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Development of wellness programs during the COVID-19 pandemic response
Spray, Amanda M.; Patel, Nikhil A.; Sood, Ashvin; Wu, Stephanie X.; Simon, Naomi M.; Podbury, Rachel; Vasserman, Ariela; Caravella, Rachel A.; Silverman, Yona; Pochtar, Randi; Liaw, K. Ron Li; Ackerman, Marra G.
Health care workers are on the front lines of the recent pandemic, facing significant challenges to their physical and mental health. This article details the efforts undertaken by a health care system and two academically affiliated hospital systems to provide emotional support to their frontline staff. The multipronged approach describes coordinating efforts to decrease duplication of services and to increase centralization of information. This included enhancing pathways for faculty, staff, and trainees to obtain individual and group treatment and to have access to highquality self-help resources. Continuous feedback has been elicited to ensure that efforts are consistent with expressed needs and in turn services undergo modifications as needed. This article seeks to provide an overview of how one health system has thus far approached the important issue of staff support as well as the challenges experienced and lessons learned along the way.
ISSN: 0048-5713
CID: 4543512
Mothers' Tolerance of Own and Child Distress: Associations with Discipline Practices
Del Vecchio, Tamara; Pochtar, Randi; Jablonka, Olga
ISSN: 1529-5192
CID: 4439272
Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers. [Book Review]
Berry, Rebecca Rialon; Pochtar, Randi
ISSN: 1527-5418
CID: 1812622
The Impact of Children's Language Ability on Parent Cognitions and Harsh Discipline Practices
Del Vecchio, Tamara; Pochtar, Randi; Rhoades, Kimberly
This study examined associations between children's language ability and maternal cognitions about the intentionality and aversiveness of child behaviour, and mothers' reported harsh discipline responses to child misbehaviour. We tested associations with each type of cognition separately as well as in a single model to explore their unique associations. Participants included 69 mothers and their 18- to 37-month-old children. Mothers completed the Parenting Scale and were asked to rate the aversiveness and intentionality cognitions in response to eight common toddler problem behaviours. The Preschool Language Scale was administered to the children by an objective evaluator. A path analysis demonstrated that children's language ability was associated with maternal intentionality cognitions about their children's behaviour, which, in turn, was associated with mothers' harsh discipline. These findings highlight the importance of examining developmental markers of harsh parenting
ISSN: 1522-7227
CID: 1753142
A cross-cultural examination of preschool teacher cognitions and responses to child aggression
Pochtar, Randi; Del Vecchio, Tamara
The associations among preschool teachers' attributions about child responsibility, intentionality, knowledge, and the seriousness of hypothetical displays of children's aggressive behavior are examined in United States (N=82) and Vietnamese (N=91) preschool teachers. The results suggest cross-cultural differences as well as similarities in the relations among preschool teachers' cognitions, affect, and disapproval of physical aggression. Teachers' perceptions of the seriousness of and their negative affective responses to aggression, but not their beliefs about intent, predict teacher disapproval for both Vietnamese and US samples. Cross-cultural comparisons indicate in general US teachers express more negative attributions about, and Vietnamese teachers endorse more disapproval of, child aggression. Although the overall cognitive model is consistent across cultures, cross-cultural differences are found on teacher perception and responses to child aggression. It is important to consider such group differences in light of considerations to employ Western educational models or psychological interventions with individuals in non-Western countries.
ISSN: 1461-7374
CID: 1753152