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Transradial Catheterization in the Prone Position: A Technique that Simplifies Complex Post-procedural Renal Intervention for Patients Undergoing Renal Angiography for Nephrostomy-Related Hemorrhage [Letter]
Yeisley, Christopher D; Holuka, Jonathan T; Voutsinas, Nicholas; Noor, Amir
PMID: 37550586
ISSN: 1432-086x
CID: 5619042
Interventional Radiology and Pregnancy: From Conception through Delivery and Beyond
Moirano, Joseph; Khoury, Joe; Yeisley, Christopher; Noor, Amir; Voutsinas, Nicholas
Interventional radiology (IR) plays a unique and often invaluable role in the care of pregnant patients. Special considerations regarding radiation exposure and medication choice must be taken into account when evaluating a pregnant patient for an interventional procedure. In addition, the physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy can pose special challenges for an interventionalist when treating this patient population and should be appropriately recognized. Still, the majority of standard IR procedures can be safely performed in the pregnant population, often with additional precautions and proper patient education about the risks, benefits, and alternatives. In many cases, interventional radiologists can provide lifesaving and fertility-preserving alternatives to more invasive surgical intervention. The authors summarize radiation exposure effects and guidelines and medication choice during pregnancy. The physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy are discussed, with specific interest in the pathologic consequences that can be treated with IR. The authors also describe a wide variety of minimally invasive image-guided procedures offered by IR in pregnant, peripartum, or postpartum patients. The areas where IR can help in the treatment of pregnant patients include venous access, biopsies, genitourinary and biliary interventions, venous thromboembolism treatments, ectopic pregnancy management, aneurysm intervention, and management of trauma patients. IR is also involved in management during the peripartum or postpartum periods, with roles in treatment of invasive placenta spectrum, postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery, and postcesarean delivery complications. ©RSNA, 2023 Supplemental material is available for this article. Quiz questions for this article are available through the Online Learning Center.
PMID: 37440450
ISSN: 1527-1323
CID: 5535232
Transarterial Chemoembolization and Radioembolization across Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Stages
Titano, Joseph; Noor, Amir; Kim, Edward
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is a well-established treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). TACE has a clearly delineated role within the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging framework, and TACE has been shown to bridge patients to transplantation and to downsize patients' tumor burden to meet transplantation criteria. Radioembolization (RE) also has an evolving role in the treatment of HCC. RE has evidence-based applications across the range of BCLC stages ranging from segmentectomy for patients with solitary lesions not amenable to ablation to lobar therapy for patients with multifocal HCC, and to treatment of advanced disease with portal vein thrombosis. This article aims to elucidate the evidence behind these therapies and to provide a rationale for their utilization across the spectrum of BCLC stages in the treatment of HCC.
PMID: 28579678
ISSN: 0739-9529
CID: 5194972
Prostate Artery Embolization as a New Treatment for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: Contemporary Status in 2016
Noor, Amir; Fischman, Aaron M
The gold standard treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or open prostatectomy (OP). Recently, there has been increased interest and research in less invasive alternative treatments with less morbidity including prostate artery embolization (PAE). Several studies have shown PAE to be an effective alternative to TURP to treat lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with BPH with decreased morbidity. Specifically, PAE has been advantageous in selected patient populations such as those with prostates too large for TURP or unsuitable surgical candidates, showing a promising potential for the future care of patients with BPH. Further studies are being done to demonstrate the clinical applications and advantages of this therapy in reduction of LUTS.
PMID: 27146488
ISSN: 1534-6285
CID: 5194962
Percutaneous Mesocaval Shunt Creation in a Patient with Chronic Portal and Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis [Case Report]
Bercu, Zachary L; Sheth, Sachin B; Noor, Amir; Lookstein, Robert A; Fischman, Aaron M; Nowakowski, F Scott; Kim, Edward; Patel, Rahul S
The creation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is a critical procedure for the treatment of recurrent variceal bleeding and refractory ascites in the setting of portal hypertension. Chronic portal vein thrombosis remains a relative contraindication to conventional TIPS and options are limited in this scenario. Presented is a novel technique for management of refractory ascites in a patient with hepatitis C cirrhosis and chronic portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis secondary to schistosomiasis and lupus anticoagulant utilizing fluoroscopically guided percutaneous mesocaval shunt creation.
PMID: 25189666
ISSN: 1432-086x
CID: 5194952
Radiologic techniques and effectiveness of angiography to diagnose and treat acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Sudheendra, Deepak; Venbrux, Anthony C; Noor, Amir; Chun, Albert K; Sarin, Shawn N; Akman, Andrew S; Jackson, Emily K
The use of catheter-based techniques to treat upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage has evolved considerably over the past few decades. At present, the state-of-the-art interventional suites provide optimal imaging. Coupled with advanced catheter technology, the two may be used to manage and treat the patient with acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. This article summarizes these techniques and, when possible, compares them with other methods such as surgery and endoscopy. The specific role of transcatheter embolotherapy is highlighted, alongside an additional discussion on pharmacologic infusion of vasopressin.
PMID: 21944419
ISSN: 1558-1950
CID: 5194942
Use of low-dose heparin with bivalirudin for ad-hoc transradial coronary interventions: experience from a single center
Singh, Avneet; Edasery, David; Noor, Amir; Bhasin, Nalina; Kaplan, Barry; Jauhar, Rajiv
BACKGROUND:The majority of coronary angioplasty is done via the femoral artery, with vascular complications being a major adverse event. Bivalirudin has been shown to reduce bleeding complication and improve outcomes. The use of bivalirudin in radial interventions has largely been limited due to the routine use of heparin for the diagnostic procedure. In current practice there is a concern with using the traditional 5,000 Units of heparin during radial sheath insertion and administration of bivalirudin when proceeding to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We describe outcome analysis of the use of low-dose heparin (2,500 Units) with bivalirudin in patients who underwent PCI comparing the adverse outcomes related to bleeding and radial artery occlusion. METHODS:The study was an institutional review board-approved retrospective analysis of patients who underwent coronary intervention using the radial approach and the use of bivalirudin over 9-month period. Patients on heparin/low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), acute myocardial infarction or allergy to bivalirudin were excluded from the study. RESULTS:We evaluated 155 patients in the radial and 100 patients in the femoral group. The mean age of the population was 63 ± 11 years (males 68%, weight 88 ± 18 kg) and 66 ± 12 years (males 56%, weight 82 ± 16 kg) in the radial and femoral groups, respectively. Ninety-two percent of the radial and 98% of the femoral cases were elective. The vessels intervened upon were similar in the two groups (left main: 0.65% vs. 2%, left anterior descending artery: 39% vs. 38%, diagonal: 3.8% vs.7%, left circumflex: 16% vs. 21%, obtuse marginal: 7 vs. 11%, right coronary artery: 30% vs.31%, grafts: 1% vs. 5%, in the radial and femoral groups, respectively; p > 0.05). The mean activated clotting time at the end of infusion was 376 ± 47 seconds in the radial and 331 ± 18 seconds in the femoral group. There was only 1 case of documented radial artery occlusion that resolved with 2 weeks of LMWH. Six patients in the radial group and 5 in the femoral group reported minor bruising. There were no reported events related to any major bleeding or transfusions. CONCLUSIONS:Bivalirudin in combination with low-dose heparin (2,500 Units) is safe to use in patients undergoing radial angioplasty with similar event rates to the femoral approach.
PMID: 21364238
ISSN: 1557-2501
CID: 5194932