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First known person-to-person transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the USA [Case Report]
Ghinai, Isaac; McPherson, Tristan D; Hunter, Jennifer C; Kirking, Hannah L; Christiansen, Demian; Joshi, Kiran; Rubin, Rachel; Morales-Estrada, Shirley; Black, Stephanie R; Pacilli, Massimo; Fricchione, Marielle J; Chugh, Rashmi K; Walblay, Kelly A; Ahmed, N Seema; Stoecker, William C; Hasan, Nausheen F; Burdsall, Deborah P; Reese, Heather E; Wallace, Megan; Wang, Chen; Moeller, Darcie; Korpics, Jacqueline; Novosad, Shannon A; Benowitz, Isaac; Jacobs, Max W; Dasari, Vishal S; Patel, Megan T; Kauerauf, Judy; Charles, E Matt; Ezike, Ngozi O; Chu, Victoria; Midgley, Claire M; Rolfes, Melissa A; Gerber, Susan I; Lu, Xiaoyan; Lindstrom, Stephen; Verani, Jennifer R; Layden, Jennifer E
BACKGROUND:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first detected in China in December, 2019. In January, 2020, state, local, and federal public health agencies investigated the first case of COVID-19 in Illinois, USA. METHODS:Patients with confirmed COVID-19 were defined as those with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test. Contacts were people with exposure to a patient with COVID-19 on or after the patient's symptom onset date. Contacts underwent active symptom monitoring for 14 days following their last exposure. Contacts who developed fever, cough, or shortness of breath became persons under investigation and were tested for SARS-CoV-2. A convenience sample of 32 asymptomatic health-care personnel contacts were also tested. FINDINGS:Patient 1-a woman in her 60s-returned from China in mid-January, 2020. One week later, she was hospitalised with pneumonia and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Her husband (Patient 2) did not travel but had frequent close contact with his wife. He was admitted 8 days later and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Overall, 372 contacts of both cases were identified; 347 underwent active symptom monitoring, including 152 community contacts and 195 health-care personnel. Of monitored contacts, 43 became persons under investigation, in addition to Patient 2. These 43 persons under investigation and all 32 asymptomatic health-care personnel tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. INTERPRETATION:Person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurred between two people with prolonged, unprotected exposure while Patient 1 was symptomatic. Despite active symptom monitoring and testing of symptomatic and some asymptomatic contacts, no further transmission was detected. FUNDING:None.
PMID: 32178768
ISSN: 1474-547x
CID: 4453162
Racial and Socioeconomic Equity of Tecovirimat Treatment during the 2022 Mpox Emergency, New York, New York, USA
Lash, Maura K; Latham, Ned H; Chan, Pui Ying; Foote, Mary M K; Garcia, Elizabeth A; Silverstein, Matthew F; Wong, Marcia; Alexander, Mark; Alroy, Karen A; Bajaj, Lovedeep; Chen, Kuan; Howard, James Steele; Jones, Lucretia E; Lee, Ellen H; Watkins, Julian L; McPherson, Tristan D
We assessed tecovirimat treatment equity for 3,740 mpox patients in New York, New York, USA, during the 2022 mpox emergency; 32.4% received tecovirimat. Treatment rates by race/ethnicity were 38.8% (White), 31.3% (Black/African American), 31.0% (Hispanic/Latino), and 30.1% (Asian/Pacific Islander/other). Future public health emergency responses must prioritize institutional and structural racism mitigation.
PMID: 37796277
ISSN: 1080-6059
CID: 5607652
Regional Emergence of Candida auris in Chicago and Lessons Learned from Intensive Follow-Up at One Ventilator-Capable Skilled Nursing Facility
Pacilli, Massimo; Kerins, Janna L; Clegg, Whitney J; Walblay, Kelly A; Adil, Hira; Kemble, Sarah K; Xydis, Shannon; McPherson, Tristan D; Lin, Michael Y; Hayden, Mary K; Froilan, Mary Carl; Soda, Elizabeth; Tang, Angela S; Valley, Ann; Forsberg, Kaitlin; Gable, Paige; Moulton-Meissner, Heather; Sexton, D Joseph; Jacobs Slifka, Kara M; Vallabhaneni, Snigdha; Walters, Maroya Spalding; Black, Stephanie R
BACKGROUND:Since the identification of the first two Candida auris cases in Chicago, Illinois, in 2016, ongoing spread has been documented in the Chicago area. We describe C. auris emergence in high-acuity long-term healthcare facilities and present a case-study of public health response to C. auris and carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPOs) at one ventilator-capable skilled nursing facility (vSNF A). METHODS:We performed point prevalence surveys (PPSs) to identify patients colonized with C. auris, infection control (IC) assessments, and provided ongoing support for IC improvements in Illinois acute and long-term care facilities during August 2016-December 2018. During 2018, we initiated a focused effort at vSNF A, and conducted seven C. auris PPSs; during four PPSs, we also performed CPO screening and environmental sampling. RESULTS:During August 2016-December 2018 in Illinois, 490 individuals were found to be colonized or infected with C. auris. PPSs identified highest prevalence of C. auris colonization in vSNF settings (prevalence 23-71%). IC assessments in multiple vSNFs identified common challenges in core IC practices. Repeat PPSs at vSNF A in 2018 identified increasing C. auris prevalence from 43% to 71%. Most residents screened during multiple PPSs remained persistently colonized with C. auris. Among 191 environmental samples collected, 39% were positive for C. auris, including samples from bedrails, windowsills, and shared patient-care items. CONCLUSIONS:High burden in vSNFs along with persistent colonization of residents and environmental contamination point to the need for prioritizing IC interventions to control spread of C. auris and CPOs.
