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In situ cell-surface conformation of the TCR-CD3 signaling complex

Natarajan, Aswin; Velmurugu, Yogambigai; Becerra Flores, Manuel; Dibba, Fatoumatta; Beesam, Saikiran; Kikvadze, Sally; Wang, Xiaotian; Wang, Wenjuan; Li, Tianqi; Shin, Hye Won; Cardozo, Timothy; Krogsgaard, Michelle
The extracellular molecular organization of the individual CD3 subunits around the αβ T cell receptor (TCR) is critical for initiating T cell signaling. In this study, we incorporate photo-crosslinkers at specific sites within the TCRα, TCRβ, CD3δ, and CD3γ subunits. Through crosslinking and docking, we identify a CD3ε'-CD3γ-CD3ε-CD3δ arrangement situated around the αβTCR in situ within the cell surface environment. We demonstrate the importance of cholesterol in maintaining the stability of the complex and that the 'in situ' complex structure mirrors the structure from 'detergent-purified' complexes. In addition, mutations aimed at stabilizing extracellular TCR-CD3 interfaces lead to poor signaling, suggesting that subunit fluidity is indispensable for signaling. Finally, employing photo-crosslinking and CD3 tetramer assays, we show that the TCR-CD3 complex undergoes minimal subunit movements or reorientations upon interaction with activating antibodies and pMHC tetramers. This suggests an absence of 'inactive-active' conformational states in the TCR constant regions and the extracellular CD3 subunits, unlike the transmembrane regions of the complex. This study contributes a nuanced understanding of TCR signaling, which may inform the development of therapeutics for immune-related disorders.
PMID: 39511422
ISSN: 1469-3178
CID: 5752112

Author Correction: Molecular mechanism of phosphopeptide neoantigen immunogenicity

Patskovsky, Yury; Natarajan, Aswin; Patskovska, Larysa; Nyovanie, Samantha; Joshi, Bishnu; Morin, Benjamin; Brittsan, Christine; Huber, Olivia; Gordon, Samuel; Michelet, Xavier; Schmitzberger, Florian; Stein, Robert B; Findeis, Mark A; Hurwitz, Andy; Van Dijk, Marc; Chantzoura, Eleni; Yague, Alvaro S; Pollack Smith, Daniel; Buell, Jennifer S; Underwood, Dennis; Krogsgaard, Michelle
PMID: 37500629
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5618892

Molecular mechanism of phosphopeptide neoantigen immunogenicity

Patskovsky, Yury; Natarajan, Aswin; Patskovska, Larysa; Nyovanie, Samantha; Joshi, Bishnu; Morin, Benjamin; Brittsan, Christine; Huber, Olivia; Gordon, Samuel; Michelet, Xavier; Schmitzberger, Florian; Stein, Robert B; Findeis, Mark A; Hurwitz, Andy; Van Dijk, Marc; Buell, Jennifer S; Underwood, Dennis; Krogsgaard, Michelle
Altered protein phosphorylation in cancer cells often leads to surface presentation of phosphopeptide neoantigens. However, their role in cancer immunogenicity remains unclear. Here we describe a mechanism by which an HLA-B*0702-specific acute myeloid leukemia phosphoneoantigen, pMLL747-755 (EPR(pS)PSHSM), is recognized by a cognate T cell receptor named TCR27, a candidate for cancer immunotherapy. We show that the replacement of phosphoserine P4 with serine or phosphomimetics does not affect pMHC conformation or peptide-MHC affinity but abrogates TCR27-dependent T cell activation and weakens binding between TCR27 and pMHC. Here we describe the crystal structures for TCR27 and cognate pMHC, map of the interface produced by nuclear magnetic resonance, and a ternary complex generated using information-driven protein docking. Our data show that non-covalent interactions between the epitope phosphate group and TCR27 are crucial for TCR specificity. This study supports development of new treatment options for cancer patients through target expansion and TCR optimization.
PMID: 37353482
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5538512

Catch bond models may explain how force amplifies TCR signaling and antigen discrimination

Choi, Hyun-Kyu; Cong, Peiwen; Ge, Chenghao; Natarajan, Aswin; Liu, Baoyu; Zhang, Yong; Li, Kaitao; Rushdi, Muaz Nik; Chen, Wei; Lou, Jizhong; Krogsgaard, Michelle; Zhu, Cheng
The TCR integrates forces in its triggering process upon interaction with pMHC. Force elicits TCR catch-slip bonds with strong pMHCs but slip-only bonds with weak pMHCs. We develop two models and apply them to analyze 55 datasets, demonstrating the models' ability to quantitatively integrate and classify a broad range of bond behaviors and biological activities. Comparing to a generic two-state model, our models can distinguish class I from class II MHCs and correlate their structural parameters with the TCR/pMHC's potency to trigger T cell activation. The models are tested by mutagenesis using an MHC and a TCR mutated to alter conformation changes. The extensive comparisons between theory and experiment provide model validation and testable hypothesis regarding specific conformational changes that control bond profiles, thereby suggesting structural mechanisms for the inner workings of the TCR mechanosensing machinery and plausible explanations of why and how force may amplify TCR signaling and antigen discrimination.
PMID: 37147290
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5503182

