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Results of Two Cases of Pig-to-Human Kidney Xenotransplantation [Case Report]
Montgomery, Robert A; Stern, Jeffrey M; Lonze, Bonnie E; Tatapudi, Vasishta S; Mangiola, Massimo; Wu, Ming; Weldon, Elaina; Lawson, Nikki; Deterville, Cecilia; Dieter, Rebecca A; Sullivan, Brigitte; Boulton, Gabriella; Parent, Brendan; Piper, Greta; Sommer, Philip; Cawthon, Samantha; Duggan, Erin; Ayares, David; Dandro, Amy; Fazio-Kroll, Ana; Kokkinaki, Maria; Burdorf, Lars; Lorber, Marc; Boeke, Jef D; Pass, Harvey; Keating, Brendan; Griesemer, Adam; Ali, Nicole M; Mehta, Sapna A; Stewart, Zoe A
BACKGROUND:Xenografts from genetically modified pigs have become one of the most promising solutions to the dearth of human organs available for transplantation. The challenge in this model has been hyperacute rejection. To avoid this, pigs have been bred with a knockout of the alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase gene and with subcapsular autologous thymic tissue. METHODS:We transplanted kidneys from these genetically modified pigs into two brain-dead human recipients whose circulatory and respiratory activity was maintained on ventilators for the duration of the study. We performed serial biopsies and monitored the urine output and kinetic estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) to assess renal function and xenograft rejection. RESULTS:in Recipient 2. In both recipients, the creatinine level, which had been at a steady state, decreased after implantation of the xenograft, from 1.97 to 0.82 mg per deciliter in Recipient 1 and from 1.10 to 0.57 mg per deciliter in Recipient 2. The transplanted kidneys remained pink and well-perfused, continuing to make urine throughout the study. Biopsies that were performed at 6, 24, 48, and 54 hours revealed no signs of hyperacute or antibody-mediated rejection. Hourly urine output with the xenograft was more than double the output with the native kidneys. CONCLUSIONS:Genetically modified kidney xenografts from pigs remained viable and functioning in brain-dead human recipients for 54 hours, without signs of hyperacute rejection. (Funded by Lung Biotechnology.).
PMID: 35584156
ISSN: 1533-4406
CID: 5230812
Trials and Tribulations: Responses of ChatGPT to Patient Questions About Kidney Transplantation
Xu, Jingzhi; Mankowski, Michal; Vanterpool, Karen B; Strauss, Alexandra T; Lonze, Bonnie E; Orandi, Babak J; Stewart, Darren; Bae, Sunjae; Ali, Nicole; Stern, Jeffrey; Mattoo, Aprajita; Robalino, Ryan; Soomro, Irfana; Weldon, Elaina; Oermann, Eric K; Aphinyanaphongs, Yin; Sidoti, Carolyn; McAdams-DeMarco, Mara; Massie, Allan B; Gentry, Sommer E; Segev, Dorry L; Levan, Macey L
PMID: 39477825
ISSN: 1534-6080
CID: 5747132
Cellular dynamics in pig-to-human kidney xenotransplantation
Pan, Wanqing; Zhang, Weimin; Zheng, Binghan; Camellato, Brendan R; Stern, Jeffrey; Lin, Ziyan; Khodadadi-Jamayran, Alireza; Kim, Jacqueline; Sommer, Philip; Khalil, Karen; Weldon, Elaina; Bai, Jiangshan; Zhu, Yinan; Meyn, Peter; Heguy, Adriana; Mangiola, Massimo; Griesemer, Adam; Keating, Brendan J; Montgomery, Robert A; Xia, Bo; Boeke, Jef D
BACKGROUND:Xenotransplantation of genetically engineered porcine organs has the potential to address the challenge of organ donor shortage. Two cases of porcine-to-human kidney xenotransplantation were performed, yet the physiological effects on the xenografts and the recipients' immune responses remain largely uncharacterized. METHODS:We performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and longitudinal RNA-seq analyses of the porcine kidneys to dissect xenotransplantation-associated cellular dynamics and xenograft-recipient interactions. We additionally performed longitudinal scRNA-seq of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to detect recipient immune responses across time. FINDINGS/RESULTS:Although no hyperacute rejection signals were detected, scRNA-seq analyses of the xenografts found evidence of