PMID: 32291441
ISSN: 1537-6591
CID: 4453172
New York City"™s Rapid Response to the 2022 Mpox Outbreak
Wong, Marcia; McPherson, Tristan D.; Lash, Maura; Garcia, Elizabeth; Silverstein, Matthew; Alexander, Mark; Thomas, Guajira P.; Foote, Mary M.K.
Human society is facing emerging infectious disease threats with increasing frequency, potentially with novel medical countermeasures available, but often with initial limited access and supply. Long-standing racial health inequities create barriers to accessing critical new treatments that can further exacerbate health disparities in an emergency. During the 2022 mpox outbreak, the antiviral tecovirimat was made available from federal stockpiles for the treatment of mpox disease. Here, the authors describe New York City"™s multipronged approach to ensure access to mpox therapeutics, which built on related work during the Covid-19 pandemic. This approach can serve as a road map to addressing systemic barriers to treatment and care during emergency responses. It includes (1) targeting messaging and outreach to providers serving marginalized communities, (2) use of a centralized pharmacy process for medication access, (3) setting up a treatment evaluation and referral process, and (4) monitoring utilization through integration of data across multiple public health data sources. The result was tecovirimat treatment prescribed to 32% of all patients with mpox in New York City. This approach to tecovirimat access during the mpox outbreak in New York City illustrates a model for public health and health care delivery partnerships that could be implemented when novel medical countermeasures become available in the setting of an emerging infectious disease outbreak.
ISSN: 2642-0007
CID: 5756522
New York City's Rapid Response to the 2022 Mpox Outbreak
Marcia, Wong; McPherson, Tristan D; Lash, Maura; Garcia, Elizabeth; Silverstein, Matthew; Alexander, Mark; Thomas, Guajira P; Foote, Mary M.K.
ISSN: 2642-0007
CID: 5756602
Severe Mpox Among People With Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus Receiving Prolonged Tecovirimat in New York City
Garcia, Elizabeth A; Foote, Mary M K; McPherson, Tristan D; Lash, Maura K; Bosompem, Amma N; Bouscaren, Alyssa; Chan, Justin; DiLorenzo, Madeline A; Feihel, Dennis; Fowler, Randal C; Gandhi, Vani; Jenny-Avital, Elizabeth R; Kopping, Erik J; Mazo, Dana; McLean, Jacob; Mgbako, Ofole; Sayegh, Mark N; Shaw, Raphael N; Su, Michelle; Meissner, Jeanne Sullivan; Wang, Jade C; Wen, Wendy; Winters, John C; Zeana, Cosmina B; Zucker, Jason; Wong, Marcia
Severe mpox has been observed in people with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We describe clinical outcomes of 13 patients with advanced HIV (CD4 <200 cells/μL), severe mpox, and multiorgan involvement. Despite extended tecovirimat courses and additional agents, including vaccinia immune globulin, cidofovir, and brincidofovir, this group experienced prolonged hospitalizations and high mortality.