Modulating extracellular TCR-CD3 interaction to identify new immunotherapy targets against cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Krogsgaard, M; Natarajan, A; Velmurugu, Y; Yuan, Z; Ge, C; Nadarajah, V; Cardozo, T; Bracken, W C; Zhu, C
T cell recognition of antigen and resulting proximal signaling are key steps in the initiation of the adaptive immune response. Previous studies targeting antigen binding site for enhancing T-cell responses to tumor antigens often lead to off-target effects and toxicity. Recently, we used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mutational analysis and computational docking to derive a 3D structure of the extracellular TCRCD3 assembly. Further, biomolecular force probe (BFP) measurements allowed us to determine how 2D affinity and force-modulated TCR-pMHC kinetics depend on TCR-CD3 interaction sites and affect transduction of extracellular pMHC-TCR ligation into T cell function. Based on our TCR-CD3 structural model and binding data, we generated TCR libraries for a melanoma-specific TCR (DMF5) using site-specific mutagenesis in the Cbhelix 3 and helix 4-F strand regions of the TCR to optimize the TCR-CD3 interaction and to select for mutants with enhanced T-cell effector function. One Cb helix 4-F strand mutant, NP202203AA showed increased T cell response to antigen and showed enhanced TCR-pMHC bond lifetime (catch-bonds) in BFP assays leading to prolonged T cell signaling. In the future, DMF5 TCR with reengineered CD3 binding regions will be used in tumor rejection in pre-clinical mouse melanoma models for eficacy and toxicity to develop more effective T cell therapies for human targets
ISSN: 1550-6606
CID: 4638822

Modulating the extracellular TCR-CD3 interaction to identify novel immunotherapy targets against melanoma [Meeting Abstract]

Natarajan, Aswin; Velmurugu, Yogambigai; Zhou, Yuan; Ge, Chenghao; Nadarajah, Vidushan; Felsovalyi, Klara; Cardozo, Timothy J.; Bracken, Clay; Zhu, Cheng; Krogsgaard, Michelle
ISSN: 1479-5876
CID: 4345052

The myriad targets of a T cell

Natarajan, Aswin; Krogsgaard, Michelle
PMID: 30520863
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 3520362

T cell receptor signal transduction: affinity, force and conformational change [Review]

Moogk, Duane; Natarajan, Aswin; Krogsgaard, Michelle
T cell recognition of antigen and resulting proximal signaling are key steps in the initiation of the adaptive immune response. The T cell receptor interaction with antigen drives signal initiation in an affinity-dependent manner, but many aspects of this process remain incompletely understood, including what regions are responsible for structural changes in the TCR upon antigen binding, the importance of extracellular T cell receptor interactions with CD3, how structural changes are integrated with signaling components, and the role of force in signal transduction. Advances in structural modeling of the TCR-CD3 complex and the ability to quantify the affinity and biophysical nature of these molecular interactions have significantly furthered our understanding of the mechanism of transduction of T cell antigen recognition into intracellular signaling. This knowledge is paramount to understanding how T cell perform their critical role in adaptive immune responses, and for the development and improvement of immunotherapies.
ISSN: 2211-3398
CID: 3140482

Structural Model of the Extracellular Assembly of the TCR-CD3 Complex

Natarajan, Aswin; Nadarajah, Vidushan; Felsovalyi, Klara; Wang, Wenjuan; Jeyachandran, Vivian R; Wasson, Riley A; Cardozo, Timothy; Bracken, Clay; Krogsgaard, Michelle
Antigen recognition of peptide-major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs) by T cells, a key step in initiating adaptive immune responses, is performed by the T cell receptor (TCR) bound to CD3 heterodimers. However, the biophysical basis of the transmission of TCR-CD3 extracellular interaction into a productive intracellular signaling sequence remains incomplete. Here we used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy combined with mutational analysis and computational docking to derive a structural model of the extracellular TCR-CD3 assembly. In the inactivated state, CD3gammaepsilon interacts with the helix 3 and helix 4-F strand regions of the TCR Cbeta subunit, whereas CD3deltaepsilon interacts with the F and C strand regions of the TCR Calpha subunit in this model, placing the CD3 subunits on opposing sides of the TCR. This work identifies the molecular contacts between the TCR and CD3 subunits, identifying a physical basis for transmitting an activating signal through the complex.
PMID: 26997265
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 2051952

Solution structure and DNA-binding properties of the phosphoesterase domain of DNA ligase D

Natarajan, Aswin; Dutta, Kaushik; Temel, Deniz B; Nair, Pravin A; Shuman, Stewart; Ghose, Ranajeet
The phosphoesterase (PE) domain of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme LigD possesses distinctive manganese-dependent 3'-phosphomonoesterase and 3'-phosphodiesterase activities. PE exemplifies a new family of DNA end-healing enzymes found in all phylogenetic domains. Here, we determined the structure of the PE domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LigD (PaePE) using solution NMR methodology. PaePE has a disordered N-terminus and a well-folded core that differs in instructive ways from the crystal structure of a PaePE•Mn(2+)• sulfate complex, especially at the active site that is found to be conformationally dynamic. Chemical shift perturbations in the presence of primer-template duplexes with 3'-deoxynucleotide, 3'-deoxynucleotide 3'-phosphate, or 3' ribonucleotide termini reveal the surface used by PaePE to bind substrate DNA and suggest a more efficient engagement in the presence of a 3'-ribonucleotide. Spectral perturbations measured in the presence of weakly catalytic (Cd(2+)) and inhibitory (Zn(2+)) metals provide evidence for significant conformational changes at and near the active site, compared to the relatively modest changes elicited by Mn(2+).
PMID: 22084199
ISSN: 1362-4962
CID: 3225612