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Capturing total steroid burden in patients with atopic dermatitis and asthma
Fonacier, Luz; Banta, Erin; Mawhirt, Stephanie; Noor, Irum; Feldman, Eleanor; Armstrong Martin, Robert; Akerman, Meredith; Sani, Sonam
PMID: 36065113
ISSN: 1539-6304
CID: 5332372
Utility of an EMR-Tool to Monitor Total Steroid Burden in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis and Asthma [Meeting Abstract]
Sani, S; Banta, E; Mawhirt, S; Noor, I; Schneider, A; Nassau, S; Feldman, E; Fonacier, L
Rationale: Cutaneous, inhaled, intranasal and systemic corticosteroids(CS) are commonly prescribed for the treatment of atopic dermatitis(AD), asthma, and allergic rhinitis. The cumulative burden of these steroids in individual patients are not routinely assessed by providers and can lead to adverse effects. We sought to use an EMR-tool to increase documentation of the total steroid burden(SB) in our patients with atopic dermatitis and asthma.
Method(s): A SB EMR-tool was used for 99 AD encounters and 64 asthma encounters over an 18-month period. Data collected included corticosteroid type, potency, frequency, side effects, interventions and counseling.
Result(s): There were 99 AD encounters assessed in 58 patients(53% female, mean age of 31). Of these 99 encounters using topical corticosteroids(TCS), 24 were using inhaled CS; 12 using intranasal CS and 8 using systemic CS. The most common side effects encountered while on TCS included: pigment changes(n=20), skin atrophy(n=11), easy bruising(n=7), telangiectasias(n=6), striae(n=6), rosacea(n=3), and hair growth(n=2). Twenty-eight encounters(28%) had an intervention: 10 decreased dose, 3 decreased potency and 15 discontinued TCS. 85 encounters(86%) documented patient counseling. There were 64 asthma encounters assessed in 49 patients(63% female, mean age of 56). Of these 64 encounters using inhaled CS, 27 were using intranasal CS and 18 using systemic CS. The most common side effects encountered while using inhaled CS included: candidiasis(n=6) and hoarseness(n=1). Four encounters(6.25%) had an intervention: 3 decreased dose, 1 discontinuation. 62 encounters(97%) documented patient counseling.
Conclusion(s): Using our EMR-tool facilitates the identification and tracking of total SB in patients, associated side effects and leads to meaningful intervention.
ISSN: 1097-6825
CID: 4315122
Contact dermatitis and patch testing for the allergist
Fonacier, Luz; Noor, Irum
OBJECTIVE:To review of contact dermatitis (CD) and its key allergens and provide updates and recommendations for the practicing allergist. DATA SOURCES/METHODS:Through the use of various scientific search engines (eg, PubMed and MEDLINE), we reviewed literature on CD, patch tests (PTs), key allergens, occupational dermatitis, and treatment. STUDY SELECTIONS/METHODS:Studies on CD, important allergens, and PTs were considered. RESULTS:Contact-induced dermatitis may be due to allergic CD, irritant CD, systemic CD, contact urticaria, and protein CD. Key allergens include metals (nickel, gold), topical medicaments (topical corticosteroids), and cosmetics and personal care products (fragrances and preservatives such as methyl- and methylchloro-isothiazolinone). Present relevance of a positive PT result is the combination of definite, probable, and possible relevance and should be correlated with the patient's history and physical examination. Treatment of allergic CD includes identification of relevant allergens, patient education, avoidance, and provision of alternative products the patient can use. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:CD is a common inflammatory skin disease and should be suspected in patients presenting with acute, subacute, or chronic dermatitis. The gold standard for diagnosing allergic CD is a PT. This article provides practical recommendations for the diagnosis and management of CD commonly seen by the allergist in their practice.
PMID: 29522811
ISSN: 1534-4436
CID: 3431882