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Nezhat, Farr R; Kavic, Michael; Nezhat, Ceana H; Nezhat, Camran
PMID: 36741687
ISSN: 1938-3797
CID: 5426852

Multidisciplinary Management of Cutaneous Gluteus Vaginal Fistula After Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation [Case Report]

Kim, Veronica; Seraji, Shadi; Grigorescu, Bogdan A; Hon, Man; Hunt, Daniel H; Nezhat, Farr R
INTRODUCTION:Cutaneous gluteal vaginal fistula is a rare but significant postoperative complication which may present years after sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) surgery There is limited data on the management of cutaneous vaginal fistula following SSLF. CASE DESCRIPTION:This case report describes a 77-year-old who presents twenty years after SSLF with cutaneous gluteal vaginal abscess and fistula. She underwent successful management with CT-guided percutaneous drainage of gluteal abscess and placement of guiding cutaneous vaginal catheter, laparoscopic pelvic wall dissection and evaluation, and transvaginal localization and removal of the infected permanent suture. DISCUSSION:Multi-disciplinary approach should be considered in the treatment of chronic fistula status post SSLF, including interventional radiology, urogynecology, and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery.
PMID: 37006378
ISSN: 2376-9254
CID: 5466702

A systematic review of the reproductive and oncologic outcomes of fertility-sparing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer

Nezhat, Farr; Erfani, Hadi; Nezhat, Camran
In this review, we aim to evaluate the current literature on reproductive and oncologic outcomes after fertility-sparing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer (stage IA1-IB1). This is a systematic review of the existing literature using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) checklist to report on fertility-sparing surgery and its outcomes in early-stage cervical cancer. Outcomes of interest were subsequent clinical pregnancy rate, reproductive outcomes, and cancer recurrence outcomes. Included in this systematic review were 68 studies encompassing 3,592 patients who underwent fertility-sparing surgery. Of these, reproductive outcomes were reported in 1096 pregnancies. The mean clinical pregnancy rate was 53.2%. Those who underwent vaginal radical trachelectomy had the highest clinical pregnancy rate (67.5%). The mean live birth rate was 67.8% in our study. Twenty-one percent of pregnancies after fertility-sparing surgery required assisted reproductive technology. The mean cancer recurrence rate was 3.2%, and the cancer death rate was 0.6% after a median follow-up period of 40.1 months with no statistically significant difference across surgical approaches. Offering fertility-sparing surgery in early-stage cervical cancer is reasonable. Highest clinical pregnancy rate is associated with vaginal radical trachelectomy. Moreover oncologic outcomes of minimally invasive approaches were comparable with abdominal approaches. We encourage detailed preoperative counseling and multidisciplinary approach to achieve best outcomes.
PMID: 36482657
ISSN: 1309-0399
CID: 5383172

Robotic Repair of Complicated Vesico-[utero]/Cervicovaginal Fistula after Cesarean Section

Wang, Pengfei; Mesbah, Michael; Lazarou, George; Wells, Mathew; Nezhat, Farr R
STUDY OBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE:To demonstrate intra- and postoperative steps in a successful management of a complicated vesico-[utero]/cervicovaginal fistula. DESIGN/METHODS:Stepwise demonstration of the technique with narrated video footage. SETTING/METHODS:A urogenital fistula in developed countries mostly occurs after gynecologic surgeries but rarely from obstetric complications. The main treatment of a urogenital fistula is either transvaginal or transabdominal surgical repair. We present a case of a 36-year-old woman, gravida 3 para 3-0-0-3, who developed a complicated large vesico-[utero]/cervicovaginal fistula after an emergent repeat cesarean section. Robotic repair was performed 2 months after the injury using the modified O'Connor method. Blood loss was minimal, and the patient was discharged from the hospital 1 day postoperatively. Follow-up showed complete healing of the fistula with no urine leakage, frequency of urination, or dyspareunia. The patient resumed normal bladder function and menstrual period up to 4 months after the repair procedure. INTERVENTIONS/METHODS:The basic surgical principle of urogenital fistula repair is demonstrated: (1) development of vesicovaginal spaces by dissection of the bladder from the uterus and the vagina, (2) meticulous hemostasis, (3) adequate freshened of the fistula edges, (4) tension-free and watertight closure of the bladder. We also demonstrate some other techniques that have developed though our own practice: (1) facilitating bladder distention by temporarily blocking the fistula, (2) placement of a ureteral catheter to protect the ureters, (3) interposition with omental flap, (4) single layer through and through closure of a cystotomy with 2-0 V-Loc suture (Covidien, Irvington, NJ). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Complicated urogenital fistulas may be repaired successfully using minimally invasive surgery using robotic assistance, enabling less blood loss, faster recovery, shorter hospital stay, and fewer complications, etc.
PMID: 32882409
ISSN: 1553-4669
CID: 4614642

