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Callosal Interhemispheric Communication in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mediation Analysis on WM Microstructure Effects
Chung, Sohae; Bacon, Tamar; Rath, Joseph F; Alivar, Alaleh; Coelho, Santiago; Amorapanth, Prin; Fieremans, Els; Novikov, Dmitry S; Flanagan, Steven R; Bacon, Joshua H; Lui, Yvonne W
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Because the corpus callosum connects the left and right hemispheres and a variety of WM bundles across the brain in complex ways, damage to the neighboring WM microstructure may specifically disrupt interhemispheric communication through the corpus callosum following mild traumatic brain injury. Here we use a mediation framework to investigate how callosal interhemispheric communication is affected by WM microstructure in mild traumatic brain injury. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:Multishell diffusion MR imaging was performed on 23 patients with mild traumatic brain injury within 1 month of injury and 17 healthy controls, deriving 11 diffusion metrics, including DTI, diffusional kurtosis imaging, and compartment-specific standard model parameters. Interhemispheric processing speed was assessed using the interhemispheric speed of processing task (IHSPT) by measuring the latency between word presentation to the 2 hemivisual fields and oral word articulation. Mediation analysis was performed to assess the indirect effect of neighboring WM microstructures on the relationship between the corpus callosum and IHSPT performance. In addition, we conducted a univariate correlation analysis to investigate the direct association between callosal microstructures and IHSPT performance as well as a multivariate regression analysis to jointly evaluate both callosal and neighboring WM microstructures in association with IHSPT scores for each group. RESULTS:Several significant mediators in the relationships between callosal microstructure and IHSPT performance were found in healthy controls. However, patients with mild traumatic brain injury appeared to lose such normal associations when microstructural changes occurred compared with healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS:This study investigates the effects of neighboring WM microstructure on callosal interhemispheric communication in healthy controls and patients with mild traumatic brain injury, highlighting that neighboring noncallosal WM microstructures are involved in callosal interhemispheric communication and information transfer. Further longitudinal studies may provide insight into the temporal dynamics of interhemispheric recovery following mild traumatic brain injury.
PMID: 38637026
ISSN: 1936-959x
CID: 5650822
Veteran Beliefs About the Causes of Gulf War Illness and Expectations for Improvement
Kane, Naomi S; Hassabelnaby, Raghad; Sullivan, Nicole L; Graff, Fiona; Litke, David R; Quigley, Karen S; Pigeon, Wilfred R; Rath, Joseph F; Helmer, Drew A; McAndrew, Lisa M
BACKGROUND:Individuals' beliefs about the etiology of persistent physical symptoms (PPS) are linked to differences in coping style. However, it is unclear which attributions are related to greater expectations for improvement. METHOD AND RESULTS/RESULTS:A cross-sectional regression analysis (N = 262) indicated that Veterans with Gulf War Illness (GWI) who attributed their GWI to behavior, (e.g., diet and exercise), had greater expectations for improvement (p = .001) than those who attributed their GWI to deployment, physical, or psychological causes (p values > .05). CONCLUSIONS:Findings support the possible clinical utility of exploring perceived contributing factors of PPS, which may increase perceptions that improvement of PPS is possible. TRIAL REGISTRATION/ Identifier: NCT02161133.
PMID: 36973578
ISSN: 1532-7558
CID: 5624242
Comparison of Informational and Educational Resource Provision for Individuals Living With Traumatic Brain Injury Based on Language, Nativity, and Neighborhood
Wilson, Judith; McGiffin, Jed N; Smith, Michelle; Garduño-Ortega, Olga; Talis, Elina; Zarate, Alejandro; Jenkins, Natalie; Rath, Joseph F; Bushnik, Tamara
OBJECTIVE:To examine a resource provision program for individuals living with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), using a comparison of the resources provided across social differences of language, nativity, and neighborhood. SETTING/METHODS:The Rusk Rehabilitation TBI Model System (RRTBIMS) collects data longitudinally on individuals from their associated private and public hospitals, located in New York City. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:A total of 143 individuals with TBI or their family members. DESIGN/METHODS:An observational study of relative frequency of resource provision across variables of language, nativity, and neighborhood, using related-samples nonparametric analyses via Cochran's Q test. MAIN MEASURES/METHODS:Variables examined were language, place of birth, residence classification as medically underserved area/population (MUA), and resource categories. RESULTS:Results indicate that US-born persons with TBI and those living in medically underserved communities are provided more resources than those who are born outside the United States or reside in communities identified as adequately medically served. Language was not found to be a factor. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Lessons learned from this research support the development of this resource provision program, as well as guide future programs addressing the gaps in health information resources for groups negatively impacted by social determinants of health (SDoH). An approach with immigrant participants should take steps to elicit questions and requests, or offer resources explicitly. We recommend research looking at what interpreter strategies are most effective and research on SDoH in relation to the dynamic interaction of variables in the neighborhood setting.
