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The development and structure of the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study EEG protocol

Fox, Nathan A; Pérez-Edgar, Koraly; Morales, Santiago; Brito, Natalie H; Campbell, Alana M; Cavanagh, James F; Gabard-Durnam, Laurel Joy; Hudac, Caitlin M; Key, Alexandra P; Larson-Prior, Linda J; Pedapati, Ernest V; Norton, Elizabeth S; Reetzke, Rachel; Roberts, Timothy P; Rutter, Tara M; Scott, Lisa S; Shuffrey, Lauren C; Antúnez, Martín; Boylan, Maeve R; Garner, Bailey M; Learnard, Britley; McNair, Savannah; McSweeney, Marco; Castillo, Maria Isabella Natale; Norris, Jessica; Nyabingi, Olufemi Shakuur; Pini, Nicolò; Quinn, Alena; Stosur, Rachel; Tan, Enda; Troller-Renfree, Sonya V; Yoder, Lydia; ,
The HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study, a multi-site prospective longitudinal cohort study, will examine human brain, cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional development beginning prenatally and planned through early childhood. Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of two brain imaging modalities central to the HBCD Study. EEG records electrical signals from the scalp that reflect electrical brain activity. In addition, the EEG signal can be synchronized to the presentation of discrete stimuli (auditory or visual) to measure specific cognitive processes with excellent temporal precision (e.g., event-related potentials; ERPs). EEG is particularly helpful for the HBCD Study as it can be used with awake, alert infants, and can be acquired continuously across development. The current paper reviews the HBCD Study's EEG/ERP protocol: (a) the selection and development of the tasks (Video Resting State, Visual Evoked Potential, Auditory Oddball, Face Processing); (b) the implementation of common cross-site acquisition parameters and hardware, site setup, training, and initial piloting; (c) the development of the preprocessing pipelines and creation of derivatives; and (d) the incorporation of equity and inclusion considerations. The paper also provides an overview of the functioning of the EEG Workgroup and the input from members across all steps of protocol development and piloting.
PMID: 39305603
ISSN: 1878-9307
CID: 5706982

Maternal heart rate variability at 3-months postpartum is associated with maternal mental health and infant neurophysiology

Brandes-Aitken, Annie; Hume, Amy; Braren, Stephen; Werchan, Denise; Zhang, Maggie; Brito, Natalie H
Previous research has demonstrated a critical link between maternal mental health and infant development. However, there is limited understanding of the role of autonomic regulation in postpartum maternal mental health and infant outcomes. In the current study, we tested 76 mother-infant dyads from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds when infants were 3-months of age. We recorded simultaneous ECG from dyads while baseline EEG was collected from the infant; ECG heart rate variability (HRV) and EEG theta-beta ratio and alpha asymmetry were calculated. Dyadic physiological synchrony was also analyzed to better understand the role of autonomic co-regulation. Results demonstrated that lower maternal HRV was associated with higher self-reported maternal depression and anxiety. Additionally, mothers with lower HRV had infants with lower HRV. Maternal HRV was also associated with higher infant theta-beta ratios, but not alpha asymmetry. Exploratory analyses suggested that for mother-infant dyads with greater physiological synchrony, higher maternal HRV predicted increased infant theta-beta ratio via infant HRV. These findings support a model in which maternal mental health may influence infant neurophysiology via alterations in autonomic stress regulation and dyadic physiological co-regulation.
PMID: 39138268
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5697182

Effects of prenatal psychosocial stress and COVID-19 infection on infant attention and socioemotional development