Conservative management of stage IIB ovarian carcinoma with favorable oncology and fertility outcomes [Case Report]

Bartalot, Ashley; White, Michael; Pejovict, Tanja; Tortoriello, Drew; Nezhat, Farr R
•Fertility treatment prior to definitive cancer therapy in stage IIB EOC.•Both fertility and oncologic outcomes were successful.•The role of Multidisciplinary team is critical.
PMID: 33521219
ISSN: 2352-5789
CID: 4771772

Combined Medical and Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical Approach to the Treatment and Repair of Cesarean Scar Pregnancies [Case Report]

Hoffmann, Eva; Vahanian, Sevan; Martinelli, Vanessa T; Chavez, Martin; Mesbah, Michael; Nezhat, Farr R
Background and Objectives/UNASSIGNED:The rise in cesarean deliveries, has led to increase in maternal complications in subsequent pregnancies such as abnormal placental implantation, uterine rupture, hemorrhage and, less commonly, cesarean scar pregnancies (CSP). Our objective was to describe patient characteristics following a combined medical and surgical treatment approach to first trimester cesarean scar pregnancies. Methods/UNASSIGNED:This was a case series approved by the Institutional Review Board of cesarean scar pregnancies over a two-year period at a single academic institution. The study included five patients with diagnosed cesarean scar pregnancies opting for pregnancy termination with the desire for fertility preservation. Medical treatment involved intra-gestational sac injection of lidocaine followed by systemic injection of methotrexate. At a minimum of two months later, surgical resection of cesarean scar pregnancy and repair of the uterus was performed. Results/UNASSIGNED:Median patient age was 36 (range 34 - 42) years, with 4 (3 - 10) prior pregnancies and 2 (1 - 3) prior cesarean deliveries. 40% (2/5) were Hispanic, 20% (1/5) Caucasian, 20% (1/5) African-American, and 20% (1/5) South Asian. After medical intervention, patients waited on average 4.6 ± 2.3 months before surgery. No post-intervention complications or recurrences occurred. Two patients had a subsequent pregnancy. Conclusion/UNASSIGNED:This case series demonstrates an ideal management of cesarean scar pregnancy using combined medical and surgical approach in treating current ectopic pregnancy and repairing the uterine defect successfully without recurrence.
PMID: 34456552
ISSN: 1938-3797
CID: 5011242

Fallopian tube endometriosis in women undergoing operative video laparoscopy and its clinical implications

