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Functional gradients of the cerebellum

Guell, Xavier; Schmahmann, Jeremy D; Gabrieli, John DE; Ghosh, Satrajit S
A central principle for understanding the cerebral cortex is that macroscale anatomy reflects a functional hierarchy from primary to transmodal processing. In contrast, the central axis of motor and nonmotor macroscale organization in the cerebellum remains unknown. Here we applied diffusion map embedding to resting-state data from the Human Connectome Project dataset (n = 1003), and show for the first time that cerebellar functional regions follow a gradual organization which progresses from primary (motor) to transmodal (DMN, task-unfocused) regions. A secondary axis extends from task-unfocused to task-focused processing. Further, these two principal gradients revealed novel functional properties of the well-established cerebellar double motor representation (lobules I-VI and VIII), and its relationship with the recently described triple nonmotor representation (lobules VI/Crus I, Crus II/VIIB, IX/X). Functional differences exist not only between the two motor but also between the three nonmotor representations, and second motor representation might share functional similarities with third nonmotor representation.
PMID: 30106371
ISSN: 2050-084x
CID: 5454192

Functional Territories of Human Dentate Nucleus

Guell, Xavier; D'Mello, Anila M; Hubbard, Nicholas A; Romeo, Rachel R; Gabrieli, John D E; Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan; Schmahmann, Jeremy D; Anteraper, Sheeba Arnold
Anatomical connections link the cerebellar cortex with multiple sensory, motor, association, and paralimbic cerebral areas. The majority of fibers that exit cerebellar cortex synapse in dentate nuclei (DN) before reaching extracerebellar structures such as cerebral cortex, but the functional neuroanatomy of human DN remains largely unmapped. Neuroimaging research has redefined broad categories of functional division in the human brain showing that primary processing, attentional (task positive) processing, and default-mode (task negative) processing are three central poles of neural macroscale functional organization. This broad spectrum of human neural processing categories is represented not only in the cerebral cortex, but also in the thalamus, striatum, and cerebellar cortex. Whether functional organization in DN obeys a similar set of macroscale divisions, and whether DN are yet another compartment of representation of a broad spectrum of human neural processing categories, remains unknown. Here, we show for the first time that human DN are optimally divided into three functional territories as indexed by high spatio-temporal resolution resting-state MRI in 77 healthy humans, and that these three distinct territories contribute uniquely to default-mode, salience-motor, and visual cerebral cortical networks. Our findings provide a systems neuroscience substrate for cerebellar output to influence multiple broad categories of neural control.
PMID: 31701117
ISSN: 1460-2199
CID: 5454252

Cerebellar Functional Anatomy: a Didactic Summary Based on Human fMRI Evidence [Editorial]

Guell, Xavier; Schmahmann, Jeremy
The cerebellum is relevant for virtually all aspects of behavior in health and disease. Cerebellar findings are common across all kinds of neuroimaging studies of brain function and dysfunction. A large and expanding body of literature mapping motor and non-motor functions in the healthy human cerebellar cortex using fMRI has served as a tool for interpreting these findings. For example, results of cerebellar atrophy in Alzheimer's disease in caudal aspects of Crus I/II and medial lobule IX can be interpreted by consulting a large number of task, resting-state, and gradient-based reports that describe the functional characteristics of these specific aspects of the cerebellar cortex. Here, we provide a concise summary that outlines organizational principles observed consistently across these studies of normal cerebellar organization. This basic framework may be useful for investigators performing or reading experiments that require a functional interpretation of human cerebellar topography.
PMID: 31707620
ISSN: 1473-4230
CID: 5454262

The Theory and Neuroscience of Cerebellar Cognition

Schmahmann, Jeremy D; Guell, Xavier; Stoodley, Catherine J; Halko, Mark A
Cerebellar neuroscience has undergone a paradigm shift. The theories of the universal cerebellar transform and dysmetria of thought and the principles of organization of cerebral cortical connections, together with neuroanatomical, brain imaging, and clinical observations, have recontextualized the cerebellum as a critical node in the distributed neural circuits subserving behavior. The framework for cerebellar cognition stems from the identification of three cognitive representations in the posterior lobe, which are interconnected with cerebral association areas and distinct from the primary and secondary cerebellar sensorimotor representations linked with the spinal cord and cerebral motor areas. Lesions of the anterior lobe primary sensorimotor representations produce dysmetria of movement, the cerebellar motor syndrome. Lesions of the posterior lobe cognitive-emotional cerebellum produce dysmetria of thought and emotion, the cerebellar cognitive affective/Schmahmann syndrome. The notion that the cerebellum modulates thought and emotion in the same way that it modulates motor control advances the understanding of the mechanisms of cognition and opens new therapeutic opportunities in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry.
PMID: 30939101
ISSN: 1545-4126
CID: 5454222

Triple representation of language, working memory, social and emotion processing in the cerebellum: convergent evidence from task and seed-based resting-state fMRI analyses in a single large cohort