Werchan, Denise M; Hendrix, Cassandra L; Hume, Amy M; Zhang, Margaret; Thomason, Moriah E; Brito, Natalie H
BACKGROUND:The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically altered the psychosocial environment of pregnant women and new mothers. In addition, prenatal infection is a known risk factor for altered fetal development. Here we examine joint effects of maternal psychosocial stress and COVID-19 infection during pregnancy on infant attention at 6 months postpartum. METHOD/METHODS:One-hundred and sixty-seven pregnant mothers and infants (40% non-White; n = 71 females) were recruited in New York City (n = 50 COVID+, n = 117 COVID-). Infants' attentional processing was assessed at 6 months, and socioemotional function and neurodevelopmental risk were evaluated at 12 months. RESULTS:Maternal psychosocial stress and COVID-19 infection during pregnancy jointly predicted infant attention at 6 months. In mothers reporting positive COVID-19 infection, higher prenatal psychosocial stress was associated with lower infant attention at 6 months. Exploratory analyses indicated that infant attention in turn predicted socioemotional function and neurodevelopmental risk at 12 months. CONCLUSIONS:These data suggest that maternal psychosocial stress and COVID-19 infection during pregnancy may have joint effects on infant attention at 6 months. This work adds to a growing literature on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on infant development, and may point to maternal psychosocial stress as an important target for intervention. IMPACT/CONCLUSIONS:This study found that elevated maternal psychosocial stress and COVID-19 infection during pregnancy jointly predicted lower infant attention scores at 6 months, which is a known marker of risk for neurodevelopmental disorder. In turn, infant attention predicted socioemotional function and risk for neurodevelopmental disorder at 12 months. These data suggest that maternal psychosocial stress may modulate the effects of gestational infection on neurodevelopment and highlight malleable targets for intervention.
PMID: 37752245
ISSN: 1530-0447
CID: 5725262

Maternal perceived stress and infant behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bradley, Holly; Fine, Dana; Minai, Yasmin; Gilabert, Laurel; Gregory, Kimberly; Smith, Lynne; Gao, Wei; Giase, Gina; Krogh-Jespersen, Sheila; Zhang, Yudong; Wakschlag, Lauren; Brito, Natalie H; Feliciano, Integra; Thomason, Moriah; Cabral, Laura; Panigrahy, Ashok; Potter, Alexandra; Cioffredi, Leigh-Anne; Smith, Beth A
BACKGROUND:Maternal stress has negative consequences on infant behavioral development, and COVID-19 presented uniquely stressful situations to mothers of infants born during the pandemic. We hypothesized that mothers with higher levels of perceived stress during the pandemic would report higher levels of infant regulatory problems including crying and interrupted sleep patterns. METHODS:As part 6 sites of a longitudinal study, mothers of infants born during the pandemic completed the Perceived Stress Scale, the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire, and an Infant Crying survey at 6 (n = 433) and 12 (n = 344) months of infant age. RESULTS:Maternal perceived stress, which remained consistent at 6 and 12 months of infant age, was significantly positively correlated with time taken to settle infants. Although maternal perceived stress was not correlated with uninterrupted sleep length, time taken to put the infant to sleep was correlated. Perceived stress was also correlated with the amount of infant crying and fussiness reported at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS:Mothers who reported higher levels of perceived stress during the pandemic reported higher levels of regulatory problems, specifically at 6 months. Examining how varying levels of maternal stress and infant behaviors relate to overall infant developmental status over time is an important next step. IMPACT/CONCLUSIONS:Women giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic who reported higher levels of stress on the Perceived Stress Scale also reported higher levels of infant fussiness and crying at 6 months old, and more disruptive sleep patterns in their infants at 6 months and 12 months old. Sleeping problems and excessive crying in infancy are two regulatory problems that are known risk factors for emotional and behavioral issues in later childhood. This paper is one of the first studies highlighting the associations between maternal stress and infant behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PMID: 37500757
ISSN: 1530-0447
CID: 5613752

A comparison of the infant gut microbiome before versus after the start of the covid-19 pandemic

Querdasi, Francesca R; Vogel, Sarah C; Thomason, Moriah E; Callaghan, Bridget L; Brito, Natalie H
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting public health directives led to many changes in families' social and material environments. Prior research suggests that these changes are likely to impact composition of the gut microbiome, particularly during early childhood when the gut microbiome is developing most rapidly. Importantly, disruption to the gut microbiome during this sensitive period can have potentially long-lasting impacts on health and development. In the current study, we compare gut microbiome composition among a socioeconomically and racially diverse group of 12-month old infants living in New York City who provided stool samples before the pandemic (N = 34) to a group who provided samples during the first 9-months of the pandemic (March-December 2020; N = 20). We found that infants sampled during the pandemic had lower alpha diversity of the microbiome, lower abundance of Pasteurellaceae and Haemophilus, and significantly different beta diversity based on unweighted Unifrac distance than infants sampled before the pandemic. Exploratory analyses suggest that gut microbiome changes due to the pandemic occurred relatively quickly after the start of the pandemic and were sustained. Our results provide evidence that pandemic-related environmental disruptions had an impact on community-level taxonomic diversity of the developing gut microbiome, as well as abundance of specific members of the gut bacterial community.
PMID: 37587195
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5595802