endothelial cell and immune response activation, indicating early signs of antibody-mediated rejection. Tracing the cells' species origin, we found human immune cell infiltration in both xenografts. Human transcripts in the longitudinal bulk RNA-seq revealed that human immune cell infiltration and the activation of interferon-gamma-induced chemokine expression occurred by 12 and 48 h post-xenotransplantation, respectively. Concordantly, longitudinal scRNA-seq of PBMCs also revealed two phases of the recipients' immune responses at 12 and 48-53 h. Lastly, we observed global expression signatures of xenotransplantation-associated kidney tissue damage in the xenografts. Surprisingly, we detected a rapid increase of proliferative cells in both xenografts, indicating the activation of the porcine tissue repair program. CONCLUSIONS:Longitudinal and single-cell transcriptomic analyses of porcine kidneys and the recipient's PBMCs revealed time-resolved cellular dynamics of xenograft-recipient interactions during xenotransplantation. These cues can be leveraged for designing gene edits and immunosuppression regimens to optimize xenotransplantation outcomes. FUNDING/BACKGROUND:This work was supported by NIH RM1HG009491 and DP5OD033430.
PMID: 38776915
ISSN: 2666-6340
CID: 5654702
Integrative multi-omics profiling in human decedents receiving pig heart xenografts
Schmauch, Eloi; Piening, Brian; Mohebnasab, Maedeh; Xia, Bo; Zhu, Chenchen; Stern, Jeffrey; Zhang, Weimin; Dowdell, Alexa K; Kim, Jacqueline I; Andrijevic, David; Khalil, Karen; Jaffe, Ian S; Loza, Bao-Li; Gragert, Loren; Camellato, Brendan R; Oliveira, Michelli F; O'Brien, Darragh P; Chen, Han M; Weldon, Elaina; Gao, Hui; Gandla, Divya; Chang, Andrew; Bhatt, Riyana; Gao, Sarah; Lin, Xiangping; Reddy, Kriyana P; Kagermazova, Larisa; Habara, Alawi H; Widawsky, Sophie; Liang, Feng-Xia; Sall, Joseph; Loupy, Alexandre; Heguy, Adriana; Taylor, Sarah E B; Zhu, Yinan; Michael, Basil; Jiang, Lihua; Jian, Ruiqi; Chong, Anita S; Fairchild, Robert L; Linna-Kuosmanen, Suvi; Kaikkonen, Minna U; Tatapudi, Vasishta; Lorber, Marc; Ayares, David; Mangiola, Massimo; Narula, Navneet; Moazami, Nader; Pass, Harvey; Herati, Ramin S; Griesemer, Adam; Kellis, Manolis; Snyder, Michael P; Montgomery, Robert A; Boeke, Jef D; Keating, Brendan J
In a previous study, heart xenografts from 10-gene-edited pigs transplanted into two human decedents did not show evidence of acute-onset cellular- or antibody-mediated rejection. Here, to better understand the detailed molecular landscape following xenotransplantation, we carried out bulk and single-cell transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteomics and metabolomics on blood samples obtained from the transplanted decedents every 6 h, as well as histological and transcriptomic tissue profiling. We observed substantial early immune responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and xenograft tissue obtained from decedent 1 (male), associated with downstream T cell and natural killer cell activity. Longitudinal analyses indicated the presence of ischemia reperfusion injury, exacerbated by inadequate immunosuppression of T cells, consistent with previous findings of perioperative cardiac xenograft dysfunction in pig-to-nonhuman primate studies. Moreover, at 42 h after transplantation, substantial alterations in cellular metabolism and liver-damage pathways occurred, correlating with profound organ-wide physiological dysfunction. By contrast, relatively minor changes in RNA, protein, lipid and metabolism profiles were observed in decedent 2 (female) as compared to decedent 1. Overall, these multi-omics analyses delineate distinct responses to cardiac xenotransplantation in the two human decedents and reveal new insights into early molecular and immune responses after xenotransplantation. These findings may aid in the development of targeted therapeutic approaches to limit ischemia reperfusion injury-related phenotypes and improve outcomes.
