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Building on NIH's data sharing policy [Letter]

Contaxis, Nicole; Badger, Kelsey; Bohman, Lena; Gonzales, Sara; Kim, Seonyoung; Koshoffer, Amy; Milliken, Genevieve; Newman, Jess; Otsuji, Reid; Renirie, Rebecca; Smith, Katy; Urmi, Ummea; Yarnell, Amy; Ye, Hao; Yee, Michelle
PMID: 38753788
ISSN: 1095-9203
CID: 5651752

Attitudes on data reuse among internal medicine residents

LaPolla, Fred Willie Zametkin; Milliken, Genevieve; Gillespie, Colleen
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:NYU Langone Health offers a collaborative research block for PGY3 Primary Care residents that employs a secondary data analysis methodology. As discussions of data reuse and secondary data analysis have grown in the data library literature, we sought to understand what attitudes internal medicine residents at a large urban academic medical center had around secondary data analysis. This case report describes a novel survey on resident attitudes around data sharing. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We surveyed internal medicine residents in three tracks: Primary Care (PC), Categorical, and Clinician-Investigator (CI) tracks as part of a larger pilot study on implementation of a research block. All three tracks are in our institution's internal medicine program. In discussions with residency directors and the chief resident, the term "secondary data analysis" was chosen over "data reuse" due to this being more familiar to clinicians, but examples were given to define the concept. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:We surveyed a population of 162 residents, and 67 residents responded, representing a 41.36% response rate. Strong majorities of residents exhibited positive views of secondary data analysis. Moreover, in our sample, those with exposure to secondary data analysis research opined that secondary data analysis takes less time and is less difficult to conduct compared to the other residents without curricular exposure to secondary analysis. DISCUSSION/UNASSIGNED:The survey reflects that residents believe secondary data analysis is worthwhile and this highlights opportunities for data librarians. As current residents matriculate into professional roles as clinicians, educators, and researchers, libraries have an opportunity to bolster support for data curation and education.
PMID: 39119170
ISSN: 1558-9439
CID: 5678432

Engaging health sciences librarians on data ethics: case study on a pilot curriculum [Case Report]

Contaxis, Nicole; LaPolla, Fred Wz; Milliken, Genevieve
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Ethical decision-making regarding data collection, visualization and communication is of growing importance to librarians. Data ethics training opportunities for librarians, however, are uncommon. To fill this gap, librarians at an academic medical center developed a pilot data ethics curriculum for librarians across the US and Canada. CASE PRESENTATION/UNASSIGNED:Three data librarians in a health sciences library developed a pilot curriculum to address perceived gaps in librarian training for data ethics. One of the team members had additional academic training in bioethics, which helped to provide an intellectual foundation for this project. The three-module class provided students with an overview of ethical frameworks, skills to apply those frameworks to data issues, and an exploration of data ethics challenges in libraries. Participants from library schools and professional organizations were invited to apply. Twenty-four participants attended the Zoom-based classes and shared feedback through surveys taken after each session and in a focus group after the course's conclusion. DISCUSSION/UNASSIGNED:Responses to the focus group and surveys indicated a high level of student engagement and interest in data ethics. Students also expressed a desire for more time and ways to apply what was learned to their own work. Specifically, participants indicated an interest in dedicating time for networking with other members of their cohort, as well as more extensive discussion of class topics. Several students also suggested creating concrete outputs of their thoughts (e.g., a reflective paper or final project). Finally, student responses expressed a strong interest in mapping ethical frameworks directly to challenges and issues librarians face in the workplace.
PMID: 37101925
ISSN: 1558-9439
CID: 5465282

A Behavioral Approach to Understanding the Git Experience

Milliken, Genevieve; Nguyen, Sarah; Steeves, Vicky
[S.l.] : ScholarSpace, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-9981331-4-0
CID: 4967752

Teen engagements with data in an after-school data literacy programme at the public library

Bowler, Leanne; Aronofsky, Manuela; Milliken, Genevieve; Acker, Amelia
ISSN: 1368-1613
CID: 4967762