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The Evolution of Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction: Innovations, Trends, and Future Directions

Amro, Chris; Sorenson, Thomas J; Boyd, Carter J; Hemal, Kshipra; Vernice, Nicholas A; Park, Jenn J; Cohen, Oriana D; Choi, Mihye; Karp, Nolan S
PMID: 39685866
ISSN: 2077-0383
CID: 5764282

Combined Whole Eye and Face Transplant: Microsurgical Strategy and 1-Year Clinical Course

Ceradini, Daniel J; Tran, David L; Dedania, Vaidehi S; Gelb, Bruce E; Cohen, Oriana D; Flores, Roberto L; Levine, Jamie P; Saadeh, Pierre B; Staffenberg, David A; Ben Youss, Zakia; Filipiak, Patryk; Baete, Steven H; Rodriguez, Eduardo D
IMPORTANCE/UNASSIGNED:Catastrophic facial injury with globe loss remains a formidable clinical problem with no previous reports of reconstruction by whole eye or combined whole eye and facial transplant. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To develop a microsurgical strategy for combined whole eye and facial transplant and describe the clinical findings during the first year following transplant. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANT/UNASSIGNED:A 46-year-old man who sustained a high-voltage electrical injury with catastrophic tissue loss to his face and left globe underwent combined whole eye and face transplant using personalized surgical devices and a novel microsurgical strategy at a specialized center for vascularized composite allotransplantation. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES/UNASSIGNED:Reperfusion and viability of the whole eye and facial allografts, retinal function, and incidence of acute rejection. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:The patient underwent a combined whole eye and face transplant from an immunologically compatible donor with primary optic nerve coaptation and conventional postoperative immunosuppression. Globe and retinal perfusion were maintained throughout the immediate postoperative period, evidenced by fluorescein angiography. Optical coherence tomography demonstrated atrophy of inner retinal layers and attenuation and disruption of the ellipsoid zone. Serial electroretinography confirmed retinal responses to light in the transplanted eye. Using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, the integrity of the transplanted visual pathways and potential occipital cortical response to light stimulation of the transplanted eye was demonstrated. At 1 year post transplant (postoperative day 366), there was no perception of light in the transplanted eye. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:This is the first report of whole eye transplant combined with facial transplant, demonstrating allograft survival including rejection-free graft survival and electroretinographic measurements indicating retinal response to light stimuli. These data highlight the potential for clinical allotransplantation for globe loss.
PMID: 39250113
ISSN: 1538-3598
CID: 5690002

Minimizing Nipple-Areolar Complex Complications in Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

Perez-Otero, Sofia; Hemal, Kshipra; Boyd, Carter J; Kabir, Raeesa; Sorenson, Thomas J; Jacobson, Alexis; Thanik, Vishal D; Levine, Jamie P; Cohen, Oriana D; Karp, Nolan S; Choi, Mihye
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Nipple-areolar complex (NAC) viability remains a significant concern following prepectoral tissue expander (TE) reconstruction after nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM). This study assesses the impact of intraoperative TE fill on NAC necrosis and identifies strategies for mitigating this risk. METHODS:A chart review of all consecutive, prepectoral TEs placed immediately after NSM was performed between March 2017 and December 2022 at a single center. Demographics, mastectomy weight, intraoperative TE fill, and complications were extracted for all patients. Partial NAC necrosis was defined as any thickness of skin loss including part of the NAC, whereas total NAC necrosis was defined as full-thickness skin loss involving the entirety of the NAC. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS:Forty-six patients (83 breasts) with an average follow-up of 22 months were included. Women were on average 46 years old, nonsmoker (98%), and nondiabetic (100%) and had a body mass index of 23 kg/m2. All reconstructions were performed immediately following prophylactic mastectomies in 49% and therapeutic mastectomies in 51% of cases. Three breasts (4%) were radiated, and 15 patients (33%) received chemotherapy. Mean mastectomy weight was 346 ± 274 g, median intraoperative TE fill was 150 ± 225 mL, and median final TE fill was 350 ± 170 mL. Partial NAC necrosis occurred in 7 breasts (8%), and there were zero instances of complete NAC necrosis. On univariate analysis, partial NAC necrosis was not associated with any patient demographic or operative characteristics, including intraoperative TE fill. In multivariable models controlling for age, body mass index, mastectomy weight, prior breast surgery, and intraoperative TE fill, partial NAC necrosis was associated with lower body mass index (odds ratio, 0.53; confidence interval [CI], 0.29-0.98; P < 0.05) and higher mastectomy weight (odds ratio, 1.1; CI, 1.01-1.20; P < 0.05). Prior breast surgery approached significance, as those breasts had a 19.4 times higher odds of partial NAC necrosis (95% CI, 0.88-427.6; P = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS:Nipple-areolar complex necrosis following prepectoral TE reconstruction is a rare but serious complication. In this study of 83 breasts, 7 (8%) developed partial NAC necrosis, and all but one were able to be salvaged.
PMID: 38556670
ISSN: 1536-3708
CID: 5728922