Signal in the noise: Dimensions of predictability in the home auditory environment are associated with neurobehavioral measures of early infant sustained attention

Werchan, Denise M; Brandes-Aitken, Annie; Brito, Natalie H
The home auditory environment influences the development of early language abilities, and excessive noise exposure is increasingly linked with deficits in language and reading scores in children. However, fewer studies have considered the role of noise exposure in shaping the development of attentional processing in early infancy, a foundational neurocognitive skill relevant for learning. Here, we used passive at-home auditory recording to investigate how multiple dimensions of infants' home auditory environments, including both the quantity and the predictability of auditory input, impacts neural and behavioral measures of sustained attention in a sociodemographically diverse sample of 3-month-old infants (N = 98 infants, 62 males; age M = 3.48 months, SD = 0.39; 52% Hispanic/Latino). Results indicated that infants who were exposed to more predictable patterns of auditory input in the home demonstrated longer overall time in sustained attention during laboratory assessments. In addition, infants' who experienced more predictable auditory input also demonstrated greater relative increases in electroencephalography frontal theta power during periods of sustained attention, a neural marker relevant to information processing and attentional control. These findings provide novel evidence into the importance of the predictability of early environmental inputs in shaping developing cortical circuitry and attentional systems from the first months of postnatal life.
PMID: 36282744
ISSN: 1098-2302
CID: 5359112

Geotemporal analysis of perinatal care changes and maternal mental health: an example from the COVID-19 pandemic

Hendrix, Cassandra L; Werchan, Denise; Lenniger, Carly; Ablow, Jennifer C; Amstadter, Ananda B; Austin, Autumn; Babineau, Vanessa; Bogat, G Anne; Cioffredi, Leigh-Anne; Conradt, Elisabeth; Crowell, Sheila E; Dumitriu, Dani; Elliott, Amy J; Fifer, William; Firestein, Morgan; Gao, Wei; Gotlib, Ian; Graham, Alice; Gregory, Kimberly D; Gustafsson, Hanna; Havens, Kathryn L; Hockett, Christine; Howell, Brittany R; Humphreys, Kathryn L; Jallo, Nancy; King, Lucy S; Kinser, Patricia A; Levendosky, Alytia A; Lonstein, Joseph S; Lucchini, Maristella; Marcus, Rachel; Monk, Catherine; Moyer, Sara; Muzik, Maria; Nuttall, Amy K; Potter, Alexandra S; Rogers, Cynthia; Salisbury, Amy; Shuffrey, Lauren C; Smith, Beth A; Smyser, Christopher D; Smith, Lynne; Sullivan, Elinor; Zhou, Judy; Brito, Natalie H; Thomason, Moriah E
Our primary objective was to document COVID-19 induced changes to perinatal care across the USA and examine the implication of these changes for maternal mental health. We performed an observational cross-sectional study with convenience sampling using direct patient reports from 1918 postpartum and 3868 pregnant individuals collected between April 2020 and December 2020 from 10 states across the USA. We leverage a subgroup of these participants who gave birth prior to March 2020 to estimate the pre-pandemic prevalence of specific birthing practices as a comparison. Our primary analyses describe the prevalence and timing of perinatal care changes, compare perinatal care changes depending on when and where individuals gave birth, and assess the linkage between perinatal care alterations and maternal anxiety and depressive symptoms. Seventy-eight percent of pregnant participants and 63% of postpartum participants reported at least one change to their perinatal care between March and August 2020. However, the prevalence and nature of specific perinatal care changes occurred unevenly over time and across geographic locations. The separation of infants and mothers immediately after birth and the cancelation of prenatal visits were associated with worsened depression and anxiety symptoms in mothers after controlling for sociodemographic factors, mental health history, number of pregnancy complications, and general stress about the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analyses reveal widespread changes to perinatal care across the US that fluctuated depending on where and when individuals gave birth. Disruptions to perinatal care may also exacerbate mental health concerns, so focused treatments that can mitigate the negative psychiatric sequelae of interrupted care are warranted.
PMID: 35962855
ISSN: 1435-1102
CID: 5287432

