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Thoracic Surgery

Chapter by: Zohourian, Tirajeh; Harris, Randi; Schubach, Scott; Spier, Laurence
in: The ABSITE Blueprints by
[S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2023
pp. 567-588
ISBN: 9783031326424
CID: 5717712

Middle Aortic Syndrome in a Child-Bearing Age Patient

Rabenstein, Andrew P; Salhab, Khaled F; Spentzouris, Georgios; Paruchuri, Vijayapraveena; Hines, George; Vintzileos, Anthony M; Schubach, Scott L
We report a rare case of a 30-year-old female who had a long-standing history of middle aortic syndrome that was being managed nonsurgically. She presented with hypertension and buttock pain with plans to become pregnant. She underwent an aortoiliac bypass.
PMID: 31614378
ISSN: 2325-4637
CID: 4146022

Medical Management of Three Patients with an Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: Case Series and a Review of the Literature

Salhab, Khaled; Gioia, William; Rabenstein, Andrew P; Gubernikoff, George; Schubach, Scott
The model of surgery first and always for Type A aortic dissections has continued to evolve. During the last three decades, various studies have demonstrated that in select patients, surgery should be delayed or avoided. This case series examines three cases in which patients were medically treated. Furthermore, we review the literature and when surgery should be delayed for acute Type A aortic dissections.
PMID: 30849777
ISSN: 2325-4637
CID: 3723692

Stereotactic body radiation therapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer: a small academic hospital experience

Factor, Oren B; Vu, Charles C; Schneider, Jeffrey G; Witten, Matthew R; Schubach, Scott L; Gittleman, Alicia E; Catell, Donna T; Haas, Jonathan A
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S)/OBJECTIVE:Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has been shown to have increased local control and overall survival relative to conventional external beam radiation therapy in patients with medically inoperable stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Excellent rates of local control have been demonstrated both in clinical trials and in single-center studies at large academic institutions. However, there is limited data on the experiences of small academic hospitals with SBRT for stage I NSCLC. The purpose of this study is to report the local control and overall survival rates in patients treated with SBRT for stage I NSCLC at Winthrop-University Hospital (WUH), a small academic hospital. MATERIALS/METHODS/METHODS:This is a retrospective review of 78 stage I central and peripheral NSCLC tumors treated between December 2006 and July 2012 with SBRT at WUH. Treatment was given utilizing fiducials and a respiratory tracking system. If the fiducials were not trackable, a spine tracking system was used for tumor localization. CT-based planning was performed using the ray trace algorithm. Treatment was delivered over consecutive days to a median dose of 4800 cGy delivered in four fractions. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate local control and overall survival. RESULTS:The median age was 78.5 years. Fifty-four percent of the patient population was female. Sixty seven percent of the tumors were stage IA, and 33% of the tumors were stage IB. Fifty-three percent of the tumors were adenocarcinomas and 29% were squamous cell carcinomas, with the remainder being of unknown histology or NSCLC, not otherwise specified The 2-year local control rate was 87%, and the 2-year overall survival was 68%. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Our findings support that local control and overall survival at a small academic hospital are comparable to that of larger academic institutions' published experiences with SBRT for stage I NSCLC.
PMID: 25368843
ISSN: 2234-943x
CID: 3490162

The Loss of Aprotinin: Filling the Gap with Synthetic Sealant in Aortic Reconstruction and Repair [Meeting Abstract]

Goncalves, John A., Jr.; Schubach, Scott L.
ISSN: 0041-1132
CID: 3490182

Pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease: Incidence and immediate impact of surgical repair [Meeting Abstract]

Hurewitz, Adam N.; Bartlett, Mary; Shalshin, Alex; Schubach, Scott
ISSN: 0012-3692
CID: 3490172

Prophylactic carotid endarterectomy in patients with high-grade carotid stenosis undergoing coronary bypass: does it decrease the incidence of perioperative stroke?

Hines, G L; Scott, W C; Schubach, S L; Kofsky, E; Wehbe, U; Cabasino, E
The etiology of perioperative stroke in patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is multifactorial. One significant cause is thought to be high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis. Between April 1992 and June 1995, 1686 patients undergoing isolated CABG underwent preoperative carotid duplex scanning. This represented 77% of patients who underwent CABG during that time period (2188 patients). Sixty-eight patients (4.0%) had 80%-99% stenosis of at least one carotid artery. Fifteen patients underwent CABG without carotid intervention (Group I) and 53 patients underwent either carotid endarterectomy prior to CABG or simultaneous with CABG (Group II). Age, sex, history of prior neurologic events, ejection fraction, number of distal bypasses performed, total pump time, and aortic cross clamp times were similar between the two groups. Three patients in Group I developed a permanent postoperative neurologic deficit (20%) and one patient developed a transient deficit. The defect was focal and ipsilateral to high-grade stenosis in three patients and global in one. No patient in Group II developed either a transient or permanent neurologic deficit. There was one death in Group I in the patient who developed a global neurologic deficit and one death in Group II 2 weeks after CABG in a patient who had undergone prophylactic preCABG-carotid endarterectomy. Statistical analysis (Fisher's exact test, 2-tail) demonstrated a significant decrease both in total neurologic events (p = 0.001) and permanent neurologic defects (p = 0.005) in those patient undergoing prophylactic CE (Group II). Patients with 80%-99% carotid stenosis undergoing CEA prior to or in conjunction with isolated CABG have a decreased incidence of neurologic events postoperatively.
PMID: 9451992
ISSN: 0890-5096
CID: 3497762