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Department of Ophthalmology at the New York University Medical Center, 1960-2001. A personal journey
Siegel IM
This autobiographical narrative describes many of the activities of the Department of Ophthalmology at New York University Medical Center that took place under the stewardship of Goodwin M. Breinin, who was chairman from 1958 to 2000. The author recalls his 40 years of collaborative research during this period, exploring the visual system with many faculty members at New York University and participating in departmentally sponsored studies elsewhere
PMID: 11738438
ISSN: 0039-6257
CID: 26520
Solving age-related contact lens problems
Siegel, IM; Solomon, JM
The baby-boom generation is becoming middle-aged, adding to an already large population of seniors. This middle-aged generation has many established contact lens wearers, as well as new contact lens candidates. Characterized by good health, longevity, and vigorous recreational activities, an increasing number of older patients are demanding contact lenses. But age- related ocular changes are known to affect both visual function and lens tolerance. We discuss the most common optical and ocular problems associated with the aging eye and how they may affect lens wear. We suggest specific changes in lens design parameters to solve lens-tolerance problems
ISSN: 1181-6058
CID: 637482
Prospective analysis of changes in corneal topography after upper eyelid surgery
Brown MS; Siegel IM; Lisman RD
PURPOSE: Some patients note a decrease in visual acuity in the operated eye after eyelid surgery. Although, the most common cause for this change is dry eye syndrome, it has been hypothesized that the symptom of blurred vision may result from a change in the corneal curvature. The study was conducted to determine if there is a change in corneal curvature after upper eyelid surgery. METHODS: Standard keratometry and corneal videokeratography (CVK) were performed 1 and 3 months after blepharoplasty (18 lids) and ptosis repair (24 lids). Pre- and postoperative images from CVK data were digitally subtracted for quantitative evaluation. RESULTS: After ptosis repair, the average dioptric change as measured by keratometry and by CVK was approximately 0.60 diopters (D); of note, nearly 30% of these patients showed transient astigmatic changes greater than 1.00 D; After blepharoplasty, the average dioptric change as measured by keratometry and by CVK was approximately 0.55 D; of note, only 11% of patients showed astigmatic changes greater than 1.00 D. CONCLUSION: Repositioning of the upper eyelid after ptosis repair or blepharoplasty may result in visually significant astigmatic changes in the central and peripheral cornea and may alter the patient's spectacle or contact lens correction
PMID: 10588243
ISSN: 0740-9303
CID: 11912
Cornea-contact lens interaction in the aquatic environment
Brown MS; Siegel IM
PURPOSE: A large population of ametropic scuba divers wear contact lenses. We discuss optics and corneal physiology, as well as the types of contact lenses that are appropriate for underwater activities. METHODS: We reviewed an extensive body of literature to formulate guidelines to aid the contact lens fitter in satisfying individual sport diver's needs. RESULTS: Optical factors such as image displacement and light wave-length shifts require that contact lenses for underwater use be suitably modified. Underwater images appear nearer and larger (requiring greater accommodation) and are made up almost exclusively of the short wavelength end of the spectrum. Correction of presbyopia, in particular, is influenced by these factors. For example, presbyopic contact lens-corrected myopes require greater near adds underwater than when viewing the same objects in air. In general, presbyopes should consider monovision correction to facilitate underwater visual tasks. Although divers wearing rigid gas permeable contact lenses run the risk of more corneal problems than soft lens wearers if conservative ascents are not adhered to, there are no compelling reasons to change lens types in patients who are already fully adapted. Soft contacts, while very stable on the eye during diving, present a greater risk of lens contamination by sea or fresh water exposure. However, the latter problems are easily overcome by using disposable soft lenses. CONCLUSION: In this paper, we present several suggestions for lens material, modifications required for underwater ametropia correction, and wearing modalities for the sport divers. An understanding of the dramatic changes that impact the properties of light, corneal physiology, and visual perception which accompany the diver below the surface will enable the contact lens fitter to design a lens appropriate to the needs of the individual patient
PMID: 9348447
ISSN: 0733-8902
CID: 7125
Eyelid margin and tarsal conjunctival sensitivity as a measure for RGP lens tolerance [Meeting Abstract]
Bose, S; Siegel, IM
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 53231
Eyelid margin and tarsal conjunctival shnsitivity as a measure for RGP lens tolerance
Bose, S; Siegel, IM
Purpose. One ol the factors that determines variability ul tolerance amongst rigid gas permeable I RGP) lens wearers may be conjunctiva! sensitivity of the uppei eyelid. This study was undertaken to determine the normal range of eyelid margin ami tarsal LOiijunctual sensitivity in non-contact lens wearers (Phase I. n 50) and to determine it similar sensitivity measures could predict better RGP lens tolerance (Phase II. n - 32). Methods. Using standard techniques, conjunctiva! and cornea] sensitivity was measured using the Cochel-Bonnet esthesiometer which consists of a 0 12 mm diameter nylon nionofilament The length of the filament can be varied from 0.5 to 6 cm. the range corresponding to pressures of (),1J6 to IV.fiK g/sq mm. Sensitivity measurements were recorded from the temporal, centra! and nasal cornea and conespondmg regions in the mid-tarsus and the e \elid mai g in of the everted upper lid. A mean of 3 consecutive readings u as used to anal)/i? data. A questionnaire was used to establish ohiectivc criteria tor lens tolerance. Results. Mean sensitivity in the non-contact lens wearers in the lempoial, central and nasal regions were: cornea ( 5,5,3.5mm); eyelid margin i VOA I AOmm) and mid tarsus (,3.0 mm). There was a significant correlation vwith belter lens tolerance and lower conjunctiva! sensitivity , Conclusion. RGP lens tolerance appeared to be better in patients who demonstrated a decreased conjunctival sensitivity. This may be useful screening procediue to predict heiter lens tolerance in a prospective RGP lens wearer
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 589282
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 1812092
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 1812102
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 1812132
Corneal contour mapping: an isomorphic approach
Young, J A; Siegel, I M
Computer-assisted videokeratography holds great promise for the contact lens fitter as well as the refractive surgeon. However, conventional methods of corneal mapping, which present color-coded representations of corneal refractive power, do not provide information about corneal surface contour. We introduce a three-dimensional isomorphic corneal modeling technique that produces a freely rotatable wire-frame image that is infinitely rescalable and open to manipulation such as digital subtraction. As an illustration of this technique, we provide isomorphic representations of corneas with astigmatism induced by large pterygia
PMID: 8375041
ISSN: 0733-8902
CID: 133247