McGuinness, Bailey; Nezhat, Farr; Ursillo, Lauren; Akerman, Meredith; Vintzileos, William; White, Michael
OBJECTIVE:To determine the incidence of fallopian tube endometriosis in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery with a preoperative diagnosis of endometriosis, pelvic pain, infertility, or cystic adnexal mass. DESIGN/METHODS:Retrospective cross-sectional study. SETTING/METHODS:Gynecologic oncology and minimally invasive surgery practice. PATIENT(S)/METHODS:All patients who underwent surgery for endometriosis from July 2015 to June 2018 were included. Exclusion criteria were age ≥55 years, diagnosis of cancer, laparotomy, previous bilateral salpingectomy, and preoperative diagnosis other than endometriosis, pelvic pain, infertility, or cystic adnexal mass. INTERVENTION(S)/METHODS:Subjects were divided by those who did and those who did not have a salpingectomy at the time of surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S)/METHODS:Diagnosis of tubal endometriosis was based on macroscopic evidence of endometrial implants on the fallopian tube(s) noted within the operative report and microscopic evidence of endometriosis noted within the pathology report. RESULT(S)/RESULTS:A total of 444 surgeries were performed and 185 met the study criteria. Among those, 153 (82.7%) had histologically diagnosed endometriosis within the abdominopelvic cavity. The incidence of tubal endometriosis was 11%-12% macroscopically and 42.5% microscopically after salpingectomy. Patients with tubal endometriosis were more likely to have severe disease. CONCLUSION(S)/CONCLUSIONS:Among patients with endometriosis, the incidence of microscopic tubal endometriosis was significantly greater than that of macroscopic disease.
PMID: 32826047
ISSN: 1556-5653
CID: 4615102

Regarding "Dual Compartment Surgery for Pulmonary Endometriosis" [Comment]

Roman, Robert A; Asiaii, Atena; Rambhatla, Anupama; White, Michael; Nezhat, Farr
PMID: 32526382
ISSN: 1553-4669
CID: 5020642

Broad ligament Extraintestinal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (EGIST): Case report and brief overview of EGIST [Case Report]

Nezhat, Farr R; Zavala Retes, Benjamin; White, Michael P; Donovan, Virginia; Pejovic, Tanja
•Highly suspicious pelvic mass may require preoperative biopsy for diagnosis.•Neoadjuvant imatinib lowers EGIST tumor burden in extensive disease preoperatively.•EGIST resection aims at complete surgical resection and negative margins.•This case was managed with complete surgical resection and adjuvant imatinib.•Prognostic factors in EGIST are size, mitosis, location and genetic mutations.
PMID: 32885016
ISSN: 2352-5789
CID: 4629762

Reproductive and oncologic outcomes after fertility-sparing surgery for early stage cervical cancer: a systematic review

Nezhat, Camran; Roman, Robert A; Rambhatla, Anupama; Nezhat, Farr
This review sought to evaluate the current literature on reproductive and oncologic outcomes after fertility-sparing surgery for early stage cervical cancer (stage IA1-IB1) including cold-knife conization/simple trachelectomy, vaginal radical trachelectomy, abdominal radical trachelectomy, and laparoscopic radical trachelectomy with or without robotic assistance. A systematic review using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) checklist to evaluate the current literature on fertility-sparing surgery for early stage cervical cancer and its subsequent clinical pregnancy rate, reproductive outcomes, and cancer recurrence was performed. Sixty-five studies were included encompassing 3,044 patients who underwent fertility-sparing surgery, including 1,047 pregnancies with reported reproductive outcomes. The mean clinical pregnancy rate of patients trying to conceive was 55.4%, with the highest clinical pregnancy rate after vaginal radical trachelectomy (67.5%). The mean live-birth rate was 67.9% in our study. Twenty percent of pregnancies after fertility-sparing surgery required assisted reproductive technology. The mean cancer recurrence rate was 3.2%, and the cancer death rate was 0.6% after a median follow-up period of 39.7 months with no statistically significant difference across surgical approaches. Fertility-sparing surgery is a reasonable alternative to traditional radical hysterectomy for early-stage cervical cancer in women desiring fertility preservation. Vaginal radical trachelectomy had the highest clinical pregnancy rate, and minimally invasive approaches to fertility-sparing surgery had equivalent oncologic outcomes compared with an abdominal approach. The results of our study allow for appropriate patient counseling preoperatively and highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best outcomes for each patient.
PMID: 32228873
ISSN: 1556-5653
CID: 5020622