PMID: 38760586
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 5654102
The Young Investigator Committee of the International Xenotransplantation Association-Perspective of advancements in the field in 2023
Goerlich, Corbin E; Kamberi, Shani S; Ladowski, Joseph; Citro, Antonio; Connolly, Margaret; Fischer, Konrad; Salvaris, Evelyn J; Singh, Avneesh K; Wang, Yi; Stern, Jeffrey; Meier, Raphael P H
The 2023 IXA conference, hosted in San Diego, CA, brimmed with excitement against the backdrop of recent innovations in both the pre-clinical and clinical realms with several first-in-human applications of xenotransplantation. The theme, "Pigs are flying," alluded to the adage that xenotransplantation would only become a clinical reality "when pigs fly," suggesting a day that might never come. The event witnessed significant attendance, with 600 participants-the highest in the history of an IXA-IPITA joint congress. Among the attendees were members of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and corporate sponsors deeply engaged in the field. We summarize the latest topics from the congress, ranging from the pros/cons of decedent models of xenotransplantation and genetic engineering of porcine heart valves, solid organs, and cells for clinical translation and their regulatory and ethical landscape.
PMID: 38407937
ISSN: 1399-3089
CID: 5691372
Immune response after pig-to-human kidney xenotransplantation: a multimodal phenotyping study
Loupy, Alexandre; Goutaudier, Valentin; Giarraputo, Alessia; Mezine, Fariza; Morgand, Erwan; Robin, Blaise; Khalil, Karen; Mehta, Sapna; Keating, Brendan; Dandro, Amy; Certain, Anaïs; Tharaux, Pierre-Louis; Narula, Navneet; Tissier, Renaud; Giraud, Sébastien; Hauet, Thierry; Pass, Harvey I; Sannier, Aurélie; Wu, Ming; Griesemer, Adam; Ayares, David; Tatapudi, Vasishta; Stern, Jeffrey; Lefaucheur, Carmen; Bruneval, Patrick; Mangiola, Massimo; Montgomery, Robert A
BACKGROUND:Cross-species immunological incompatibilities have hampered pig-to-human xenotransplantation, but porcine genome engineering recently enabled the first successful experiments. However, little is known about the immune response after the transplantation of pig kidneys to human recipients. We aimed to precisely characterise the early immune responses to the xenotransplantation using a multimodal deep phenotyping approach. METHODS:We did a complete phenotyping of two pig kidney xenografts transplanted to decedent humans. We used a multimodal strategy combining morphological evaluation, immunophenotyping (IgM, IgG, C4d, CD68, CD15, NKp46, CD3, CD20, and von Willebrand factor), gene expression profiling, and whole-transcriptome digital spatial profiling and cell deconvolution. Xenografts before implantation, wild-type pig kidney autografts, as well as wild-type, non-transplanted pig kidneys with and without ischaemia-reperfusion were used as controls. FINDINGS:cells. Both xenografts showed increased expression of genes biologically related to a humoral response, including monocyte and macrophage activation, natural killer cell burden, endothelial activation, complement activation, and T-cell development. Whole-transcriptome digital spatial profiling showed that antibody-mediated injury was mainly located in the glomeruli of the xenografts, with significant enrichment of transcripts associated with monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells. This phenotype was not observed in control pig kidney autografts or in ischaemia-reperfusion models. INTERPRETATION:Despite favourable short-term outcomes and absence of hyperacute injuries, our findings suggest that antibody-mediated rejection in pig-to-human kidney xenografts might be occurring. Our results suggest specific therapeutic targets towards the humoral arm of rejection to improve xenotransplantation results. FUNDING:OrganX and MSD Avenir.
