death and healthcare professional and parent attitudes towards end-of-life care. While ET may serve as an ethical tool to optimize resource allocation in theory, its clinical utility is limited given the complexity of end-of-life care decisions.
PMID: 34973846
ISSN: 1558-075x
CID: 5526722