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Equipping Section Chiefs to Enhance Operational Wellbeing: Implementing Annual Orientation Retreats

Azour, Lea; McGuinness, Georgeann
Section Chiefs in academic radiology departments are asked to manage operations across many domains beyond radiology or medicine, to lead and unite diverse faculty groups, and to represent the vision of the Chair and Vice Chairs to section members. In addition to carrying out policies and supporting departmental culture, Section Chiefs represent their section to the department and institution. Yet, in many cases, the path to this role may not include the requisite training or experiences for optimal performance, and Section Chiefs may not be provided with the broad information to carry out these duties. This paper presents the need for, and aims of, annual clinical Section Chief orientation retreats. Retreat goals include optimizing the effectiveness, performance, and confidence of Section Chiefs, to the benefit of both their section members and the department. We describe the program format and detail elements of the Section Chief retreat we created at our large hybrid academic and community radiology department.
PMID: 39054244
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 5713942

Initial diagnosis of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma in pericardial fluid with concomitant hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) [Case Report]

Khasawneh, Amani; McGuinness, Georgeann; Ward, Nicholas
Extranasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma arising in the heart is rare and typically presents with non-specific clinical symptoms, necessitating a biopsy for a definitive diagnosis. We report an unusual case of a 48-year-old male who initially presented with chest pain and shortness of breath. Subsequent diagnosis via pericardial fluid analysis, including flow cytometry and immunohistochemical stains, revealed extranasal NK/T-cell lymphoma without sinonasal involvement. The analysis identified neoplastic lymphoid cells expressing CD2, cytoplasmic CD3, Epstein-Barr virus, and CD56 and exhibiting increased Ki-67 staining. Additionally, the patient developed hemophagocytosis lymphocytosis secondary to NK/T cell lymphoma. Treatment included an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (anakinra), dexamethasone, rituximab, and etoposide. Unfortunately, the patient's condition rapidly deteriorated, leading to multiorgan failure and eventual demise. Given the rarity of this lymphoma, early diagnosis based on a high suspicion level provides the best chance for improved overall survival.
PMID: 38376724
ISSN: 1865-5785
CID: 5634172

From Great Resignation to Great Retention: Orientation as a First Step in Engaging Faculty Well-being

Azour, Lea; McGuinness, Georgeann
Onboarding lays a foundation spanning multipart missions and teaches faculty how to engage and excel in the departmental environment. At the enterprise level, onboarding is a process to connect and support diverse teams, with a range of symbiotic phenotypes, into thriving departmental ecosystems. At the more personal level, onboarding involves guiding individuals with unique backgrounds, experiences, and strengths into their new roles, growing both the individual and the system. This guide will share elements of an initial step in the departmental faculty onboarding process, faculty orientation.
PMID: 37429779
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 5537492

Prevalence of Adenopathy at Chest Computed Tomography After Vaccination for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2

McGuinness, Georgeann; Alpert, Jeffrey B; Brusca-Augello, Geraldine; Azour, Lea; Ko, Jane P; Tamizuddin, Farah; Gozansky, Elliott K; Moore, William H
OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to determine the prevalence of axillary and subpectoral (SP) lymph nodes after ipsilateral COVID-19 vaccine administration on chest computed tomography (CT). METHODS:Subjects with chest CTs between 2 and 25 days after a first or second vaccine dose, December 15, 2020, to February 12, 2021, were included. Orthogonal measures of the largest axillary and SP nodes were recorded by 2 readers blinded to vaccine administration and clinical details. A mean nodal diameter discrepancy of ≥6 mm between contralateral stations was considered positive for asymmetry. Correlation with the side of vaccination, using a Spearman rank correlation, was performed on the full cohort and after excluding patients with diseases associated with adenopathy. RESULTS:Of the 138 subjects (81 women, 57 men; mean [SD] age, 74.4 ± 11.7 years), 48 (35%) had asymmetrically enlarged axillary and/or SP lymph nodes, 42 (30%) had ipsilateral, and 6 (4%) had contralateral to vaccination ( P = 0.003). Exclusion of 29 subjects with conditions associated with adenopathy showed almost identical correlation, with asymmetric nodes in 32 of 109 (29%) ipsilateral and in 5 of 109 (5%) contralateral to vaccination ( P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS:Axillary and/or SP lymph nodes ipsilateral to vaccine administration represents a clinical conundrum. Asymmetric nodes were detected at CT in 30% of subjects overall and 29% of subjects without conditions associated with adenopathy, approximately double the prevalence rate reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by vaccine manufacturers. When interpreting examinations correlation with vaccine administration timing and site is important for pragmatic management.
PMID: 36571247
ISSN: 1532-3145
CID: 5418932

