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Technique for removal of femoral components with intercondylar articulation in total knee arthroplasty [Case Report]
Alpert SW; Stuchin SA; Lubliner JA
Total knee revision arthroplasty is a challenging and demanding procedure. Removal of well-fixed implants must be done meticulously to preserve bone stock. The presence of intercondylar geometries compounds this problem because the cement-metal interface is inaccessible. The authors present a new technique for approaching this region using a high speed metal cutting burr, thus effectively preserving bone stock in the distal femur
PMID: 8829597
ISSN: 0018-5647
CID: 23122
The predictive value of five clinical signs in the evaluation of meniscal pathology
Fowler PJ; Lubliner JA
One hundred sixty-one consecutive patients with knee pain of at least 1 year's duration were studied on a prospective basis to determine the predictive value of five common clinical tests for the diagnosis of meniscal tears. Each patient had a preoperative examination that evaluated the presence or absence of joint line tenderness, pain on forced flexion, the presence of a positive McMurray test, positive Apley grind and distraction tests, and the presence of a block to extension. The results of these tests were then compared to arthroscopic findings. This study indicates that no one test is predictive for the diagnosis of a meniscal tear; a combination of tests should be used. The presence of anterior cruciate ligament pathology will render these tests less effective for diagnosis of meniscal pathology. Chondromalacia patella is negatively correlated with the presence of joint line tenderness and pain on forced flexion
PMID: 2775390
ISSN: 0749-8063
CID: 23123
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the fibula: en bloc resection with allograft reconstruction [Case Report]
Lubliner JA; Robbins H; Lewis MM; Present D
Two cases are presented in which allograft reconstruction followed wide resection of recurrent, aggressive aneurysmal bone cysts of the distal fibula. The authors find that allograft implantation provides a safe and effective method of reconstruction
PMID: 2990622
ISSN: 0883-9344
CID: 23124
Observations on the use of computerized axial tomography in the management of congenital dislocation of the hip [Case Report]
Lehman, W B; Lubliner, J; Rosen, C; Grant, A
CAT scans used postreduction to evaluate possible complications or problems in children treated for congenitally dislocated hips can provide special data regarding the adequacy of reduction.
PMID: 2990614
ISSN: 0883-9344
CID: 560212