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Salvage prostate brachytherapy in radiorecurrent prostate cancer: An international Delphi consensus study
Corkum, Mark T; Buyyounouski, Mark K; Chang, Albert J; Chung, Hans T; Chung, Peter; Cox, Brett W; Crook, Juanita M; Davis, Brian J; Frank, Steven J; Henriquez, Ivan; Horwitz, Eric M; Hoskin, Peter; Hsu, I-Chow; Keyes, Mira; King, Martin T; Kollmeier, Marisa A; Krauss, Daniel J; Kukielka, Andrzej M; Morton, Gerard; Orio, Peter F; Pieters, Bradley R; Potters, Louis; Rossi, Peter J; Showalter, Timothy N; Solanki, Abhishek A; Song, Daniel; Vanneste, Ben; Vigneault, Eric; Wojcieszek, Piotr A; Zelefsky, Michael J; Kamrava, Mitchell
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Local recurrences after previous radiotherapy (RT) are increasingly being identified in biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Salvage prostate brachytherapy (BT) is an effective and well tolerated treatment option. We sought to generate international consensus statements on the use and preferred technical considerations for salvage prostate BT. MATERIALS AND METHODS:International experts in salvage prostate BT were invited (n = 34) to participate. A three-round modified Delphi technique was utilized, with questions focused on patient- and cancer-specific criteria, type and technique of BT, and follow-up. An a priori threshold for consensus of ≥ 75% was set, with a majority opinion being ≥ 50%. RESULTS:Thirty international experts agreed to participate. Consensus was achieved for 56% (18/32) of statements. Consensus was achieved in several areas of patient selection: 1) A minimum of 2-3 years from initial RT to salvage BT; 2) MRI and PSMA PET should be obtained; and 3) Both targeted and systematic biopsies should be performed. Several areas did not reach consensus: 1) Maximum T stage/PSA at time of salvage; 2) Utilization/duration of ADT; 3) Appropriateness of combining local salvage with SABR for oligometastatic disease and 4) Repeating a second course of salvage BT. A majority opinion preferred High Dose-Rate salvage BT, and indicated that both focal and whole gland techniques could be appropriate. There was no single preferred dose/fractionation. CONCLUSION:Areas of consensus within our Delphi study may serve as practical advice for salvage prostate BT. Future research in salvage BT should address areas of controversy identified in our study.
PMID: 37059334
ISSN: 1879-0887
CID: 5529742
Identification of incidental brain tumors in prostate cancer patients via PSMA PET/CT
McLaughlin, Lily A; Yildirim, Onur; Rosenblum, Marc K; Imber, Brandon S; Haseltine, Justin M; Zelefsky, Michael J; Schöder, Heiko; Morris, Michael J; Rafelson, William M; Krebs, Simone; Moss, Nelson S
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Brain metastases are rare in patients with prostate cancer and portend poor outcome. Prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET)/CT scans including the brain have identified incidental tumors. We sought to identify the incidental brain tumor detection rate of PSMA PET/CT performed at initial diagnosis or in the setting of biochemical recurrence. METHODS:F-piflufolastat) PET/CT imaging at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center from 1/2018 to 12/2022. Imaging reports and clinical courses were reviewed to identify brain lesions and describe clinical and pathologic features. RESULTS:Two-thousand seven hundred and sixty-three patients underwent 3363 PSMA PET/CT scans in the absence of neurologic symptoms. Forty-four brain lesions were identified, including 33 PSMA-avid lesions: 10 intraparenchymal metastases (30%), 4 dural-based metastases (12%), 16 meningiomas (48%), 2 pituitary macroadenomas (6%), and 1 epidermal inclusion cyst (3%) (incidences of 0.36, 0.14, 0.58, 0.07, and 0.04%). The mean parenchymal metastasis diameter and mean SUVmax were 1.99 cm (95%CI:1.25-2.73) and 4.49 (95%CI:2.41-6.57), respectively. At the time of parenchymal brain metastasis detection, 57% of patients had no concurrent extracranial disease, 14% had localized prostate disease only, and 29% had extracranial metastases. Seven of 8 patients with parenchymal brain metastases remain alive at a median 8.8 months follow-up. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Prostate cancer brain metastases are rare, especially in the absence of widespread metastatic disease. Nevertheless, incidentally detected brain foci of PSMA uptake may represent previously unknown prostate cancer metastases, even in small lesions and in the absence of systemic disease.
