Searched for: person:sunm07
Purves, Kirstin; Krebs, Georgina; McGregor, Thomas; Constantinou, Elena; Lester, Kathryn; Barry, Tom; Treanor, Michael; Sun, Michael; Margraf, Juergen; Craske, Michelle; Breen, Gerome; Eley, Thalia
ISSN: 0924-977x
CID: 5238392
Treatment Features Associated with Youth Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Follow-Up Effects for Internalizing Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
Sun, Michael; Rith-Najarian, Leslie R; Williamson, Timothy J; Chorpita, Bruce F
Our aim was to investigate whether four treatment features (i.e., the inclusion of parental involvement, goal-setting strategies, maintenance/relapse prevention sessions, the addition of booster sessions) were associated with posttreatment and follow-up effect size of youth cognitive behavioral therapies (yCBTs) for anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder in age groups spanning young children to adolescents. We conducted a random-effects meta-analysis of 106 yCBTs tested in 76 randomized clinical trials from the PracticeWise Database to examine average effects of yCBTs posttreatment and at a later follow-up assessment. We coded the use of parental involvement, goal setting, booster sessions, and maintenance/relapse prevention in each yCBT and conducted random-effects meta-regression analyses to investigate whether these treatment features were associated with yCBT effects at posttreatment as well as at follow-up. Overall, yCBTs produced large pre- to posttreatment effects (d = 1.05), 95% confidence interval [0.94, 1.15], and larger pre- to follow-up effects (d = 1.29), 95% confidence interval [1.18, 1.40]. Metaregression results indicated that parental involvement was significantly associated with larger pre- to posttreatment effect sizes as well as pre- to follow-up effect sizes. Booster sessions, goal setting, and maintenance/relapse prevention were not significantly related to effect sizes at posttreatment or follow-up. Parental involvement may be helpful for maximizing long-term effectiveness of yCBT. Future studies should investigate for whom and under what conditions inclusion of yCBT treatment features is related to the durability of treatment gains.
PMID: 29677451
ISSN: 1537-4424
CID: 5238332
The heritability of fear conditioning as a model for anxiety disorder and treatment response [Meeting Abstract]
Purves, Kirstin; Krebs, Georgina; McGregor, Thomas; Constantinou, Elena; Lester, Kathryn; Barry, Tom; Treanor, Michael; Sun, Michael; Margraf, Juergen; Craske, Michelle; Breen, Gerome; Eley, Thalia
ISSN: 0001-8244
CID: 5238402
Exploring Cultural Differences in Expressive Suppression and Emotion Recognition
Sun, Michael; Lau, Anna S
Previous research has shown that the habit of suppressing emotional expressions is associated with long-term, general reductions in social cognitive abilities and interpersonal adjustment. This may be because theoretically, habitual suppression requires the fixation of attention to the self instead of to others. The present research explored the association between the habitual tendency to suppress one's own emotions and accuracy in recognizing the emotions of others. Emotion recognition accuracy was tested across two tasks, a limited-channel task that presents limited emotional information and a multimodal full-channel task. We further explored cultural differences in this association given that expressive suppression may be normative for individuals of Asian descent due to cultural motivations toward social harmony and interdependence. Our findings revealed few cultural group differences. U.S.-born Asian Americans outperformed foreign-born Asian Americans and European Americans in limited-channel emotion recognition. However, the three groups did not differ in terms of interdependent self-construal, habitual emotion suppression, and full-channel emotion recognition ability. Interdependent self-construal was related to greater habitual suppression and emotion recognition accuracy in the full-channel task. Habitual emotion suppression was negatively related to limited-channel but not full-channel emotion recognition. There was no evidence of cultural differences in the link between habitual suppression and emotion recognition.
PMID: 30385891
ISSN: 0022-0221
CID: 5238352
Managing In-Session "Surprises:" Provider Responses to Emergent Life Events during Evidence-Based Treatment Implementation
Guan, Karen; Levy, Michelle C; Kim, Rachel E; Brown, Todd E; Reding, Michael E J; Rith-Najarian, Leslie; Sun, Michael; Lau, Anna S; Chorpita, Bruce F
This study aimed to: (1) pilot a psychotherapy coding system for provider responses to emergent life events (ELEs; unexpected events that have a significant negative impact on the client), (2) examine the impact of ELEs on evidence-based treatment (EBT) delivery in community settings. Raters coded 30 randomly-sampled EBT session recordings with and without reported ELEs. Inter-rater reliability and validity for the system were generally high. When an ELE occurred, providers were significantly less likely to deliver the EBT, and when they did, they rarely linked the EBT to the event. Findings highlight the potential for ELEs to disrupt EBT implementation.
PMID: 26474760
ISSN: 1573-3289
CID: 5238322
Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and Emotion Regulation
Chapter by: Sun, Michael; Vinograd, Meghan; Miller, Gregory A; Craske, Michelle G
in: Emotion regulation and psychopathology in children and adolescents by Essau, Cecilia; Leblanc, Sara; Ollendick, Thomas H (Eds)
Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017
pp. ?-
ISBN: 9780198765844
CID: 5239542
Implications of Emotion Expressivity for Daily and Trait Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Functioning Across Ethnic Groups
Tsai, William; Sun, Michael; Wang, Shu-wen; Lau, Anna S.
Previous research has suggested that ethnicity and self-construals may play a role in shaping the utility and function of emotion expression. In a 10-day daily diary study, we examined the effects of positive and negative emotion expressivity on daily and trait intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning across Asian and European American college students. One hundred fifty-five Asian Americans and 74 European Americans completed questionnaires assessing daily affect and daily interactions. Results revealed no significant ethnic group differences in the tendency to express positive or negative emotions, nor in the relationship between positive emotion expressivity and intrapersonal functioning. However, ethnic group differences were apparent in the relation between negative emotion expressivity and functioning. Asian Americans high in negative emotion expressivity were more likely to report poorer daily and trait intrapersonal functioning, whereas these relationships were unrelated for European Americans. Among highly interdependent individuals, positive emotion expressivity was associated with greater daily positive mood, lower trait interpersonal problems, and lower depressive symptoms; however, this was not shown for low interdependence individuals. Our findings suggest that the valence of emotional expressions and culture needs to be considered in studying the adaptive function of emotion expression. ISI:000372549100006
ISSN: 1948-1985
CID: 3821102