PMID: 37598688
ISSN: 1474-547x
CID: 5598182
Immune response, phenotyping and molecular graft surveillance in kidney transplant recipients following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination
Ali, Nicole M; Herati, Ramin S; Mehta, Sapna A; Leonard, Jeanette; Miles, Jake; Lonze, Bonnie E; DiMaggio, Charles; Tatapudi, Vasishta S; Stewart, Zoe A; Alnazari, Nasser; Neumann, Henry J; Thomas, Jeffrey; Cartiera, Katarzyna; Weldon, Elaina; Michael, Jennifer; Hickson, Christopher; Whiteson, Harris; Khalil, Karen; Stern, Jeffrey M; Allen, Joseph R; Tuen, Michael; Gray-Gaillard, Sophie L; Solis, Sabrina M; Samanovic, Marie I; Mulligan, Mark J; Montgomery, Robert A
BACKGROUND:Understanding immunogenicity and alloimmune risk following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination in kidney transplant recipients is imperative to understanding the correlates of protection and to inform clinical guidelines. METHODS:We studied 50 kidney transplant recipients following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and quantified their anti-spike protein antibody, donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), gene expression profiling (GEP), and alloantibody formation. RESULTS:Participants were stratified using nucleocapsid testing as either SARS-CoV-2-naïve or experienced prior to vaccination. One of 34 (3%) SARS-CoV-2 naïve participants developed anti-spike protein antibodies. In contrast, the odds ratio for the association of a prior history of SARS-CoV-2 infection with vaccine response was 18.3 (95% confidence interval 3.2, 105.0, p < 0.01). Pre- and post-vaccination levels did not change for median dd-cfDNA (0.23% vs. 0.21% respectively, p = 0.13), GEP scores (9.85 vs. 10.4 respectively, p = 0.45), calculated panel reactive antibody, de-novo donor specific antibody status, or estimated glomerular filtration rate. CONCLUSIONS:SARS-CoV-2 vaccines do not appear to trigger alloimmunity in kidney transplant recipients. The degree of vaccine immunogenicity was associated most strongly with a prior history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
PMID: 37707287
ISSN: 1399-3062
CID: 5593762
Pig-to-human heart xenotransplantation in two recently deceased human recipients
Moazami, Nader; Stern, Jeffrey M; Khalil, Karen; Kim, Jacqueline I; Narula, Navneet; Mangiola, Massimo; Weldon, Elaina P; Kagermazova, Larisa; James, Les; Lawson, Nikki; Piper, Greta L; Sommer, Philip M; Reyentovich, Alex; Bamira, Daniel; Saraon, Tajinderpal; Kadosh, Bernard S; DiVita, Michael; Goldberg, Randal I; Hussain, Syed T; Chan, Justin; Ngai, Jennie; Jan, Thomas; Ali, Nicole M; Tatapudi, Vasishta S; Segev, Dorry L; Bisen, Shivani; Jaffe, Ian S; Piegari, Benjamin; Kowalski, Haley; Kokkinaki, Maria; Monahan, Jeffrey; Sorrells, Lori; Burdorf, Lars; Boeke, Jef D; Pass, Harvey; Goparaju, Chandra; Keating, Brendan; Ayares, David; Lorber, Marc; Griesemer, Adam; Mehta, Sapna A; Smith, Deane E; Montgomery, Robert A
Genetically modified xenografts are one of the most promising solutions to the discrepancy between the numbers of available human organs for transplantation and potential recipients. To date, a porcine heart has been implanted into only one human recipient. Here, using 10-gene-edited pigs, we transplanted porcine hearts into two brain-dead human recipients and monitored xenograft function, hemodynamics and systemic responses over the course of 66 hours. Although both xenografts demonstrated excellent cardiac function immediately after transplantation and continued to function for the duration of the study, cardiac function declined postoperatively in one case, attributed to a size mismatch between the donor pig and the recipient. For both hearts, we confirmed transgene expression and found no evidence of cellular or antibody-mediated rejection, as assessed using histology, flow cytometry and a cytotoxic crossmatch assay. Moreover, we found no evidence of zoonotic transmission from the donor pigs to the human recipients. While substantial additional work will be needed to advance this technology to human trials, these results indicate that pig-to-human heart xenotransplantation can be performed successfully without hyperacute rejection or zoonosis.
