Searched for: person:ml4361
Sexual Identity-Behavior Profiles and Suicide Outcomes Among Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Sexually Active Adolescents
Romanelli, Meghan; Xiao, Yunyu; Lindsey, Michael A
OBJECTIVE:Adolescents' sexual behaviors can be incongruent with those assumed to align with their sexual identity. Identity-behavior profiles permit the characterization of youth who might remain undetected using a single-dimensional assessment of sexual orientation. This study examined suicide risks among four distinct sexual identity-behavior profiles of youth: heterosexual with other-sex partners only, heterosexual with any same-sex partners, lesbian or gay (LG) with same-sex partners only, and LG with any other-sex partners. METHOD:Data were analyzed from the 2017 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Participants' reported sex, sexual identity, and the sex of their sexual contacts were used to construct the identity-behavior profiles. Multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between identity-behavior profiles and suicide outcomes. RESULTS:Compared to heterosexual respondents with other-sex partners only, heterosexual respondents with any same-sex partners and LG respondents with same-sex partners only had greater odds of having a suicide plan; LG respondents with any other-sex partners were over seven times more likely to have suicidal thoughts and attempt suicide and 14 times more likely to have a suicide plan. CONCLUSIONS:Health and mental health providers can expand the identification of youth at risk for suicide by assessing both sexual identity and behavior.
PMID: 32190929
ISSN: 1943-278x
CID: 5030872
Patterns of Healthcare Discrimination Among Transgender Help-Seekers
Romanelli, Meghan; Lindsey, Michael A
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Affirmative health care is imperative to address health and mental health disparities faced by transgender communities. Yet, transgender help-seekers experience discrimination that precludes their access to and participation in care. This study uses latent class analysis to examine patterns of healthcare discrimination among transgender help-seekers. Predictors of class membership are investigated to identify subpopulations at highest risk for healthcare discrimination. METHODS:Data were obtained from the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey and analyzed in 2019. Ten healthcare experiences were included as latent class indicators. Latent class analysis and regression were performed in Mplus, version 8 to identify latent subgroups and examine the relationship between respondent characteristics and the latent classes. RESULTS:The final sample included 23,541 respondents. A 3-class model fit best: Class 1 experienced overt discrimination and interfaced with providers with limited trans-competence; Class 2 did not experience healthcare discrimination or report issues related to providers' trans-competence; and Class 3 did not experience discrimination but had providers with low trans-competence. Transmen and respondents who were out as trans to their providers and reported psychological distress, suicidal thoughts, and disabilities were more likely to be members of Class 1 or 3 than Class 2. CONCLUSIONS:Experiences of healthcare discrimination are not homogeneous across transgender help-seekers. Predictors of the latent classes indicated that transgender help-seekers holding an additional marginalized identity may be at higher risk for healthcare discrimination or care from providers with limited trans-competence. Targeted engagement and education interventions might improve these transgender help-seekers' access to and connections with care.
PMID: 32001051
ISSN: 1873-2607
CID: 4406402
Trends of Suicidal Behaviors Among High School Students in the United States: 1991-2017
Lindsey, Michael A; Sheftall, Arielle H; Xiao, Yunyu; Joe, Sean
OBJECTIVES:To determine if racial and ethnic subgroups of adolescents are at high risk for engagement in suicidal behaviors. METHODS:Using the nationally representative school-based Youth Risk Behavior Survey from the years 1991 to 2017, we conducted logistic regression analyses to examine trends by different racial and ethnic groups, with each suicide indicator serving as a dichotomous outcome. Participants included 198 540 high school students. RESULTS:= .048) had a significant linear increase in injury by attempt. CONCLUSIONS:The results suggest that, over time, black youth have experienced an increase in suicide attempts, which is troubling because attempts are the most prominent risk factor associated with suicide death. For black boys, a significant increase in injury by attempt occurred, which suggests that black boys may be engaging in increasingly lethal means when attempting suicide. Examining trends of suicidal thoughts and behaviors over time by sex and race and ethnicity allow us to determine where to focus prevention and intervention efforts. Future research should examine the underlying reasons for these changes observed in US high school students.