PMID: 36730859
ISSN: 1550-509x
CID: 5420432
Effect of Problem-solving Treatment on Self-reported Disability Among Veterans With Gulf War Illness: A Randomized Clinical Trial
McAndrew, Lisa M; Quigley, Karen S; Lu, Shou-En; Litke, David; Rath, Joseph F; Lange, Gudrun; Santos, Susan L; Anastasides, Nicole; Petrakis, Beth Ann; Greenberg, Lauren; Helmer, Drew A; Pigeon, Wilfred R
IMPORTANCE/UNASSIGNED:Few evidence-based treatments are available for Gulf War illness (GWI). Behavioral treatments that target factors known to maintain the disability from GWI, such as problem-solving impairment, may be beneficial. Problem-solving treatment (PST) targets problem-solving impairment and is an evidence-based treatment for other conditions. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To examine the efficacy of PST to reduce disability, problem-solving impairment, and physical symptoms in GWI. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS/UNASSIGNED:This multicenter randomized clinical trial conducted in the US Department of Veterans Affairs compared PST with health education in a volunteer sample of 511 Gulf War veterans with GWI and disability (January 1, 2015, to September 1, 2019); outcomes were assessed at 12 weeks and 6 months. Statistical analysis was conducted between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020. INTERVENTIONS/UNASSIGNED:Problem-solving treatment taught skills to improve problem-solving. Health education provided didactic health information. Both were delivered by telephone weekly for 12 weeks. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES/UNASSIGNED:The primary outcome was reduction from baseline to 12 weeks in self-report of disability (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule). Secondary outcomes were reductions in self-report of problem-solving impairment and objective problem-solving. Exploratory outcomes were reductions in pain, pain disability, and fatigue. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:A total of 268 veterans (mean [SD] age, 52.9 [7.3] years; 88.4% male; 66.8% White) were randomized to PST (n = 135) or health education (n = 133). Most participants completed all 12 sessions of PST (114 of 135 [84.4%]) and health education (120 of 133 [90.2%]). No difference was found between groups in reductions in disability at the end of treatment. Results suggested that PST reduced problem-solving impairment (moderate effect, 0.42; P = .01) and disability at 6 months (moderate effect, 0.39; P = .06) compared with health education. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:In this randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of PST for GWI, no difference was found between groups in reduction in disability at 12 weeks. Problem-solving treatment had high adherence and reduced problem-solving impairment and potentially reduced disability at 6 months compared with health education. These findings should be confirmed in future studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION/ Identifier: NCT02161133.
PMID: 36472870
ISSN: 2574-3805
CID: 5374962
Development of an MMPI reference group for outpatients with persisting symptoms following mild TBI
Childs, Amanda; Bertisch, Hilary; Talis, Elina; Ricker, Joseph H; Rath, Joseph F
OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To develop an MMPI-2-RF reference group for persistently symptomatic patients with mTBI in order to aid interpretation and better evaluate atypical scale elevations. METHOD/UNASSIGNED:Using the Q Local MMPI-2-RF Comparison Group Generator (CGG), 200 valid MMPI-2-RF profiles were aggregated for mTBI outpatients with persisting symptoms 2-24Â months post injury. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:scores > 60 and standard deviations > 10 were observed for the F-r (Infrequent Responses), Fs (Infrequent Somatic Responses), FBS-r (Symptom Validity), RBS (Response Bias Scale), RC1 (Somatic Complaints), MLS (Malaise), HPC (Head Pain Complaints), NUC (Neurological Complaints), and COG (Cognitive Complaints) scales. All other scales were consistent with established norms for the general population. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:This study is the first to establish an empirically derived MMPI reference group for individuals with persisting symptoms following mTBI. By comparing MMPI profiles of patients with mTBI against this reference group, clinicians may be better able to identify abnormal symptomatology. Evaluating profiles within this context may allow for more accurate case conceptualization and targeted treatment recommendations for those patients who demonstrate disproportionate symptomatology outside the range of the mTBI reference group.
