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Level 1 milestone assessment of first year em resident airway skills [Meeting Abstract]
Gang, M; Wong, A H; Huang, K; Panzenbeck, A; Parisot, N; Naik, N; Chiang, W; Smith, S
Background: Airway management skills are an essential part of EM resident training. They are recognized as a key ACGME competency milestone. All EM trainees must achieve mastery in performing basic support of oxygenation and ventilation until a definitive airway can be secured. Junior residents frequently overlook these important fundamental skills. In our residency, no formalized program was in place to assess first year residents' airway skill retention or identify potential skill improvement and remediation. Objectives: The goal of our study is to demonstrate improvements in PGY1 residents' comfort with basic airway management skills using an immersive simulation-based curriculum. Methods: Residents participated in three high fidelity simulations. The scenarios required identification of risk factors for a difficult airway, demonstration of effective BVM skills, patient repositioning, and use of nasal trumpets, oral airways and PEEP valve if necessary. The cases included a patient with methadone overdose where naloxone was not yet available, a patient with pulmonary edema requiring ventilatory support, and a MVC patient requiring maintenance of C-spine immobilization during airway management. We utilized a survey-based design with pre- and post-session distribution assessing trainees' comfort with basic airway skills. The survey consisted of 5-point Likertscale questions, and we employed the paired Student t-test for data analysis. Results: A total of 13 PGY1 residents completed the one-on-one didactic session. All residents universally chose "strongly agree" when asked if the simulations were helpful. Instructors responded that the residents' airway techniques improved at the completion of the scenarios. The trainees reported significantly higher confidence in basic airway skills after training (mean score +1.13, p<0.005). During subsequent feedback, residents identified how cognitive stress impaired information retrieval, decision-making, and in some, fine motor skills. Adherence to an airway checklist mitigated these potential safety threats. Conclusion: An immersive simulation-based curriculum significantly improved PGY1 residents in their comfort level toward basic airway skills. As a secondary objective, program leadership was also able to assess and complete the level 1 ACGME milestones for airway skills for all PGY1 session attendees
ISSN: 1069-6563
CID: 1600532
Parisot, Nelly; Chiang, William K
PMID: 25529155
ISSN: 0196-0644
CID: 1424142
Update on emerging infections: news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Parisot, Nelly; Chiang, William K
PMID: 25671238
ISSN: 0196-0644
CID: 1459722
Prefrontal cortical inputs to the basal amygdala undergo pruning during late adolescence in the rat
Cressman, Victoria L; Balaban, Jordan; Steinfeld, Sara; Shemyakin, Alexei; Graham, Peter; Parisot, Nelly; Moore, Holly
Transformations in affective and social behaviors, many of which involve amygdalar circuits, are hallmarks of adolescence in many mammalian species. In this study, using the rat as a model, we provide the first evidence that afferents of the basal amygdala (BA) undergo significant structural remodeling during adolescence. We used quantitative tract-tracing and gene expression profiling methods to characterize changes in the medial prefrontal cortical (mPFC) inputs to the BA across ages analogous to the late juvenile period [postnatal day (P) 25], late adolescence (P45), and adulthood (P90) in the rat. As assessed after deposition of Fluorogold into the BA, the number of BA-projecting neurons in the mPFC remained stable between P25 and P45 but decreased by about 50% between P45 and P90. Anterograde tract tracing with biotin dextran amine deposits centered in the ventral prelimbic cortex revealed that, during this period, the density of mPFC-derived axon terminals in the BA also decrease significantly, an effect particularly evident in the dorsal basolateral nucleus. Within the BA, there were also highly significant changes in gene expression indicative of neurite or synaptic plasticity, most notably in the Ras/GTPase superfamily, and in pathways that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics and steroid synthesis/lipid metabolism. These data provide convergent evidence that mPFC inputs to the BA are pruned during late adolescence or early adulthood. Moreover, the structural remodeling within these afferents may be accompanied by significant changes in neurite plasticity within the BA
PMID: 20506471
ISSN: 1096-9861
CID: 125621