The Evolving Plastic Surgery Applicant: How Far Have We Come in 30 Years?

Hemal, Kshipra; Perez-Otero, Sofia; Boyd, Carter J; Weichman, Katie E; Cohen, Oriana D; Thanik, Vishal D; Ceradini, Daniel J
BACKGROUND:Plastic surgery training has undergone tremendous change and transitioned through many models over the years, including independent, combined, and integrated. This study evaluates how these changes and others have affected plastic surgery applicants' demographics and academic qualifications over the last 30 years. METHODS:Data on applicant demographics and academic qualifications were extracted from multiple sources including the National Resident Matching Program, the American Association of Medical Colleges, and cross-sectional surveys of plastic surgery applicants for the years 1992, 2005, 2011, and 2022. Data were compared using pairwise χ2 goodness of fit tests. RESULTS:The sex distribution of plastic surgery applicants changed significantly over the last 30 years: whereas men predominated in 1992 (86% male vs 14% female), by 2011, the distribution was nearly equal (54% male vs 46% female in both 2011 and 2022, P < 0.001).The racial makeup of applicants also changed over time (P < 0.05). White applicants decreased from 73% in 1992 to 55% in 2011, and 53% in 2022. While there was an increase in Asian (7% to > 17% to > 20%) and other (13% to > 14% to > 21%) applicants over time, whereas the proportion of Black applicants remained stagnant (5% to > 6% to > 8%).Applicants with prior general surgery experience declined precipitously over the years: 96% in 1992, 64% in 2005, 37% in 2011, and 26% in 2022 (P < 0.001). When compared with 1992, Alpha Omega Alpha status increased significantly in 2011 (36% vs 12%, P < 0.05) but did not change considerably in 2005 (22%) and 2022 (23%). Research experience increased dramatically over the years, with the proportion of applicants with at least one publication going from 43% in 1992, to 75% in 2005, to 89% in 2011, and to 99% in 2022 (P < 0.001). Applicant interest in academic plastic surgery did not change considerably over the years at roughly ranging from 30% to 50% of applicants (P = ns). CONCLUSIONS:There has been a shift in the demographics and academic qualifications of plastic surgery applicants over the last 3 decades. Understanding this evolution is critical for reviewing and evaluating the makeup of our specialty, and enacting changes to increase representation where necessary.
PMID: 38556682
ISSN: 1536-3708
CID: 5728942

Free Fibula Flap for the Treatment of Agnathia in a 10-Year-Old With Severe Agnathia-Otocephaly Complex

Cohen, Oriana; Morrison, Kerry A; Jacobson, Adam; Levine, Jamie; Staffenberg, David A
Agnathia-otocephaly complex (AOC), a first branchial arch defect, is characterized by mandibular hypoplasia or aplasia, ear abnormalities, microstomia, and macroglossia and is a rare and often fatal diagnosis. Herein, the technical considerations and details of mandibular reconstruction using virtual surgical planning (VSP) and a vascularized free fibula flap for further mandibular reconstruction in a 10-year-old boy are presented. The patient's preoperative examination was consistent with agnathia (absence of mandibular symphysis, bilateral mandibular bodies, condyles, coronoids, rami, and temporomandibular joint), severe microstomia, and a Tessier # 30 cleft (maintained to allow oral access until later in treatment). Virtual surgical planning was utilized to plan a 3-segment fibula for the reconstruction of the mandibular symphysis and bilateral body segments, and bilateral costochondral grafts were planned for the rami. To the authors' knowledge, this represents the first application of virtual surgical planning for mandibular reconstruction with a vascularized free fibula flap in a pediatric patient with severe agnathia-otocephaly complex.
PMID: 36217223
ISSN: 1536-3732
CID: 5360872

