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Disparity in Cutaneous Pigmentary Response to LED vs Halogen Incandescent Visible Light: Results from a Single Center, Investigational Clinical Trial Determining a Minimal Pigmentary Visible Light Dose

Soleymani, Teo; Cohen, David E; Folan, Lorcan M; Okereke, Uchenna R; Elbuluk, Nada; Soter, Nicholas A
<p>Background: While most of the attention regarding skin pigmentation has focused on the effects of ultraviolet radiation, the cutaneous effects of visible light (400 to 700nm) are rarely reported.
PMID: 29141058
ISSN: 1545-9616
CID: 2930872

A Difference in Cutaneous Pigmentary Response to LED Versus Halogen Incandescent Visible Light: A Case Report from a Single Center, Investigational Clinical Trial Determining a Minimal Pigmentary Visible Light Dose

Soleymani, Teo; Soter, Nicholas A; Folan, Lorcan M; Elbuluk, Nada; Okereke, Uchenna R; Cohen, David E

BACKGROUND: While most of the attention regarding skin pigmentation has focused on the effects on ultraviolet radiation, the cutaneous effects of visible light (400 to 700nm) are rarely reported. In this report, we describe a case of painful erythema and induration that resulted from direct irradiation of UV-naive skin with visible LED light in a patient with Fitzpatrick type II skin

METHODS AND RESULTS: A 24-year-old healthy woman with Fitzpatrick type II skin presented to our department to participate in a clinical study. As part of the study, the subject underwent visible light irradiation with an LED and halogen incandescent visible light source. After 5 minutes of exposure, the patient complained of appreciable pain at the LED exposed site. Evaluation demonstrated erythema and mild induration. There were no subjective or objective findings at the halogen incandescent irradiated site, which received equivalent fluence (0.55 Watts / cm2). The study was halted as the subject was unable to tolerate the full duration of visible light irradiation

CONCLUSION: This case illustrates the importance of recognizing the effects of visible light on skin. While the vast majority of investigational research has focused on ultraviolet light, the effects of visible light have been largely overlooked and must be taken into consideration, in all Fitzpatrick skin types

J Drugs Dermatol. 2017;16(4):388-392

PMID: 28403275
ISSN: 1545-9616
CID: 2541212

Daily indoor light exposure: A spectral analysis of ambient light sources and its relevance to occupational dermatology

Soleymani, Teo; Folan, Lorcan M; Soter, Nicholas A; Elbuluk, Nada; Cohen, David E
PMID: 28325397
ISSN: 1097-6787
CID: 2494522

Multiple pilomatricomas in the setting of myotonic dystrophy

Park, Joyce H; Terushkin, Vitaly; Brinster, Nooshin; Leger, Marie; Soter, Nicholas A
The association between multiple pilomatricomasand the autosomal dominant neurodegenerativedisorder myotonic dystrophy has been described inthe literature. Although the mechanism is unknown,it is hypothesized that the dystrophia myotonicaprotein kinase mutation in myotonic dystrophyaffects intracellular calcium levels, which alterproliferation and terminal differentiation that leads tocells that are observed in pilomatricomas. We presenta patient with multiple, symptomatic pilomatricomasand myotonic dystrophy, with a strong family historyof both of these rare disorders.
PMID: 28329537
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2494632

Eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy

Martires, Kathryn; Callahan, Shields; Terushkin, Vitaly; Brinster, Nooshin; Leger, Marie; Soter, Nicholas A
We report a 68-year-old woman with chroniclymphocytic leukemia, who developed numerous,pruritic, edematous, and vesicobullous skin lesionsof the face and extremities over the course of severalmonths. The diagnosis of eosinophilic dermatosis ofhematologic malignancy (EDHM) was made basedon the clinical history and histopathologic features.Owing to the possible link between EDHM and amore aggressive underlying CLL, she was startedagain on chemotherapy. This case serves as areminder that, although the precise pathogenesis ofEDHM remains unclear, the paraneoplastic disorderis the result of immune dysregulation. Patientswho develop EDHM should undergo prompthematologic/oncologic evaluation.
PMID: 28329554
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2494802

Acquired aquagenic papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma

Yagerman, Sarah E; Lager, Marie; Soter, Nicholas A
Aquagenic papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma isa rare condition with the development of white-totransluscentpapules and plaques after exposureto water. While the first report was described asan autosomal dominant hereditary condition,there have since been acquired cases reported inassociation with cystic fibrosis, with prior exposureto a drug, or as an idiopathic condition. We presenta 24-year-old man with acquired aquagenicpapulotranslucent acrokeratoderma that has beenpresent since infancy, without a family history,without prior drug exposure, and without anypersonal or family history of cystic fibrosis. Thus fartreatment with urea cream, calipotriene ointment,vitamin E cream, and clobetasol ointment hasbeen ineffective. Our patient will be treated withbotulinum toxin.
PMID: 28329534
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2494602