PMID: 37488288
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 5595152
Staged Endovascular and Surgical Management of a Mycotic Pseudoaneurysm After Pancreas Transplant [Case Report]
Stern, Jeffrey; Negash, Bruck; Hickey, Ryan; Lugo, Joanelle; Cayne, Neal S; Lonze, Bonnie E; Ali, Nicole M; Stewart, Zoe A
Mycotic pseudoaneurysms are a rare, life-threatening complication after pancreas transplant. There have been limited reports of endovascular treatment of mycotic pseudoaneurysms in pancreas transplant recipients. Herein, we report on a case of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm from Pseudomonas aeruginosa after pancreas transplant. A 53-year-old male recipient underwent an uneventful simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant. He was readmitted 48 days posttransplant with fevers and rigors. Pan-cultures were performed and broad-spectrum antibiotics were initiated. Imaging studies demonstrated a large mycotic pseudoaneurysm arising from the right common iliac artery adjacent to the arterial Y-graft anastomosis of the transplant pancreas. Endovascular stent placement was used to exclude the pseudoaneurysm prior to transplant pancreatectomy. During pancreatectomy, the lateral wall of the common iliac artery was found to be necrotic with significant exposure of the endovascular stent. After ligation and excision of the common iliac artery, a femorofemoral bypass was performed to revascularize the lower extremity. This case report highlights the advantage of a staged endovascular and surgical management strategy for complex mycotic pseudoaneurysms after pancreas transplant.
PMID: 36919726
ISSN: 2146-8427
CID: 5448882
Intraoperative Verapamil Fails to Reduce Delayed Graft Function in Donation After Circulatory Death Renal Allografts
Lovett, Jessica T; Stern, Jeffrey; Weldon, Elaina P; Lonze, Bonnie E; Stewart, Zoe A
Background/UNASSIGNED:The shortage of transplantable organs has led to increased utilization of kidneys that may be particularly vulnerable to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) and delayed graft function (DGF). Kidneys from donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors have additional IRI from donor procurement that results in increased risk of DGF. Verapamil may reduce IRI in kidney allografts when given at the time of organ reperfusion. This study sought to determine if intraoperative administration of verapamil (Ver) could reduce the risk of DGF in DCD kidney transplants. Methods/UNASSIGNED:A single-center retrospective matched cohort study was performed of 93 Ver (-) kidney transplant recipients compared with 93 Ver (+) kidney transplant recipients, matched by donor age, Kidney Donor Profile Index, and DCD status. Covariates that could impact DGF risk were evaluated by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results/UNASSIGNED:The Ver (-) and Ver (+) matched cohorts did not have any significant differences in the demographic covariates. There was no difference in DGF rate between the Ver cohorts in either the overall study population or within the DCD subgroup. There was a trend toward reduced DGF in the Ver (+) cohort for cold ischemia time (CIT) ≤24 h, but this failed to achieve statistical significance. On multivariate analysis, only CIT was found to be independently associated with DGF. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Intraoperative verapamil failed to reduce DGF risk in DCD kidney allografts. Limitations to this study include nonrandomization for the intraoperative administration of verapamil and the mean CIT >24 h in the study population. Only CIT was an independent prognosticator for DGF on multivariate analysis in a cohort matched for DCD status, consistent with prior studies.
PMID: 35018301
ISSN: 2373-8731
CID: 5118672