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Multicomponent T2* mapping of knee cartilage: technical feasibility ex vivo
Qian, Yongxian; Williams, Ashley A; Chu, Constance R; Boada, Fernando E
Disorganization of collagen fibers is a sign of early-stage cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritic knees. Water molecules trapped within well-organized collagen fibrils would be sensitive to collagen alterations. Multicomponent effective transverse relaxation (T2*) mapping with ultrashort echo time acquisitions is here proposed to probe short T(2) relaxations in those trapped water molecules. Six human tibial plateau explants were scanned on a 3T MRI scanner using a home-developed ultrashort echo time sequence with echo times optimized via Monte Carlo simulations. Time constants and component intensities of T2* decays were calculated at individual pixels, using the nonnegative least squares algorithm. Four T2*-decay types were found: 99% of cartilage pixels having mono-, bi-, or nonexponential decay, and 1% showing triexponential decay. Short T2* was mainly in 1-6 ms, while long T2* was approximately 22 ms. A map of decay types presented spatial distribution of these T2* decays. These results showed the technical feasibility of multicomponent T2* mapping on human knee cartilage explants.
PMID: 20865752
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 175950
High-resolution spiral imaging on a whole-body 7T scanner with minimized image blurring
Qian, Yongxian; Zhao, Tiejun; Hue, Yik-Kiong; Ibrahim, Tamer S; Boada, Fernando E
High-resolution (approximately 0.22 mm) images are preferably acquired on whole-body 7T scanners to visualize minianatomic structures in human brain. They usually need long acquisition time ( approximately 12 min) in three-dimensional scans, even with both parallel imaging and partial Fourier samplings. The combined use of both fast imaging techniques, however, leads to occasionally visible undersampling artifacts. Spiral imaging has an advantage in acquisition efficiency over rectangular sampling, but its implementations are limited due to image blurring caused by a strong off-resonance effect at 7T. This study proposes a solution for minimizing image blurring while keeping spiral efficient. Image blurring at 7T was, first, quantitatively investigated using computer simulations and point-spread functions. A combined use of multishot spirals and ultrashort echo time acquisitions was then employed to minimize off-resonance-induced image blurring. Experiments on phantoms and healthy subjects were performed on a whole-body 7T scanner to show the performance of the proposed method. The three-dimensional brain images of human subjects were obtained at echo time = 1.18 ms, resolution = 0.22 mm (field of view = 220 mm, matrix size = 1024), and in-plane spiral shots = 128, using a home-developed ultrashort echo time sequence (acquisition-weighted stack of spirals). The total acquisition time for 60 partitions at pulse repetition time = 100 ms was 12.8 min without use of parallel imaging and partial Fourier sampling. The blurring in these spiral images was minimized to a level comparable to that in gradient-echo images with rectangular acquisitions, while the spiral acquisition efficiency was maintained at eight. These images showed that spiral imaging at 7T was feasible.
PMID: 20146226
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 175952
Parallel imaging with 3D TPI trajectory: SNR and acceleration benefits
Qian, Yongxian; Stenger, V Andrew; Boada, Fernando E
Three-dimensional (3D) twisted projection imaging (TPI) trajectory has a unique advantage in sodium ((23)Na) imaging on clinical MRI scanners at 1.5 or 3 T, generating a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with a short acquisition time (approximately 10 min). Parallel imaging with an array of coil elements transits SNR benefits from small coil elements to acquisition efficiency by sampling partial k-space. This study investigates the feasibility of parallel sodium imaging with emphases on SNR and acceleration benefits provided by the 3D TPI trajectory. Computer simulations were used to find available acceleration factors and noise amplification. Human head studies were performed on clinical 1.5/3-T scanners with four-element coil arrays to verify simulation outcomes. In in vivo studies, proton ((1)H) data, however, were acquired for concept-proof purpose. The sensitivity encoding (SENSE) method with the conjugate gradient algorithm was used to reconstruct images from accelerated TPI-SENSE data sets. Self-calibration was employed to estimate coil sensitivities. Noise amplification in TPI-SENSE was evaluated using multiple noise trials. It was found that the acceleration factor was as high as 5.53 (corresponding to acceleration number 2 x 3, ring-by-rotation), with a small image error of 6.9% when TPI projections were reduced in both polar (ring) and azimuthal (rotation) directions. The average noise amplification was as low as 98.7%, or 27% lower than Cartesian SENSE at that acceleration factor. The 3D nature of both TPI trajectory and coil sensitivities might be responsible for the high acceleration and low noise amplification. Consequently, TPI-SENSE may have potential advantages for parallel sodium imaging.
PMID: 19110392
ISSN: 0730-725x
CID: 175955
Acquisition-weighted stack of spirals for fast high-resolution three-dimensional ultra-short echo time MR imaging
Qian, Yongxian; Boada, Fernando E
Ultra-short echo time (UTE) MRI requires both short excitation ( approximately 0.5 ms) and short acquisition delay (<0.2 ms) to minimize T(2)-induced signal decay. These requirements currently lead to low acquisition efficiency when high resolution (<1 mm) is pursued. A novel pulse sequence, acquisition-weighted stack of spirals (AWSOS), is proposed here to acquire high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) UTE images with short scan time ( approximately 72 s). The AWSOS sequence uses variable-duration slice encoding to minimize T(2) decay, separates slice thickness from in-plane resolution to reduce the number of slice encodings, and uses spiral trajectories to accelerate in-plane data collections. T(2)- and off-resonance induced slice widening and image blurring were calculated from 1.5 to 7 Tesla (T) through point spread function. Computer simulations were performed to optimize spiral interleaves and readout times. Phantom scans and in vivo experiments on human heads were implemented on a clinical 1.5T scanner (G(max) = 40 mT/m, S(max) = 150 T/m/s). Accounting for the limits on B(1) maximum, specific absorption rate (SAR), and the lowered amplitude of slab-select gradient, a sinc radiofrequency (RF) pulse of 0.8ms duration and 1.5 cycles was found to produce a flat slab profile. High in-plane resolution (0.86 mm) images were obtained for the human head using echo time (TE) = 0.608 ms and total shots = 720 (30 slice-encodings x 24 spirals). Compared with long-TE (10 ms) images, the ultrashort-TE AWSOS images provided clear visualization of short-T(2) tissues such as the nose cartilage, the eye optic nerve, and the brain meninges and parenchyma.
