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Depression during pregnancy and the postpartum among HIV-infected women on antiretroviral therapy in Uganda

Kaida, Angela; Matthews, Lynn T; Ashaba, Scholastic; Tsai, Alexander C; Kanters, Steve; Robak, Magdalena; Psaros, Christina; Kabakyenga, Jerome; Boum, Yap; Haberer, Jessica E; Martin, Jeffrey N; Hunt, Peter W; Bangsberg, David R
BACKGROUND:Among HIV-infected women, perinatal depression compromises clinical, maternal, and child health outcomes. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is associated with lower depression symptom severity but the uniformity of effect through pregnancy and postpartum periods is unknown. METHODS:We analyzed prospective data from 447 HIV-infected women (18-49 years) initiating ART in rural Uganda (2005-2012). Participants completed blood work and comprehensive questionnaires quarterly. Pregnancy status was assessed by self-report. Analysis time periods were defined as currently pregnant, postpartum (0-12 months post-pregnancy outcome), or non-pregnancy-related. Depression symptom severity was measured using a modified Hopkins Symptom Checklist 15, with scores ranging from 1 to 4. Probable depression was defined as >1.75. Linear regression with generalized estimating equations was used to compare mean depression scores over the 3 periods. RESULTS:At enrollment, median age was 32 years (interquartile range: 27-37), median CD4 count was 160 cells per cubic millimeter (interquartile range: 95-245), and mean depression score was 1.75 (s = 0.58) (39% with probable depression). Over 4.1 median years of follow-up, 104 women experienced 151 pregnancies. Mean depression scores did not differ across the time periods (P = 0.75). Multivariable models yielded similar findings. Increasing time on ART, viral suppression, better physical health, and "never married" were independently associated with lower mean depression scores. Findings were consistent when assessing probable depression. CONCLUSIONS:Although the lack of association between depression and perinatal periods is reassuring, high depression prevalence at treatment initiation and continued incidence across pregnancy and non-pregnancy-related periods of follow-up highlight the critical need for mental health services for HIV-infected women to optimize both maternal and perinatal health.
PMID: 25436816
ISSN: 1944-7884
CID: 4428532

Genetic variance contributes to dopamine receptor antagonist-induced inhibition of sucrose intake in inbred and outbred mouse strains

Dym, Cheryl T; Pinhas, Alexander; Robak, Magdalena; Sclafani, Anthony; Bodnar, Richard J
Preference and intake of sucrose varies across inbred and outbred strains of mice. Pharmacological analyses revealed that the greatest sensitivity to naltrexone-induced inhibition of sucrose (10%) intake was observed in C57BL10/J and C57BL/6J strains, whereas 129P3/J, SWR/J and SJL/J strains displayed far less sensitivity to naltrexone-induced inhibition of sucrose intake. Given that dopamine D1 (SCH23390) and D2 (raclopride) receptor antagonism potently reduce sucrose intake in outbred rat and mouse strains, the present study examined the possibility of genetic variance in the dose-dependent (50-1600 nmol/kg) and time-dependent (5-120 min) effects of these antagonists upon sucrose (10%) intake in the eight inbred (BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, DBA/2J, SJL/J, SWR/J and 129P3/J) and one outbred (CD-1) mouse strains previously tested with naltrexone. SCH23390 significantly reduced sucrose intake across all five doses in 129P3/J and SJL/J mice, across four doses in C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ mice, across three doses in DBA/2J, SWR/J, C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10J mice, but only at the two highest doses in CD-1 mice. SCH23390 was 2-3-fold more potent in inhibiting sucrose intake in 129P3/J and SJL/J mice relative to CD-1 mice. In contrast, only the highest equimolar 1600 nmol/kg dose of raclopride significantly reduced sucrose intake in the BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, DBA/2J, SJL/J and 129P3/J, but not the SWR/J and CD-1 strains. The present and previous data demonstrate specific and differential patterns of genetic variability in inhibition of sucrose intake by dopamine and opioid antagonists, suggesting that distinct neurochemical mechanisms control sucrose intake across different mouse strains.
PMID: 19135035
ISSN: 1872-6240
CID: 4428522