PMID: 38868307
ISSN: 2328-8957
CID: 5668382
Implementation and early outcomes of a telehealth visit model to deliver tecovirimat for mpox infection in New York City
Chan, Justin; DiTullio, David J; Pagan Pirallo, Patricia; Foote, Mary; Knutsen, Dorothy; Kottkamp, Angelica Cifuentes; McPherson, Tristan D; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Pitts, Robert; Wallach, Andrew; Wong, Marcia; Mazo, Dana; Mgbako, Ofole
The 2022 mpox outbreak in New York City posed challenges to rapidly scaling up treatment capacity. We describe a telehealth treatment model launched during this outbreak that facilitated healthcare provider treatment capacity, and was able to adhere to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-sponsored expanded access investigational new drug (EA-IND) protocol for tecovirimat. Sixty-nine patients were evaluated and prescribed tecovirimat for mpox through telehealth visits at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue and NYU Langone Health from June to August 2022. Thirty-two (46.4%) were previously diagnosed with HIV. Forty-four (63.8%) reported full recovery, with the remainder lost to follow-up. Most patients (n = 60, 87.0%) attended at least one follow-up visit (either in person or through telehealth) after starting treatment. We observed favorable treatment outcomes, with no serious adverse events, hospitalizations, or deaths related to mpox. While equitable access to telehealth remains a limitation that needs to be addressed, this telehealth model enabled a rapid scale-up of tecovirimat prescription during the mpox outbreak, and should be considered as an important tool used to respond to future infectious disease outbreaks.
PMID: 37632124
ISSN: 1758-1109
CID: 5598892
Notes from the Field: Posttreatment Lesions After Tecovirimat Treatment for Mpox - New York City, August-September 2022
Seifu, Leah; Garcia, Elizabeth; McPherson, Tristan D; Lash, Maura; Alroy, Karen A; Foote, Mary; Lee, Ellen H; Kwong, Jeffrey; Radix, Asa; Riska, Paul; Zucker, Jason; Zuercher, Sarah; Wong, Marcia
PMID: 37104293
ISSN: 1545-861x
CID: 5459672
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection among long-term care facility staff with and without prior infection in New York City, January-June 2021
Peebles, Kathryn; Arciuolo, Robert J; Romano, Anthony S; Sell, Jessica; Greene, Sharon K; Lim, Sungwoo; Mulready-Ward, Candace; Ternier, Alexandra; Badenhop, Brittan; Blaney, Kathleen; Real, Joseph E; Spencer, Magdalene; McPherson, Tristan D; Ahuja, Shama Desai; Sullivan Meissner, Jeanne; Zucker, Jane R; Rosen, Jennifer B
BACKGROUND:Evidence of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among persons with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection is accumulating. METHODS:We evaluated the effect against incident SARS-CoV-2 infection of (1) prior infection without vaccination, (2) vaccination (two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) without prior infection, and (3) vaccination after prior infection, all compared with unvaccinated persons without prior infection. We included long-term care facility staff in New York City aged <65 years with weekly SARS-CoV-2 testing during January 21-June 5, 2021. Test results were obtained from state-mandated laboratory reporting. Vaccination status was obtained from the Citywide Immunization Registry. Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for confounding with inverse probability of treatment weights. RESULTS:Compared with unvaccinated persons without prior infection, incident SARS-CoV-2 infection risk was lower in all groups: 54.6% (95% CI: 38.0, 66.8) lower among unvaccinated, previously infected persons; 80.0% (95% CI: 67.6, 87.7) lower among fully vaccinated persons without prior infection; and 82.4% (95% CI: 70.8, 89.3) lower among persons fully vaccinated after prior infection. CONCLUSIONS:Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reduced SARS-CoV-2 infection risk by ≥80%, and for those with prior infection, increased protection from prior infection alone. These findings support recommendations that all eligible persons, regardless of prior infection, be vaccinated against COVID-19.
PMID: 36626187
ISSN: 1537-6613
CID: 5411862
The Role of a Tertiary Level Safety Net Hospital in New York City's 2022 Mpox Outbreak
Lo Piccolo, Anthony J; Wallach, Andrew; McPherson, Tristan D; Mgbako, Ofole; Fagan, Ian; Pitts, Robert A; Klinger, Amanda; Foote, Mary; Garcia, Elizabeth A; Zucker, Jason E; Chan, Justin; Bails, Douglas B; Cohen, Gabriel M; Tennill, Patricia Ann; Wong, Marcia; Mukherjee, Vikramjit
Similar to the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City was the national epicenter of the ongoing 2022 mpox (formerly monkeypox) outbreak. Cases quickly began to rise in July 2022, primarily in gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men. Tools in the form of a reliable diagnostic test, an effective vaccine, and a viable treatment option have been available from the onset, although logistically complex to roll out. The special pathogens program at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue, the flagship facility for the largest public hospital system in the United States, collaborated with multiple departments within Bellevue, the hospital system, and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, to swiftly establish ambulatory testing, immunizations, patient-centered inpatient care, and outpatient therapeutics. With the ongoing mpox outbreak, hospitals and local health departments must prepare a systemwide response to identify and isolate patients and provide high-quality care. Findings from our experience can help guide institutions in developing a multipronged, comprehensive response to the ongoing mpox outbreak.
PMID: 36862506
ISSN: 2326-5108
CID: 5427702