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Images in clinical medicine. Horizontal pendular nystagmus in a patient with ocular albinism [Case Report]
Teitel, Ariel D; Rubin, Josh
PMID: 18669422
ISSN: 1533-4406
CID: 110217
Pattern of hospitalizations for angioedema in New York between 1990 and 2003
Lin, Robert Y; Cannon, Ayana G; Teitel, Ariel D
BACKGROUND: The epidemiologic characteristics of angioedema have not been well described in the United States, especially regarding hospitalization patterns. This fact is particularly relevant given the increased use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, a known cause of angioedema. OBJECTIVE: To profile hospital admissions for angioedema in New York State with respect to age, sex, race, comorbidities, and year. METHODS: A database of all acute hospitalizations in New York State was examined between 1990 and 2003. Patient admissions that had the principal admission diagnoses of angioedema and other acute allergic disorders (anaphylaxis, urticaria, or allergy unspecified) were extracted. Characteristics of angioedema admissions were tabulated and compared with those of other acute allergic disease admissions with respect to demographic variables and comorbidities. RESULTS: There were 6,775 hospitalizations for angioedema during the study period. The number of angioedema hospitalizations increased progressively from 293 in 1990 to 636 in 2003, which exceeded the number of hospitalizations for anaphylaxis that year. African Americans constituted 42% of the angioedema admissions despite being less than 16% of the state population. The increase in hospitalizations for angioedema was most marked in patients with a diagnosis of hypertension, and for each study year, patients admitted with angioedema were consistently older than those admitted with other allergic disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Angioedema has become the most common nonasthmatic acute allergic disorder that results in hospitalization in New York State. The predilection for angioedema occurring in patients with hypertension suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use may play a role in this trend
PMID: 16136766
ISSN: 1081-1206
CID: 110200
Subcutaneous nodules and joint deformity in leprosy: case report and review
Yens, Diana A; Asters, Dimitrios J; Teitel, Ariel
Leprosy (Hansen's disease), known to be caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is a well-known illness with multiple rheumatologic manifestations. This chronic granulomatous infection has clinical features that are variable, depending on the immune response of the host. Manifestations consist mainly of involvement of the peripheral nerves, skin, upper respiratory system, eyes, and testes, as well as joints. Musculoskeletal manifestations include arthralgias, arthritis, Charcot arthropathy, and positive autoantibodies. We report a case of a Puerto Rican-born woman who was living within the northeastern United States and had subcutaneous nodules, saddle nose deformity, and painless contractures of her fingers and toes. This case illustrates some of the musculoskeletal manifestations of leprosy to raise awareness of this disease as part of the differential diagnosis of articular abnormalities with subcutaneous nodules in a nonendemic country
PMID: 17041455
ISSN: 1076-1608
CID: 110207