PMID: 36324279
ISSN: 1362-301x
CID: 5358662
Brief Report: Cognitive Dependence in Physically Independent Patients at Discharge from Acute Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Rath, Joseph F; McGiffin, Jed N; Glubo, Heather; McDermott, Hannah W; Beattie, Aaron; Arutiunov, Caitlyn; Schaefer, Lynn A; Im, Brian; Bushnik, Tamara
OBJECTIVE:To determine the incidence of cognitive dependence in adults who are physically independent at discharge from acute traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation. DESIGN/METHODS:Analysis of historical clinical and demographic data obtained from inpatient stay. SETTING/METHODS:Inpatient rehabilitation unit in a large, metropolitan university hospital. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:Adult inpatients with moderate-to-severe TBI (N = 226) who were physically independent at discharge from acute rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS/METHODS:Not applicable MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: FIM Motor and Cognitive subscales, discharge destination, and care plan. RESULTS:Approximately 69% (n = 155) of the physically independent inpatients were cognitively dependent at discharge from acute rehabilitation, with the highest proportions of dependence found in the domains of problem solving and memory. Most (82.6%; n =128) of these physically independent, yet cognitively dependent, patients were discharged home. Of those discharged to home, 82% (n = 105) were discharged to the care of family members, and 11% (n = 15) were discharged home alone. Patients from racial-ethnic minority backgrounds were significantly more likely than White patients to be discharged while cognitively dependent. CONCLUSIONS:The majority of physically independent TBI patients were cognitively dependent at the time of discharge from acute inpatient rehabilitation. Further research is needed to understand the impact of cognitive dependence on caregiver stress and strain and the disproportionate burden on racial-ethnic minority patients and families. Given the potential functional and safety limitations imposed by cognitive deficits, healthcare policy and practice should facilitate delivery of cognitive rehabilitation services in acute TBI rehabilitation.
PMID: 35196504
ISSN: 1532-821x
CID: 5163132
Multi-shell diffusion MR imaging and brain microstructure after mild traumatic brain injury: A focus on working memory
Chapter by: Chung, Sohae; Fieremans, Els; Rath, Joseph F.; Lui, Yvonne W.
in: Cellular, Molecular, Physiological, and Behavioral Aspects of Traumatic Brain Injury by
[S.l.] : Elsevier, 2022
pp. 393-403
ISBN: 9780128230602
CID: 5349102
The effects of plasticity-based cognitive rehabilitation on resting-state functional connectivity in chronic traumatic brain injury: A pilot study
Lindsey, Hannah M; Lazar, Mariana; Mercuri, Giulia; Rath, Joseph F; Bushnik, Tamara; Flanagan, Steven; Voelbel, Gerald T
BACKGROUND:Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in chronic impairments to cognitive function, and these may be related to disrupted functional connectivity (FC) of the brain at rest. OBJECTIVE:To investigate changes in default mode network (DMN) FC in adults with chronic TBI following 40 hours of auditory processing speed training. METHODS:Eleven adults with chronic TBI underwent 40-hours of auditory processing speed training over 13-weeks and seven adults with chronic TBI were assigned to a non-intervention control group. For all participants, resting-state FC and cognitive and self-reported function were measured at baseline and at a follow-up visit 13-weeks later. RESULTS:No significant group differences in cognitive function or resting-state FC were observed at baseline. Following training, the intervention group demonstrated objective and subjective improvements on cognitive measures with moderate-to-large effect sizes. Repeated measures ANCOVAs revealed significant (p <  0.001) group×time interactions, suggesting training-related changes in DMN FC, and semipartial correlations demonstrated that these were associated with changes in cognitive functioning. CONCLUSIONS:Changes in the FC between the DMN and other resting-state networks involved in the maintenance and manipulation of internal information, attention, and sensorimotor functioning may be facilitated through consistent participation in plasticity-based auditory processing speed training in adults with chronic TBI.