The First Successful Combined Full Face and Bilateral Hand Transplant

Ramly, Elie P; Alfonso, Allyson R; Berman, Zoe P; Diep, Gustave K; Bass, Jonathan L; Catalano, Louis W; Ceradini, Daniel J; Choi, Mihye; Cohen, Oriana D; Flores, Roberto L; Golas, Alyssa R; Hacquebord, Jacques H; Levine, Jamie P; Saadeh, Pierre B; Sharma, Sheel; Staffenberg, David A; Thanik, Vishal D; Rojas, Allison; Bernstein, G Leslie; Gelb, Bruce E; Rodriguez, Eduardo D
BACKGROUND:Vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA) has redefined the frontiers of plastic and reconstructive surgery. At the cutting edge of this evolving paradigm, we present the first successful combined full face and bilateral hand transplant (FT-BHT). METHODS:A 21-year-old man with sequelae of an 80% total body surface area burn injury sustained following a motor vehicle accident presented for evaluation. The injury included full face and bilateral upper extremity composite tissue defects, resulting in reduced quality of life and loss of independence. Multidisciplinary evaluation confirmed eligibility for combined FT-BHT. The operative approach was validated through 11 cadaveric rehearsals utilizing computerized surgical planning. Institutional review board and organ procurement organization approvals were obtained. The recipient, his caregiver, and the donor family consented to the procedure. RESULTS:Combined full face (eyelids, ears, nose, lips, and skeletal subunits) and bilateral hand transplantation (forearm level) was performed over 23 hours on August 12-13th, 2020. Triple induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and infection prophylaxis were administered. Plasmapheresis was necessary postoperatively. Minor revisions were performed over seven subsequent operations, including five left upper extremity, seven right upper extremity, and seven facial secondary procedures. At eight months, the patient is approaching functional independence and remains free of acute rejection. He has significantly improved range of motion, motor power, and sensation of the face and hand allografts. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Combined FT-BHT is feasible. This is the most comprehensive VCA procedure successfully performed to date, marking a new milestone in plastic and reconstructive surgery for patients with otherwise irremediable injuries.
PMID: 35674521
ISSN: 1529-4242
CID: 5248392

Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation and Immunobiology: The Next Frontier

Jacoby, Adam; Cohen, Oriana; Gelb, Bruce E; Ceradini, Daniel J; Rodriguez, Eduardo D
PMID: 34019530
ISSN: 1529-4242
CID: 4877742

Robotic-Assisted Vaginectomy during Staged Gender-Affirming Penile Reconstruction Surgery: Technique and Outcomes

Jun, Min Suk; Shakir, Nabeel Ahmad; Blasdel, Gaines; Cohen, Oriana; Bluebond-Langner, Rachel; Levine, Jamie P; Zhao, Lee C
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To report our novel technique and mid-term follow up for robotic-assisted laparoscopic vaginectomy (RALV), a component procedure of staged gender-affirming penile reconstructive surgery (GAPRS). METHODS:The records of patients seeking GAPRS who underwent RALV, performed by a single surgeon at our institution, between May 2016 and January 2020 were reviewed retrospectively for demographic and perioperative data. Patients were included irrespective of history of previous phalloplasty. A subset of these patients elected to have urethral lengthening during second stage phalloplasty for which an anterior vaginal mucosa flap urethroplasty was performed. Postoperative complications and outcomes and most recent follow-up were obtained. RESULTS:A total of 42 patients were reviewed, of whom 19 (45%) patients ultimately had radial forearm free flap, 15 (41%) had anterolateral thigh flap, 5 (12%) had metoidioplasty, and 1 (2.4%) had abdominal phalloplasty. A vaginal mucosa and gracilis flap was used in all of 36 (86%) patients in whom a pars fixa was created. Average operative time was 299 minutes (range 153-506). Median estimated blood loss was 200 ml (range 100-400). Median length of stay was 3 days (range 1-7). Complications within 30 days from surgery occurred in 15 patients (36%), of whom 12/15 were Clavien-Dindo grade 1 or 2, and 11/15 had complications unrelated to vaginectomy. Of the 4 patients who had vaginectomy-related complications, all resolved with conservative management. Median overall follow-up was 15.8 months. CONCLUSIONS:RALV offers a safe and efficient approach during staged gender-affirming penile reconstruction and may mitigate the subsequent risk of urethral complications.
PMID: 33493507
ISSN: 1527-9995
CID: 4767002