PMID: 31611338
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5030862
The Influence of Treatment Engagement on Positive Outcomes in the Context of a School-Based Intervention for Students with Externalizing Behavior Problems
Lindsey, Michael A; Romanelli, Meghan; Ellis, Mesha L; Barker, Edward D; Boxmeyer, Caroline L; Lochman, John E
We examined the stability of and cross-influences between externalizing behaviors and intervention engagement among children participating in a randomized clinical trial of an intervention for disruptive behavioral youth. Analyses also accounted for the influence of caregiver depression, family relationship quality, and sociodemographic factors (race, income) on the relationship between behaviors and intervention engagement. Analyses were based on 118 children participating in the Coping Power intervention. Composite variables were created to represent externalizing behaviors and intervention engagement constructs. Associations between these composite variables were examined over 24 treatment sessions. Findings indicated a regressive relationship among externalizing behaviors, i.e., baseline externalizing behaviors were positively associated with immediate follow-up behaviors. There were also dynamic relationships observed among engagement constructs. Notably, engagement with in-session activities during sessions 1-8 was positively associated with out-of-session activity engagement during the same treatment time period. Engagement with out-of-session activities during sessions 1-8 was positively associated with in-session activity engagement during sessions 9-16, indicating a complete mediation between early and middle in-session engagement through the mechanism of early out-of-session engagement. A crosslag relationship was observed: middle in-session engagement was negatively associated with externalizing behaviors at immediate follow-up. Finally, an interaction of race by income on immediate follow-up externalizing behaviors was observed, such that Black children's externalizing behaviors remain static regardless of income level while White children's behaviors decreased with higher income. Our findings support the contention that focusing on intervention engagement may be especially important in prevention interventions.
PMID: 30848415
ISSN: 1573-2835
CID: 3990572
A latent class analysis of health lifestyles and suicidal behaviors among US adolescents
Xiao, Yunyu; Romanelli, Meghan; Lindsey, Michael A
BACKGROUND:Previous studies have documented the link between individual health behaviors and suicide, but little is known about the influence of health lifestyles on suicide among adolescents. This study aims to identify the unobserved patterns of health behaviors and to examine their associations with adolescent suicidal behaviors to inform screening of suicidality. METHODS:Data were derived from a nationally representative sample of adolescents (n = 14,506, ages 12-18, 50.9% female) in the national school-based 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Latent class analysis was performed based on 13 health behaviors related to diet (e.g., frequency of consuming breakfast, fruits/vegetables, soda), physical activity (frequencies of physical activity, sports team participation), sleep, and media use (TV/computers). Suicidal behaviors were measured by three dichotomized variables, including suicidal ideation, plan, and attempts. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to examine associations between identified classes and suicidal behaviors. RESULTS:Four classes of health lifestyles were identified. Class 1 (23.6%) consistently engaged in health-promoting behaviors, including eating breakfast daily, high intake of fruits/vegetables, physically active, and infrequent use of TV/computers. Class 2 (37.7%) had an irregular diet, moderate exercise, and high computer use. Class 3 (31.8%) had moderate diet, frequent exercise, and moderate sleep. Class 4 (6.9%) had the lowest engagement in health-promoting behaviors. Class 4 had higher odds of suicide plan than Class 1 (OR = 1.50, 95% CI = 1.10-2.05). Notably, Class 2 and 3 were less likely to attempt suicide than Class 1 (OR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.57-0.95 for Class 2; OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.48-0.89 for Class 3). LIMITATIONS:Due to the cross-sectional design, no causal inference can be drawn. CONCLUSIONS:Both Class 1 (consistent) and Class 4 (lowest) engagement in health-promoting behaviors were associated with increased suicidal behaviors. Suicide prevention efforts that examine both lifestyles are keys to early detection of suicidal ideation and plans, and prevention of suicide attempts.
PMID: 31150941
ISSN: 1573-2517
CID: 4406392
Racial/ethnic measurement invariance of the School Success Profile (SSP)'s future orientation scale
Xiao, Yunyu; Bowen, Natasha K; Lindsey, Michael A
Future orientation (FO) has received increasing attention for its positive effects on adolescent well-being and successful transition to adulthood. Although numerous measures of FO exist, most are not developmentally appropriate for diverse populations of adolescents, do not assess all theoretical components of FO, and/or were not developed for administration in schools. Additionally, the invariance of existing measures across racial/ethnic groups has not been examined using appropriately rigorous procedures. Using data from 2575 students in grades 6-9, this study examined the psychometric quality and measurement invariance of the FO scale on the School Success Profile (SSP) across African American (34.8%), Latino (27.0%), and European American (38.1%) subsamples. A one-factor model fit the data well in all three groups. Analyses identified only a small number of noninvariant parameters, supporting the conclusion that the scale has partial measurement invariance across the three groups. On average, African Americans had significantly higher levels of FO than the other two groups; mean scores for Latinos and European Americans were lower and statistically equivalent to each other. Construct validity of the SSP FO scale was also supported by findings of medium-sized relationships of FO scores to scores on five other constructs: low grades, school engagement, parent educational support, psychological distress, and school behavior. Multiple group tests of the magnitude and direction of the validity relationships indicated statistical equivalence across the three groups. Results support the use of the SSP FO scale by school psychologists to assess FO and to evaluate the effects of interventions targeting FO as a promoter of well-being and school success.