Guell, Xavier; Gabrieli, John D E; Schmahmann, Jeremy D
Delineation of functional topography is critical to the evolving understanding of the cerebellum's role in a wide range of nervous system functions. We used data from the Human Connectome Project (n = 787) to analyze cerebellar fMRI task activation (motor, working memory, language, social and emotion processing) and resting-state functional connectivity calculated from cerebral cortical seeds corresponding to the peak Cohen's d of each task contrast. The combination of exceptional statistical power, activation from both motor and multiple non-motor tasks in the same participants, and convergent resting-state networks in the same participants revealed novel aspects of the functional topography of the human cerebellum. Consistent with prior studies there were two distinct representations of motor activation. Newly revealed were three distinct representations each for working memory, language, social, and emotional task processing that were largely separate for these four cognitive and affective domains. In most cases, the task-based activations and the corresponding resting-network correlations were congruent in identifying the two motor representations and the three non-motor representations that were unique to working memory, language, social cognition, and emotion. The definitive localization and characterization of distinct triple representations for cognition and emotion task processing in the cerebellum opens up new basic science questions as to why there are triple representations (what different functions are enabled by the different representations?) and new clinical questions (what are the differing consequences of lesions to the different representations?).
PMID: 29408539
ISSN: 1095-9572
CID: 5454172

Metalinguistic deficits in patients with cerebellar dysfunction: empirical support for the dysmetria of thought theory

Guell, Xavier; Hoche, Franziska; Schmahmann, Jeremy D
The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS) includes disruption of linguistic processing such as verbal fluency, verbal working memory, grammar, and speech perception. We set out to examine linguistic capabilities in patients with cerebellar lesions to determine which domains are spared and which impaired and to evaluate the underlying cognitive structure of these deficits. Forty-four patients with cerebellar disease were compared to 40 healthy controls on the Oral Sentence Production Test (OSPT) which assesses production of sentences with correct syntactic structure and semantic quality. Twenty-five of these cerebellar patients and 25 controls received the Test of Language Competence-Expanded (TLC-E) that assesses metalinguistic ability. The OSPT failed to reveal differences between patients and controls. In contrast, all cerebellar patients were impaired on each of the four TLC-E subtests. Differences between isolated cerebellar and complex cerebrocerebellar patients were nonsignificant. These results confirm and extend prior observations of the TLC-E in patients with cerebellar lesions and suggest three separate but related language impairments following cerebellar dysfunction: (1) disruption in automatic adjustment of intact grammatical and semantic abilities to a linguistic context in sentence production, (2) disruption in automatic adjustment to a linguistic context in sentence interpretation, and (3) disruption of cognitive processes essential for linguistic skills, such as analysis and sequential logical reasoning. These findings are consistent with the unifying framework of the universal cerebellar transform and the dysmetria of thought theory and provide new insights into the nature of the cognitive impairments in patients with the CCAS.
PMID: 25503825
ISSN: 1473-4230
CID: 5454122

Functional Gradients of the Cerebellum: a Review of Practical Applications

Guell, Xavier
Gradient-based analyses have contributed to the description of cerebellar functional neuroanatomy. More recently, functional gradients of the cerebellum have been used as a multi-purpose tool for neuroimaging research. Here, we provide an overview of the many practical applications of cerebellar functional gradient analyses. These practical applications include examination of intra-cerebellar and cerebellar-extracerebellar organization; transformation of functional gradients into parcellations with discrete borders; projection of functional gradients calculated within cerebellar structures to other extracerebellar structures; interpretation of cerebellar neuroimaging findings using qualitative and quantitative methods; detection of differences in patient populations; and other more complex practical applications of cerebellar gradient-based analyses. This review may serve as an introduction and catalog of options for neuroscientists who wish to design and analyze imaging studies using functional gradients of the cerebellum.
PMID: 34741753
ISSN: 1473-4230
CID: 5454392