Possible photoactivated dermatitis with features of post-inflammatory pigmentary alteration (PIPA) and rosacea

Orme, Charisse M; Shvartsbeyn, Marianna; Meehan, Shane A; Kornreich, Craig; Ramachandran, Sarika; Soter, Nicholas A
Cutaneous flushing and facial erythema are common dermatologic conditions that elicit a wide differential diagnosis that includes rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, photodermatitis, connective-tissue diseases, carcinoid syndrome, and mastocytosis. Herein we present an usual case of a mask-like rosacea-PIPA overlap that occurred in a patient with prior history of rectal carcinoid tumor and a negative systemic evaluation.
PMID: 26990328
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2047402

Chronic actinic dermatitis occurring in an adult with atopic dermatitis

Quatrano, Nicola A; Shvartsbeyn, Marianna; Meehan, Shane A; Soter, Nicholas A; Cohen, David E
Chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) is a photosensitivity disorder that is characterized by a persistent eczematous eruption in sun-exposed sites. The hallmark of CAD is a reduced minimal erythema dose (MED) to ultraviolet B (UVB), ultraviolet A (UVA), and/or to visible light, which makes phototesting the essential diagnostic investigation. The uncommon subgroup of patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) that are affected by CAD has primarily been described in young patients in the United Kingdom. We present an atopic adult women with CAD who was diagnosed years after symptoms began. We believe it is important that dermatologists perform phototests on AD patients with features of a photoaggravated dermatitis in order to avoid delay in diagnosis of a true photosensitivity condition and provide appropriate management.
PMID: 26990344
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2047412

Idiopathic Flushing with Dysesthesia: Treatment with the 585nm Pulsed Dye Laser

Fogelman, Joshua P; Stevenson, Mary L; Ashinoff, Robin; Soter, Nicholas A
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficacy and safety of the 585nm pulsed dye laser for the treatment of idiopathic flushing with dysesthesia. DESIGN: This was a retrospective study of patients treated with a 585nm pulsed dye laser with fluences ranging from 3.5 to 7.5J/cm(2) (purpura threshold fluences), a pulse duration of 450musec, and a spot size of 5 or 10mm. SETTING: The Ronald 0. Perelman Department of Dermatology at New York University Medical Center. PARTICIPANTS: Ten adult subjects who presented with flushing with dysesthesia. MEASUREMENTS: PARTICIPANTS subjectively evaluated the decrease in dysesthesia and the number of flushing episodes. The objective response to treatment was evaluated by a single physician using pre- and postoperative photographs. The severity of postoperative erythema was compared with baseline using an ordinal scale ranging from zero (resolution of erythema) to four (76-100% of baseline erythema). RESULTS: The mean number of treatments received by the subjects was seven. The mean fluence was 6.66J/cm(2). Subjectively, 100 percent of subjects reported a decrease in dysethesia and the number of flushing episodes. OBJECTIVEly, subjects demonstrated at least a 62.5-percent reduction in erythema. CONCLUSION: Laser surgery provided subjective relief of dysesthesia and decreased the number of flushing episodes with a greater than 62-percent objective reduction in the severity of erythema. The 585nm pulsed dye laser is a safe, efficacious treatment for the signs and symptoms of idiopathic flushing with dysesthesia.
PMID: 26345489
ISSN: 1941-2789
CID: 1772462

Phototherapy, photodynamic therapy and photophoresis in the treatment of connective-tissue diseases: a review

Gordon Spratt, E A; Gorcey, L V; Soter, N A; Brauer, J A
Connective-tissue disorders, which include lupus erythematosus, morphoea/scleroderma and dermatomyositis, are characterized by cutaneous manifestations that are sometimes resistant to conventional therapy. Light treatments, which include phototherapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photopheresis, are routinely utilized in the treatment of dermatological conditions and may provide unique mechanisms of action in the treatment of these connective-tissue disorders. The objective of this study is to conduct a review of the literature that describes the use of phototherapy, PDT and photopheresis in the treatment of lupus erythematosus, morphoea/scleroderma and dermatomyositis. A MEDLINE search was conducted to find articles that discuss treatment of connective-tissue diseases with light therapies and more than 30 publications that discuss light therapy for these diseases were identified. These range in design from case reports to randomized, prospective trials. Study outcomes and details were summarized and presented within each connective-tissue disease by light therapy modality, which includes phototherapy, PDT and photopheresis. Although there is a known association between photosensitivity and connective-tissue diseases, light therapies, when used appropriately, may be legitimate therapeutic options for recalcitrant cutaneous manifestations in lupus erythematosus, morphoea/scleroderma and dermatomyositis.
PMID: 25400115
ISSN: 1365-2133
CID: 1669312