PMID: 30463672
ISSN: 1873-3506
CID: 3929192
Examining Mechanisms and Moderators of the Relationship Between Discriminatory Health Care Encounters and Attempted Suicide Among U.S. Transgender Help-Seekers
Romanelli, Meghan; Lu, Wenhua; Lindsey, Michael A
This study examined how experiences of service denial and discrimination in three health care settings-doctors' offices, emergency rooms, and mental health clinics-might contribute to attempted suicide among transgender adults. Mechanisms of this relationship were examined, including treatment receipt and the use of substances to cope with mistreatment. Perceived emotional social support was also tested as a potential protective factor against the deleterious effects of service denial and discrimination on treatment receipt, substance use, and attempted suicide. The analysis included 4190 respondents from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Structural equation modeling was employed to test hypothesized relationships. Being denied a greater number of services and discriminated against in more settings were associated with lower levels of treatment receipt. Service denial was also correlated with increased rates of coping-motivated substance use and elevated rates of attempted suicide. Treatment receipt mediated the relationships between service denial/discrimination and substance use. Substance use mediated the relationship between treatment receipt and attempted suicide. Higher levels of support were protective to treatment receipt when denied services in one setting, but no longer retained protective effects when denied in two or three settings. Results have critical implications for service access and delivery and policies that protect transgender help-seekers in the health care system.
PMID: 29574543
ISSN: 1573-3289
CID: 3929182
Family practice in integrative behavioral health
McKay, Mary M.; Lindsey, Michael A.; Gopalan, Geetha
ISSN: 1052-2158
CID: 3929132
A Review of Treatments for Young Black Males Experiencing Depression
Lindsey, Michael A; Banks, Andrae; Cota, Catherine F; Scott, Marquisha Lawrence; Joe, Sean
The objective was to qualitatively examine the treatment effects of depression interventions on young, Black males (YBM) across treatment providers and settings via a review. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) seeking to ameliorate depressive symptomology in Black males ages 12-29 were eligible for inclusion. After review of 627 abstracts and 212 full-text articles, 12 studies were selected. These RCTs were organized into five categories based on the intervention method. We isolated only one study that targeted YBM exclusively. Additionally, only two treatment effect sizes for YBM were available from the data. While remaining RCTs did involve Black youth, disaggregated data based on race and gender were not reported. Overall, the lack of research specific to YBM prevented any strong conclusions about the treatment effects on depression for this population. Small sample size along with poor representation of YBM were trends in the selected studies that also posed an issue. Therefore, our review produced qualitative findings but failed to isolate any true effect size for YBM being treated for depression. Until more conclusive evidence exists, alternative strategies may need to be employed in order to find appropriate interventions for depressed YBM seeking mental health treatment.
PMID: 30546244
ISSN: 1049-7315
CID: 4010092
Psychometric properties of the ces-d among black adolescents in public housing
Lu, Wenhua; Lindsey, Michael A.; Irsheid, Sireen; Nebbitt, Von Eugene
Objective: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) has not been fully validated as a depression screening scale among Black adolescents. This study examines the psychometric properties of the CES-D as applied to Black adolescents, seeking to understand the unique way in which Black adolescents express their depression symptoms. Method: We hypothesized that the expression and factor structure of depressive symptoms measured by CES-D would be different when applied to Black adolescents. Black adolescents (N = 782) ages 11"“21 were recruited from 9 urban public housing developments in 4 large U.S. cities. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) were used to compare the fit of competing models. Convergent validity of the CES-D was examined via associations with gender, age, and suicidal ideation in the ESEM model. Results: Instead of the original 4-factor structure of the CES-D, a 2-factor ESEM model demonstrated satisfactory fit to our data (CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.04). Compared with females, Black males were less likely to endorse positive affect items of the CES-D (r = -0.13, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Conceptualizations of depression among Black adolescents may differ from any other populations previously studied. Clinicians should assess the unique expression of depression among Black youth when developing treatment plans.
ISSN: 2334-2315
CID: 3929112