PMID: 37247180
ISSN: 1573-7373
CID: 5529772
Local Failure after Prostate SBRT Predominantly Occurs in the PI-RADS 4 or 5 Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion
Gorovets, Daniel; Wibmer, Andreas G; Moore, Assaf; Lobaugh, Stephanie; Zhang, Zhigang; Kollmeier, Marisa; McBride, Sean; Zelefsky, Michael J
BACKGROUND:A positive post-treatment prostate biopsy following definitive radiotherapy carries significant prognostic implications. OBJECTIVE:To determine whether local recurrences after prostate stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) are associated with the presence of and occur more commonly within the region of a PI-RADS 4 or 5 dominant intra-prostatic lesion (DIL) identified on pre-treatment multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:247 patients with localized prostate cancer treated with SBRT at our institution from 2009-2018 underwent post-treatment biopsies (median time to biopsy: 2.2 years) to evaluate local control. INTERVENTIONS/METHODS:Prostate SBRT (median 40 Gy in 5 fractions). OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS/METHODS:MRIs were read by a single diagnostic radiologist blinded to other patient characteristics and treatment outcomes. The DIL presence, size, location, and extent were then analyzed to determine associations with the post-treatment biopsy outcomes. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS/CONCLUSIONS:Among patients who underwent post-treatment biopsies, 39/247 (15.8%) were positive for Gleason-gradable prostate adenocarcinoma, of which 35/39 (90%) had a DIL initially present and 29/39 (74.4%) had a positive biopsy within the DIL. Factors independently associated with post-treatment biopsy outcomes included the presence of a DIL (OR 6.95; p = 0.001), radiographic T3 disease (OR 5.23, p < 0.001), SBRT dose ≥40 Gy (OR 0.26, p = 0.003), and use of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT; OR 0.28, p = 0.027). Among patients with a DIL (N = 149), the only factors associated with post-treatment biopsy outcomes included ≥50% percent cores positive (OR 2.4, p = 0.037), radiographic T3 disease (OR 4.04, p = 0.001), SBRT dose ≥40 Gy (OR 0.22, p < 0.001), and use of ADT (OR 0.21, p = 0.014). CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that men with PI-RADS 4 or 5 DILs have a higher risk of local recurrence after prostate SBRT and that most recurrences are located within the DIL. PATIENT SUMMARY/RESULTS:We found the presence of a dominant tumor on pre-treatment MRI was strongly associated with residual cancer within the prostate after SBRT and that most recurrences were within the dominant tumor.
PMID: 35307323
ISSN: 2588-9311
CID: 5529622
SBRT focal dose intensification using an MR-Linac adaptive planning for intermediate-risk prostate cancer: An analysis of the dosimetric impact of intra-fractional organ changes
Brennan, Victoria Sarah; Burleson, Sarah; Kostrzewa, Caroline; Godoy Scripes, Paola; Subashi, Ergys; Zhang, Zhigang; Tyagi, Neelam; Zelefsky, Michael J
INTRODUCTION:Using an magnetic resonance linear accelerator (MR-Linac) may improve the precision of visible tumor boosting with ultra-hypofractionation by accounting for daily positional changes in the target and organs at risk (OAR). PATIENTS AND METHODS:Fifteen patients with prostate cancer and an MR-detected dominant lesion were treated on the MR-Linac with stereotactic body radiation (SBRT) to 40 Gy in 5 fractions, boosting the gross tumor volume (GTV) to 45 Gy with daily adaptive planning. Imaging was acquired again after initial planning (verification scan), and immediately after treatment (post-treatment scan). Prior to beam-on, additional adjustments were made on the verification scan. Contours were retrospectively adjusted on verification and post-treatment scans, and the daily plan recalculated on these scans to estimate the true dose delivered. RESULTS:The median prostate D95% for plan 1, 2 and 3 was 40.3 Gy, 40.5 Gy and 40.3 Gy and DIL D95% was 45.7 Gy, 45.2 Gy and 44.6 Gy, respectively. Bladder filling was associated with reduced GTV coverage (p = 0.03, plan 1 vs 2) and prostate coverage (p = 0.03, plan 2 vs 3). The D0.035 cc constraint was exceeded on verification and post-treatment plans in 24 % and 33 % of fractions for the urethra, 31 % and 45 % for the bladder, and 35 % and 25 % for the rectum, respectively. CONCLUSION:MR-Linac guided, daily adaptive SBRT with focal boosting of the GTV yields acceptable planned and delivered dosimetry. Adaptive planning with a MR-Linac may reliably deliver the prescribed dose to the intended tumor target.