PMID: 35404295
ISSN: 1878-6448
CID: 5205092
King-Devick Test Performance and Cognitive Dysfunction after Concussion: A Pilot Eye Movement Study
Gold, Doria M; Rizzo, John-Ross; Lee, Yuen Shan Christine; Childs, Amanda; Hudson, Todd E; Martone, John; Matsuzawa, Yuka K; Fraser, Felicia; Ricker, Joseph H; Dai, Weiwei; Selesnick, Ivan; Balcer, Laura J; Galetta, Steven L; Rucker, Janet C
(1) Background: The King-Devick (KD) rapid number naming test is sensitive for concussion diagnosis, with increased test time from baseline as the outcome measure. Eye tracking during KD performance in concussed individuals shows an association between inter-saccadic interval (ISI) (the time between saccades) prolongation and prolonged testing time. This pilot study retrospectively assesses the relation between ISI prolongation during KD testing and cognitive performance in persistently-symptomatic individuals post-concussion. (2) Results: Fourteen participants (median age 34 years; 6 women) with prior neuropsychological assessment and KD testing with eye tracking were included. KD test times (72.6 ± 20.7 s) and median ISI (379.1 ± 199.1 msec) were prolonged compared to published normative values. Greater ISI prolongation was associated with lower scores for processing speed (WAIS-IV Coding, r = 0.72, p = 0.0017), attention/working memory (Trails Making A, r = -0.65, p = 0.006) (Digit Span Forward, r = 0.57, p = -0.017) (Digit Span Backward, r= -0.55, p = 0.021) (Digit Span Total, r = -0.74, p = 0.001), and executive function (Stroop Color Word Interference, r = -0.8, p = 0.0003). (3) Conclusions: This pilot study provides preliminary evidence suggesting that cognitive dysfunction may be associated with prolonged ISI and KD test times in concussion.
PMID: 34942873
ISSN: 2076-3425
CID: 5092962
Underuse of Behavioral Treatments for Headache: a Narrative Review Examining Societal and Cultural Factors
Langenbahn, Donna; Matsuzawa, Yuka; Lee, Yuen Shan Christine; Fraser, Felicia; Penzien, Donald B; Simon, Naomi M; Lipton, Richard B; Minen, Mia T
Migraine affects over 40 million Americans and is the world's second most disabling condition. As the majority of medical care for migraine occurs in primary care settings, not in neurology nor headache subspecialty practices, healthcare system interventions should focus on primary care. Though there is grade A evidence for behavioral treatment (e.g., biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and relaxation techniques) for migraine, these treatments are underutilized. Behavioral treatments may be a valuable alternative to opioids, which remain widely used for migraine, despite the US opioid epidemic and guidelines that recommend against them. Identifying and removing barriers to the use of headache behavioral therapy could help reduce the disability as well as the personal and social costs of migraine. These techniques will have their greatest impact if offered in primary care settings to the lower socioeconomic status groups at greatest risk for migraine. We review the societal and cultural challenges that impose barriers to optimal use of non-pharmacological treatment services. These barriers include insufficient knowledge of migraine/headache behavioral treatments and insufficient availability of clinicians trained in non-pharmacological treatment delivery; limited access in underserved communities; financial burden; and stigma associated with both headache and mental health diagnoses and treatment. For each barrier, we discuss potential approaches to minimizing its effect and thus enhancing non-pharmacological treatment utilization.Case ExampleA 25-year-old graduate student with a prior history of headaches in college is attending school in the evenings while working a full-time job. Now, his headaches have significant nausea and photophobia. They are twice weekly and are disabling enough that he is unable to complete homework assignments. He does not understand why the headaches occur on Saturdays when he pushes through all week to get through his examinations that take place on Friday evenings. He tried two different migraine preventive medications, but neither led to the 50% reduction in headache days his doctor had hoped for. His doctor had suggested cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) before initiating the medications, but he had been too busy to attend the appointments, and the challenges in finding an in-network provider proved difficult. Now with the worsening headaches, he opted for the CBT and by the fifth week had already noted improvements in his headache frequency and intensity.
PMID: 33527189
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 4799612