Mentoring Underrepresented Minority Physician-Scientists to Success

Kalet, Adina; Libby, Anne M; Jagsi, Reshma; Brady, Kathleen; Chavis-Keeling, Deborah; Pillinger, Michael H; Daumit, Gail L; Drake, Amelia F; Drake, Wonder Puryear; Fraser, Victoria; Ford, Daniel; Hochman, Judith S; Jones, Rochelle D; Mangurian, Christina; Meagher, Emma A; McGuinness, Georgeann; Regensteiner, Judith G; Rubin, Deborah C; Yaffe, Kristine; Ravenell, Joseph E
As the nation seeks to recruit and retain physician-scientists, gaps remain in understanding and addressing mitigatable challenges to the success of faculty from underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds. The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists program, implemented in 2015 at 10 academic medical centers in the United States, seeks to retain physician-scientists at risk of leaving science because of periods of extraordinary family caregiving needs, hardships that URM faculty-especially those who identify as female-are more likely to experience. At the annual Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists program directors conference in 2018, program directors-21% of whom identify as URM individuals and 13% as male-addressed issues that affect URM physician-scientists in particular. Key issues that threaten the retention of URM physician-scientists were identified through focused literature reviews; institutional environmental scans; and structured small- and large-group discussions with program directors, staff, and participants. These issues include bias and discrimination, personal wealth differential, the minority tax (i.e., service burdens placed on URM faculty who represent URM perspectives on committees and at conferences), lack of mentorship training, intersectionality and isolation, concerns about confirming stereotypes, and institutional-level factors. The authors present recommendations for how to create an environment in which URM physician-scientists can expect equitable opportunities to thrive, as institutions demonstrate proactive allyship and remove structural barriers to success. Recommendations include providing universal training to reduce interpersonal bias and discrimination, addressing the consequences of the personal wealth gap through financial counseling and benefits, measuring the service faculty members provide to the institution as advocates for URM faculty issues and compensating them appropriately, supporting URM faculty who wish to engage in national leadership programs, and sustaining institutional policies that address structural and interpersonal barriers to inclusive excellence.
PMID: 34495889
ISSN: 1938-808x
CID: 5200092

Medical Student Engagement and Educational Value of a Remote Clinical Radiology Learning Environment: Creation of Virtual Read-Out Sessions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Alpert, Jeffrey B; Young, Matthew G; Lala, Shailee V; McGuinness, Georgeann
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:The need for social distancing has resulted in rapid restructuring of medical student education in radiology. While students traditionally spend time learning in the reading room, remote clinical learning requires material shared without direct teaching at the radiology workstation. Can remote clinical learning meet or exceed the educational value of the traditional in-person learning experience? Can student engagement be matched or exceeded in a remote learning environment? MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:To replace the in-person reading room experience, a small-group learning session for medical students named Virtual Read-Out (VRO) was developed using teleconferencing software. After Institutional Review Board approval, two student groups were anonymously surveyed to assess differences in student engagement and perceived value between learning environments: "Conventional" students participating in the reading room (before the pandemic) and "Remote" students participating in VRO sessions. Students reported perceived frequency of a series of five-point Likert statements. Based on number of respondents, an independent t-test was performed to determine the significance of results between two groups. RESULTS:Twenty-seven conventional and 41 remote students responded. Remote students reported modest but significantly higher frequency of active participation in reviewing radiology exams (p < 0.05). There was significantly lower frequency of reported boredom among Remote students (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in perceived educational value between the two groups. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Students report a high degree of teaching quality, clinical relevance, and educational value regardless of remote or in-person learning format. Remote clinical radiology education can be achieved with equal or greater student interaction and perceived value in fewer contact hours than conventional learning in the reading room.
PMID: 33268209
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 4694252

Pulmonary Embolism at CT Pulmonary Angiography in Patients with COVID-19

Kaminetzky, Mark; Moore, William; Fansiwala, Kush; Babb, James S; Kaminetzky, David; Horwitz, Leora I; McGuinness, Georgeann; Knoll, Abraham; Ko, Jane P
Purpose/UNASSIGNED:To evaluate pulmonary embolism (PE) prevalence at CT pulmonary angiography in patients testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and factors associated with PE severity. Materials and Methods/UNASSIGNED:value < .05 was considered significant. Results/UNASSIGNED:< .001). One additional patient with negative results at CT pulmonary angiography had deep venous thrombosis, thus resulting in 38.7% with PE or deep venous thrombosis, despite 40% receiving prophylactic anticoagulation. Other factors did not demonstrate significant PE association. Conclusion/UNASSIGNED:© RSNA, 2020.
PMID: 33778610
ISSN: 2638-6135
CID: 4830512

High Incidence of Barotrauma in Patients with COVID-19 Infection on Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