PMID: 36549340
ISSN: 1879-0887
CID: 5529692
Assessment of Patients With Prostate Cancer and Their Understanding of the International Prostate Symptom Score Questionnaire
Gewanter, Richard M; Sandhu, Jaspreet S; Tin, Amy L; Gross, Jeffrey P; Mazzarella, Kathleen; Urban, Joanne; Elsebai, Natalia; Hopkins, Margaret F; Vickers, Andrew J; Zelefsky, Michael J
PURPOSE/UNASSIGNED:The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) is a widely used tool for evaluating patient-reported lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study, we assessed patients with prostate cancer and their understanding of IPSS questions. METHODS AND MATERIALS/UNASSIGNED:Consecutive patients with prostate cancer (N = 144) self-completed an online IPSS questionnaire within 1 week before their visit at our radiation oncology clinic. At the visit, a nurse reviewed each IPSS question to ensure the patient understood it and then verified the patient's answer. Preverified and nurse-verified scores were recorded and analyzed for discrepancies. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Complete concordance between preverified and nurse-verified responses to individual IPSS questions existed for 70 men (49%). In terms of overall IPSS score, 61 men (42%) had a lower or improved IPSS after nurse verification, and 9 men (6%) had a higher or worse IPSS. Before verification, patients overstated their symptoms of frequency, intermittency, and incomplete emptying. As a result of the nurse verification, 4 of 7 patients with IPSS in the severe range (20-35) were recategorized to the moderate range (8-19). Sixteen percent of patients whose preverified IPSS were in the moderate range were recategorized after nurse verification to the mild range (0-7). Treatment option eligibility changed for 10% of patients after nurse verification. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:Patients frequently misunderstand the IPSS questionnaire, leading them to respond in ways that do not accurately reflect their symptoms. Clinicians should verify patient understanding of the IPSS questions, particularly when using the score to determine eligibility for treatments.
PMID: 37213479
ISSN: 2452-1094
CID: 5529762
Consensus Quality Measures and Dose Constraints for Prostate Cancer From the Veterans Affairs Radiation Oncology Quality Surveillance Program and American Society for Radiation Oncology Expert Panel
Solanki, Abhishek A; Puckett, Lindsay L; Kujundzic, Ksenija; Katsoulakis, Evangelia; Park, John; Kapoor, Rishabh; Hagan, Michael; Kelly, Maria; Palta, Jatinder; Ballas, Leslie K; DeMarco, John; Hoffman, Karen E; Lawton, Colleen A F; Michalski, Jeff; Potters, Louis; Zelefsky, Michael; Kudner, Randi; Dawes, Samantha; Wilson, Emily; Sandler, Howard
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:There are no agreed upon measures to comprehensively determine the quality of radiation oncology (RO) care delivered for prostate cancer. Consequently, it is difficult to assess the implementation of scientific advances and adherence to best practices in routine clinical practice. To address this need, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Radiation Oncology Program established the VA Radiation Oncology Quality Surveillance (VA ROQS) Program to develop clinical quality measures to assess the quality of RO care delivered to Veterans with cancer. This article reports the prostate cancer consensus measures. METHODS AND MATERIALS/METHODS:The VA ROQS Program contracted with the American Society for Radiation Oncology to commission a Blue Ribbon Panel of prostate cancer experts to develop a set of evidence-based measures and performance expectations. From February to June 2021, the panel developed quality, aspirational, and surveillance measures for (1) initial consultation and workup, (2) simulation, treatment planning, and delivery, and (3) follow-up. Dose-volume histogram (DVH) constraints to be used as quality measures for definitive and post-prostatectomy radiation therapy were selected. The panel also identified the optimal Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 5.0 (CTCAE V5.0), toxicity terms to assess in follow-up. RESULTS:Eighteen prostate-specific measures were developed (13 quality, 2 aspirational, and 3 surveillance). DVH metrics tailored to conventional, moderately hypofractionated, and ultrahypofractionated regimens were identified. Decision trees to determine performance for each measure were developed. Eighteen CTCAE V5.0 terms were selected in the sexual, urinary, and gastrointestinal domains as highest priority for assessment during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS:This set of measures and DVH constraints serves as a tool for assessing the comprehensive quality of RO care for prostate cancer. These measures will be used for ongoing quality surveillance and improvement among veterans receiving care across VA and community sites. These measures can also be applied to clinical settings outside of those serving veterans.