The cerebellar cognitive affective/Schmahmann syndrome scale

Hoche, Franziska; Guell, Xavier; Vangel, Mark G; Sherman, Janet C; Schmahmann, Jeremy D
Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS; Schmahmann's syndrome) is characterized by deficits in executive function, linguistic processing, spatial cognition, and affect regulation. Diagnosis currently relies on detailed neuropsychological testing. The aim of this study was to develop an office or bedside cognitive screen to help identify CCAS in cerebellar patients. Secondary objectives were to evaluate whether available brief tests of mental function detect cognitive impairment in cerebellar patients, whether cognitive performance is different in patients with isolated cerebellar lesions versus complex cerebrocerebellar pathology, and whether there are cognitive deficits that should raise red flags about extra-cerebellar pathology. Comprehensive standard neuropsychological tests, experimental measures and clinical rating scales were administered to 77 patients with cerebellar disease-36 isolated cerebellar degeneration or injury, and 41 complex cerebrocerebellar pathology-and to healthy matched controls. Tests that differentiated patients from controls were used to develop a screening instrument that includes the cardinal elements of CCAS. We validated this new scale in a new cohort of 39 cerebellar patients and 55 healthy controls. We confirm the defining features of CCAS using neuropsychological measures. Deficits in executive function were most pronounced for working memory, mental flexibility, and abstract reasoning. Language deficits included verb for noun generation and phonemic > semantic fluency. Visual spatial function was degraded in performance and interpretation of visual stimuli. Neuropsychiatric features included impairments in attentional control, emotional control, psychosis spectrum disorders and social skill set. From these results, we derived a 10-item scale providing total raw score, cut-offs for each test, and pass/fail criteria that determined 'possible' (one test failed), 'probable' (two tests failed), and 'definite' CCAS (three tests failed). When applied to the exploratory cohort, and administered to the validation cohort, the CCAS/Schmahmann scale identified sensitivity and selectivity, respectively as possible exploratory cohort: 85%/74%, validation cohort: 95%/78%; probable exploratory cohort: 58%/94%, validation cohort: 82%/93%; and definite exploratory cohort: 48%/100%, validation cohort: 46%/100%. In patients in the exploratory cohort, Mini-Mental State Examination and Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores were within normal range. Complex cerebrocerebellar disease patients were impaired on similarities in comparison to isolated cerebellar disease. Inability to recall words from multiple choice occurred only in patients with extra-cerebellar disease. The CCAS/Schmahmann syndrome scale is useful for expedited clinical assessment of CCAS in patients with cerebellar disorders.awx317media15678692096001.
PMID: 29206893
ISSN: 1460-2156
CID: 5454162

Diaschisis in the human brain reveals specificity of cerebrocerebellar connections

Guell, Xavier; Schmahmann, Jeremy D
Anatomical studies in animals and imaging studies in humans show that cerebral sensorimotor areas map onto corresponding cerebellar sensorimotor areas and that cerebral association areas map onto cerebellar posterior lobe regions designated as the representation of the association (cognitive and limbic) cerebellum. We report a patient with unilateral left hemispheric status epilepticus, whose brain MRI revealed diffuse unihemispheric cerebral cortical FLAIR and diffusion signal hyperintensity but spared primary motor, somatosensory, visual, and to lesser extent auditory cerebral cortices. Crossed cerebellar diaschisis (dysfunction at a site remote from, but connected to, the location of the primary lesion) showed signal hyperintensity in the right cerebellar posterior lobe and lobule IX, with sparing of the anterior lobe, and lobule VIII. This unique topographic pattern of involvement and sparing of cerebral and cerebellar cortical areas matches the anatomical and functional connectivity specialization in the cerebrocerebellar circuit. This first demonstration of within-hemispheric specificity in the areas affected and spared by cerebrocerebellar diaschisis provides further confirmation in the human brain for topographic organization of connections between the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum.
PMID: 37609856
ISSN: 1096-9861
CID: 5598612

Cerebello-cerebral Functional Connectivity Networks in Major Depressive Disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 Study Report

Anteraper, Sheeba Arnold; Guell, Xavier; Lee, Yoon Ji; Raya, Jovicarole; Demchenko, Ilya; Churchill, Nathan W; Frey, Benicio N; Hassel, Stefanie; Lam, Raymond W; MacQueen, Glenda M; Milev, Roumen; Schweizer, Tom A; Strother, Stephen C; Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan; Kennedy, Sidney H; Bhat, Venkat
Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated aberrant structure and function of the "cognitive-affective cerebellum" in major depressive disorder (MDD), although the specific role of the cerebello-cerebral circuitry in this population remains largely uninvestigated. The objective of this study was to delineate the role of cerebellar functional networks in depression. A total of 308 unmedicated participants completed resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, of which 247 (148 MDD; 99 healthy controls, HC) were suitable for this study. Seed-based resting-state functional connectivity (RsFc) analysis was performed using three cerebellar regions of interest (ROIs): ROI1 corresponded to default mode network (DMN)/inattentive processing; ROI2 corresponded to attentional networks, including frontoparietal, dorsal attention, and ventral attention; ROI3 corresponded to motor processing. These ROIs were delineated based on prior functional gradient analyses of the cerebellum. A general linear model was used to perform within-group and between-group comparisons. In comparison to HC, participants with MDD displayed increased RsFc within the cerebello-cerebral DMN (ROI1) and significantly elevated RsFc between the cerebellar ROI1 and bilateral angular gyrus at a voxel threshold (p < 0.001, two-tailed) and at a cluster level (p < 0.05, FDR-corrected). Group differences were non-significant for ROI2 and ROI3. These results contribute to the development of a systems neuroscience approach to the diagnosis and treatment of MDD. Specifically, our findings confirm previously reported associations between MDD, DMN, and cerebellum, and highlight the promising role of these functional and anatomical locations for the development of novel imaging-based biomarkers and targets for neuromodulation therapies. TRN: NCT01655706; Date of Registration: August 2nd, 2012.
PMID: 35023065
ISSN: 1473-4230
CID: 5454402