PMID: 18581326
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 175959
Optimal coil array design: the two-coil case
Spincemaille, Pascal; Brown, Ryan; Qian, Yongxian; Wang, Yi
The optimization problem for coil arrays is largely unsolved, even for the case of a two-coil system. This paper reports a systematic computer simulation to investigate the maximal achievable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with a two-coil receiver system where, using cancellation circuitry, mutual inductance is made zero. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical solutions with respect to two-coil geometry are considered. SNR is measured at a single point at a certain depth and also along a longitudinal or transverse line at the same depth. The conducting medium containing these regions of interest is assumed to be an infinite half space, an infinite cylinder or a finite sphere. The previous coil array design using a "magical" overlap only approximates the optimal solution for the infinite half space. For the infinite cylinder and the finite sphere, optimal solutions can be quite different from the "magical" overlap.
PMID: 17540279
ISSN: 0730-725x
CID: 370972
Alzheimer' disease: Glutathion measurement using magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Meeting Abstract]
Mandal, Pravat K.; Pettegrew, Jay. W.; Thomas, Albert; Boada, Fernando E.; Lopez, Oscar L.; Qian, Yongxian; Morneweck, Bradley H.
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 176862
Decomposed direct matrix inversion for fast non-cartesian SENSE reconstructions
Qian, Yongxian; Zhang, Zhenghui; Wang, Yi; Boada, Fernando E
A new k-space direct matrix inversion (DMI) method is proposed here to accelerate non-Cartesian SENSE reconstructions. In this method a global k-space matrix equation is established on basic MRI principles, and the inverse of the global encoding matrix is found from a set of local matrix equations by taking advantage of the small extension of k-space coil maps. The DMI algorithm's efficiency is achieved by reloading the precalculated global inverse when the coil maps and trajectories remain unchanged, such as in dynamic studies. Phantom and human subject experiments were performed on a 1.5T scanner with a standard four-channel phased-array cardiac coil. Interleaved spiral trajectories were used to collect fully sampled and undersampled 3D raw data. The equivalence of the global k-space matrix equation to its image-space version, was verified via conjugate gradient (CG) iterative algorithms on a 2x undersampled phantom and numerical-model data sets. When applied to the 2x undersampled phantom and human-subject raw data, the decomposed DMI method produced images with small errors (< or = 3.9%) relative to the reference images obtained from the fully-sampled data, at a rate of 2 s per slice (excluding 4 min for precalculating the global inverse at an image size of 256 x 256). The DMI method may be useful for noise evaluations in parallel coil designs, dynamic MRI, and 3D sodium MRI with fixed coils and trajectories.
PMID: 16791860
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 175965
Self-calibrated spiral SENSE
Qian, Yongxian; Zhang, Zhenghui; Stenger, V Andrew; Wang, Yi
Current standard sensitivity-encoded parallel imaging (SENSE) utilizes a fully sampled low-resolution reference scan to estimate the coil sensitivities. This reference scan adds scan time and may introduce misregistration artifacts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of estimating the coil sensitivities for spiral SENSE directly from an undersampled k-space center. The limited spatial frequencies of the coil sensitivities, and the undersampling beyond the Nyquist radius cause image artifacts. A point spread function (PSF) analysis and experiments on both phantoms and humans identified an optimal radius for the k-space center by minimizing these image artifacts. The preliminary data indicate that self-calibrated SENSE is as accurate as standard SENSE, which uses a fully sampled reference scan.
PMID: 15334593
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 4968452
[Advance of fast magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging]
Xu, Kai; Qian, Yongxian; Lin, Jiarui; Jin, Deqin
The required time of conventional magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging technique is too long to be applied to clinic. It is necessary to develop the fast methods for magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. Nowadays there are 7 kinds of methods presented, which come from MRI techniques. In this contribution the conventional spectroscopic imaging and 7 sorts of fast spectroscopic imaging are elaborated. It is envisaged that more rapid imaging techniques will be designed, if these arbitrary trajectory reconstruction methods in MRI are applied to spectroscopic imaging.
PMID: 15357461
ISSN: 1001-5515
CID: 4968462
[Software for MR image reconstruction from data acquired on an irregular k-space trajectory]
Qian, Yongxian; Liu, Lirong; Xu, Kai; Lin, Jiarui
A PC-based software was developed and programmed with VC++6 for reconstructing MR images from the data acquired on an irregular k-space trajectory. It can read clinical MRI raw data and image data, create numerical phantoms, design k-space trajectories, generate k-space data from numerical phantom, calculate weighting functions, reconstruct images, and carry out error analysis for the reconstructed images. It is helpful to the investigations of new k-space trajectories and new reconstruction algorithms.
PMID: 12856610
ISSN: 1001-5515
CID: 4968442