PMID: 36522277
ISSN: 1879-8519
CID: 5529672
Quality Metric to Assess Adequacy of Hydrogel Rectal Spacer Placement for Prostate Radiation Therapy and Association of Metric Score With Rectal Toxicity Outcomes
Grossman, Craig E; Folkert, Michael R; Lobaugh, Stephanie; Desai, Neil B; Kollmeier, Marisa A; Gorovets, Daniel; McBride, Sean M; Timmerman, Robert D; Zhang, Zhigang; Zelefsky, Michael J
PURPOSE/UNASSIGNED:Although hydrogel spacer placement (HSP) minimizes rectal dose during prostate cancer radiation therapy, its potential benefit for modulating rectal toxicity could depend on the achieved prostate-rectal separation. We therefore developed a quality metric associated with rectal dose reduction and late rectal toxicity among patients treated with prostate stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). METHODS AND MATERIALS/UNASSIGNED:A quality metric consisting of prostate-rectal interspace measurements from axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging simulation images was applied to 42 men enrolled in a multi-institutional phase 2 study using HSP with prostate SBRT (45 Gy in 5 fractions). A score of 0, 1, or 2 was assigned to a prostate-rectal interspace measurement of <0.3 cm, 0.3 to 0.9 cm, or ≥1 cm, respectively. An overall spacer quality score (SQS) was computed from individual scores at rectal midline and ±1 cm laterally, located at the prostate base, midgland, and apex. Associations of SQS with rectal dosimetry and late toxicity were evaluated. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED: = .01). Among the 20 men who developed late grade ≥1 rectal toxicity, 57%, 71%, and 22% had an SQS of 0, 1, and 2, respectively. Men with an SQS of 0 or 1 compared with 2 had 4.67-fold (95% CI, 0.72-30.11) or 8.40-fold (95% CI, 1.83-38.57) greater odds, respectively, of developing late rectal toxicity. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:We developed a reliable and informative metric for assessing HSP, which appears to be associated with rectal dosimetry and late rectal toxicity after prostate SBRT.
PMID: 37213478
ISSN: 2452-1094
CID: 5529752
Introduction [Editorial]
Zelefsky, Michael
PMID: 36529598
ISSN: 1873-1449
CID: 5529682
Failure Patterns by PSMA PET for Recurrent Prostate Cancer after Prostatectomy and Salvage Radiation
Imber, Brandon S; O'Dwyer, Elisabeth; Lobaugh, Stephanie; McBride, Sean M; Hopkins, Margaret; Kollmeier, Marisa; Gorovets, Daniel; Brennan, Victoria; Pike, Luke R G; Gewanter, Richard; Mychalczak, Borys; Zhang, Zhigang; Schöder, Heiko; Zelefsky, Michael J
OBJECTIVE:To characterize patterns of failure using prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET) after radical prostatectomy (RP) and salvage radiotherapy (SRT). METHODS:Ga-HBED-iPSMA PET/CT on a single-arm, prospective imaging trial (NCT03204123). Scans were centrally reviewed with pattern-of-failure analysis by involved site. Positive scans were classified using 3 failure categories: pelvic nodal, extra-pelvic nodal or distant non-nodal. Associations with failure categories were analyzed using cumulative incidence and generalized logits regression. RESULTS:We included 133 men who received SRT a median of 20 months post-RP; 56% received SRT to the prostatic fossa alone, while 44% received pelvic SRT. PSMA PET/CT was performed a median of 48 months post-SRT. Overall, 31% of PSMA PET/CT scans were negative, 2% equivocal and 67% had at least 1 positive site. Scan detection was significantly associated with PSA level prior to PSMA PET/CT. Analysis of 89 positive scans demonstrated pelvic nodal (53%) was the most common relapse and fossa relapse was low (9%). Overall, positive scans were pelvic (n = 35, 26%), extra-pelvic nodal (n = 26, 20%) or distant non-nodal failure (n = 28, 21%), and 70% of positive scans were oligorecurrent. We observed similar cumulative incidence for all failure categories and relatively few clinicodemographic associations. Men treated with pelvic SRT had reduced odds of pelvic failure versus exclusive fossa treatment. CONCLUSION:Pelvic, extra-pelvic nodal, and distant non-nodal failures occur with similar incidence post-SRT. Regional nodal relapse is relatively common, especially with fossa-only SRT. A high oligorecurrence rate suggests a potentially important role for PSMA-guided focal therapies.
PMID: 36115426
ISSN: 1527-9995
CID: 5529652
Are We Ready for Focal Dose Radio-Ablation in the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer? [Comment]
Zelefsky, Michael J
PMID: 35569475
ISSN: 1879-355x
CID: 5529632