Surgical Outcomes Following Gender Affirming Penile Reconstruction: Patient-Reported Outcomes From a Multi-Center, International Survey of 129 Transmasculine Patients

Robinson, Isabel S; Blasdel, Gaines; Cohen, Oriana; Zhao, Lee C; Bluebond-Langner, Rachel
BACKGROUND:Current literature on surgical outcomes after gender affirming genital surgery is limited by small sample sizes from single-center studies. AIM:To use a community-based participatory research model to survey a large, heterogeneous cohort of transmasculine patients on phalloplasty and metoidioplasty outcomes. METHODS:A peer-informed survey of transmasculine peoples' experience was constructed and administered between January and April 2020. Data collected included demographics, genital surgery history, pre- and postoperative genital sensation and function, and genital self-image. OUTCOMES:Of the 1,212 patients completing the survey, 129 patients underwent genital reconstruction surgery. Seventy-nine patients (61 percent) underwent phalloplasty only, 32 patients (25 percent) underwent metoidioplasty only, and 18 patients (14 percent) underwent metoidioplasty followed by phalloplasty. RESULTS:Patients reported 281 complications requiring 142 revisions. The most common complications were urethrocutaneous fistula (n = 51, 40 percent), urethral stricture (n = 41, 32 percent), and worsened mental health (n = 25, 19 percent). The average erect neophallus after phalloplasty was 14.1 cm long vs 5.5 cm after metoidioplasty (P < .00001). Metoidioplasty patients report 4.8 out of 5 erogenous sensation, compared to 3.4 out of 5 for phalloplasty patients (P < .00001). Patients who underwent clitoris burial in addition to primary phalloplasty did not report change in erogenous sensation relative to primary phalloplasty patients without clitoris burial (P = .105). The average postoperative patient genital self-image score was 20.29 compared with 13.04 for preoperative patients (P < .00001) and 21.97 for a historical control of cisgender men (P = .0004). CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS:These results support anecdotal reports that complication rates following gender affirming genital reconstruction are higher than are commonly reported in the surgical literature. Patients undergoing clitoris burial in addition to primary phalloplasty did not report a change in erogenous sensation relative to those patients not undergoing clitoris burial. Postoperative patients report improved genital self-image relative to their preoperative counterparts, although self-image scores remain lower than cisgender males. STRENGTHS & LIMITATIONS:These results are unique in that they are sourced from a large, heterogeneous group of transgender patients spanning 3 continents and dozens of surgical centers. The design of this study, following a community-based participatory research model, emphasizes patient-reported outcomes with focus on results most important to patients. Limitations include the recall and selection bias inherent to online surveys, and the inability to verify clinical data reported through the web-based questionnaire. CONCLUSION:Complication rates, including urethral compromise and worsened mental health, remain high for gender affirming penile reconstruction. Robinson IS, Blasdel G, Cohen O, et al. Surgical Outcomes Following Gender Affirming Penile Reconstruction: Patient-Reported Outcomes From a Multi-Center, International Survey of 129 Transmasculine Patients. J Sex Med 2021;18:800-811.
PMID: 33663938
ISSN: 1743-6109
CID: 4875212

Review of Flap Monitoring Technology in 2020

Jacobson, Adam; Cohen, Oriana
Advances in free flap reconstruction of complex head and neck defects have allowed for improved outcomes in the management of head and neck cancer. Technical refinements have decreased flap loss rate to less than 4%. However, the potential for flap failure exists at multiple levels, ranging from flap harvest and inset to pedicle lay and postoperative patient and positioning factors. While conventional methods of free flap monitoring (reliant on physical examination) remain the most frequently used, additional adjunctive methods have been developed. Herein we describe the various modalities of both invasive and noninvasive free flap monitoring available to date. Still, further prospective studies are needed to compare the various invasive and noninvasive technologies and to propel innovations to support the early recognition of vascular compromise with the goal of even greater rates of flap salvage.
PMID: 33368128
ISSN: 1098-8793
CID: 4764782