McGuinness, Georgeann; Zhan, Chenyang; Rosenberg, Noah; Azour, Lea; Wickstrom, Maj; Mason, Derek M; Thomas, Kristen M; Moore, William H
Background We observed a high number of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who had barotrauma related to invasive mechanical ventilation at our institution. Purpose To determine if the rate of barotrauma in patients with COVID-19 infection was greater than other patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation at our institution. Methods In this retrospective study, clinical and imaging data of patients seen between 03/01/2020 and 04/06/2020 who tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced barotrauma associated with invasive mechanical ventilation were compared to patients without COVID-19 infection during the same period. Historical comparison was made to barotrauma rates of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) from 02/01/2016 to 02/01/2020 at our institution. Comparison of patient groups was performed using categorical or continuous statistical testing as appropriate with multivariable regression analysis. Patient survival was assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves analysis. Results 601 patients with COVID-19 infection underwent invasive mechanical ventilation (63 ± 15 years, 71% men). There were 89/601 (15%) patients with one or more barotrauma events, for a total of 145 barotrauma events (24% overall events) (95% CI 21-28%). During the same period, 196 patients without COVID-19 infection (64 ± 19 years, 52% male) with invasive mechanical ventilation had 1 barotrauma event (.5% 95% CI, 0-3%, p<.001 vs. the group with COVID-19 infection). Of 285 patients with ARDS over the prior 4 years on invasive mechanical ventilation (68 ± 17 years, 60% men), 28 patients (10%) had 31 barotrauma events, with overall barotrauma rate of 11% (95% CI 8-15%, p<.001 vs. the group with COVID-19 infection). Barotrauma is an independent risk factor for death in COVID-19 (OR=2.2, p=.03), and is associated with longer hospital length of stay (OR=.92, p<.001). Conclusion Patients with COVID-19 infection and invasive mechanical ventilation had a higher rate of barotrauma than patients with ARDS and patients without COVID-19 infection.
PMID: 32614258
ISSN: 1527-1315
CID: 4504522

CT screening for lung cancer: comparison of three baseline screening protocols

Henschke, Claudia I.; Yip, Rowena; Ma, Teng; Aguayo, Samuel M.; Zulueta, Javier; Yankelevitz, David F.; Henschke, Claudia I.; Yankelevitz, David F.; Yip, Rowena; Xu, Dongming; Salvatore, Mary; Flores, Raja; Wolf, Andrea; McCauley, Dorothy I.; Chen, Mildred; Libby, Daniel M.; Miettinen, Olli S.; Smith, James P.; Pasmantier, Mark; Reeves, A. P.; Markowitz, Steven; Miller, Albert; Deval, Jose Cervera; Schmidt, Heidi; Patsios, Demetris; Sone, Shusuke; Hanaoka, Takaomi; Zulueta, Javier; Montuenga, Luis; Lozano, Maria D.; Aye, Ralph; Bauer, Thomas; Canitano, Stefano; Giunta, Salvatore; Cole, Enser; Klingler, Karl; Austin, John H. M.; Pearson, Gregory D. N.; Shaham, Dorith; Aylesworth, Cheryl; Meyers, Patrick; Andaz, Shahriyour; Vafai, Davood; Naidich, David; McGuinness, Georgeann; Sheppard, Barry; Rifkin, Matthew; Thorsen, M. Kristin; Hansen, Richard; Kopel, Samuel; Mayfield, William; Luedke, Dan; Klippenstein, Donald; Litwin, Alan; Loud, Peter A.; Kohman, Leslie J.; Scalzetti, Ernest M.; Thurer, Richard; Khan, Arfa; Shah, Rakesh; Liu, Xueguo; Herzog, Gary; Yeh, Diane; Wu, Ning; Lowry, Joseph; Salvatore, Mary; Frumiento, Carmine; Mendelson, David S.; Smith, Michael V.; Korst, Robert; Taylor, Jana; Heelan, Robert T.; Ginsberg, Michelle S.; Straznicka, Michaela; Widmann, Mark; Cecchi, Gary; Matalon, Terence A. S.; Scheinberg, Paul; Odzer, Shari-Lynn; Olsen, David; Grannis, Fred; Rotter, Arnold; Ray, Daniel; Mullen, David; Wiernik, Peter H.; Cheung, Edson H.; Lim, Melissa; DeCunzo, Louis; Glassberg, Robert; Pass, Harvey; Endress, Carmen; Yoder, Mark; Shah, Palmi; Welch, Laura; Kalafer, Michael; Green, Jeremy; Camacho, Elmer; Chin, Cynthia; O\Brien, James; Gorden, David; Koch, Albert; Wiley, James
ISSN: 0938-7994
CID: 5323422

Incidentally Detected Mediastinal Mass on a Chest Radiograph

Halpenny, Darragh; Niu, Bowen; McGuinness, Georgeann; Bessich, Jamie; Berman, Philip; Lowy, Joseph; Ko, Jane
PMID: 28248588
ISSN: 2325-6621
CID: 2471142