OWLET: An automated, open-source method for infant gaze tracking using smartphone and webcam recordings

Werchan, Denise M; Thomason, Moriah E; Brito, Natalie H
Groundbreaking insights into the origins of the human mind have been garnered through the study of eye movements in preverbal subjects who are unable to explain their thought processes. Developmental research has largely relied on in-lab testing with trained experimenters. This constraint provides a narrow window into infant cognition and impedes large-scale data collection in families from diverse socioeconomic, geographic, and cultural backgrounds. Here we introduce a new open-source methodology for automatically analyzing infant eye-tracking data collected on personal devices in the home. Using algorithms from computer vision, machine learning, and ecological psychology, we develop an online webcam-linked eye tracker (OWLET) that provides robust estimation of infants' point of gaze from smartphone and webcam recordings of infant assessments in the home. We validate OWLET in a large sample of 7-month-old infants (N = 127) tested remotely, using an established visual attention task. We show that this new method reliably estimates infants' point-of-gaze across a variety of contexts, including testing on both computers and mobile devices, and exhibits excellent external validity with parental-report measures of attention. Our platform fills a significant gap in current tools available for rapid online data collection and large-scale assessments of cognitive processes in infants. Remote assessment addresses the need for greater diversity and accessibility in human studies and may support the ecological validity of behavioral experiments. This constitutes a critical and timely advance in a core domain of developmental research and in psychological science more broadly.
PMID: 36070130
ISSN: 1554-3528
CID: 5337022

Perceived discrimination as a modifier of health, disease, and medicine: empirical data from the COVID-19 pandemic

Thomason, Moriah E; Hendrix, Cassandra L; Werchan, Denise; Brito, Natalie H
Increasing reports of long-term symptoms following COVID-19 infection, even among mild cases, necessitate systematic investigation into the prevalence and type of lasting illness. Notably, there is limited data regarding the influence of social determinants of health, like perceived discrimination and economic stress, that may exacerbate COVID-19 health risks. Here, 1,584 recovered COVID-19 patients that experienced mild to severe forms of disease provided detailed medical and psychosocial information. Path analyses examined hypothesized associations between discrimination, illness severity, and lasting symptoms. Secondary analyses evaluated sex differences, timing of infection, and impact of prior mental health problems. Post hoc logistic regressions tested social determinants hypothesized to predict neurological, cognitive, or mood symptoms. 70.6% of patients reported presence of one or more lasting symptom after recovery. 19.4% and 25.1% of patients reported lasting mood or cognitive/memory problems. Perceived discrimination predicted increased illness severity and increased lasting symptom count, even when adjusting for sociodemographic factors and mental/physical health comorbidities. This effect was specific to stress related to discrimination, not to general stress levels. Further, patient perceptions regarding quality of medical care influenced these relationships. Finally, illness early in the pandemic is associated with more severe illness and more frequent lasting complaints. Lasting symptoms after recovery from COVID-19 are highly prevalent and neural systems are significantly impacted. Importantly, psychosocial factors (perceived discrimination and perceived SES) can exacerbate individual health risk. This study provides actionable directions for improved health outcomes by establishing that sociodemographic risk and medical care influence near and long-ranging health outcomes. All data from this study have been made publicly available.
PMID: 35840584
ISSN: 2158-3188
CID: 5269582

Paid maternal leave is associated with infant brain function at 3 months of age

Brito, Natalie H; Werchan, Denise; Brandes-Aitken, Annie; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Greaves, Ashley; Zhang, Maggie
The first months of life are critical for establishing neural connections relevant for social and cognitive development. Yet, the United States lacks a national policy of paid family leave during this important period of brain development. This study examined associations between paid leave and infant electroencephalography (EEG) at 3 months in a sociodemographically diverse sample of families from New York City (N = 80; 53 males; 48% Latine; data collection occurred 05/2018-12/2019). Variable-centered regression results indicate that paid leave status was related to differences in EEG power (ps < .02, R2 s > .12). Convergent results from person-centered latent profile analyses demonstrate that mothers with paid leave were 7.39 times as likely to have infants with EEG profiles characterized by increased higher-Hz power (95% CI, 1.9-36.9), potentially reflecting more mature patterns of brain activity.
PMID: 35373346
ISSN: 1467-8624
CID: 5191522