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Screw-retained restoration of a facially shifted postextraction implant in the esthetic zone with immediate provisionalization

Affendi, N. H. Kamar; Suzuki, T.; Cho, S. C.
ISSN: 2036-413x
CID: 5207872

A Three-Stage Split-Crest Technique: Case Series of Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the Atrophic Posterior Mandible

Hu, Guei-Hua; Froum, Stuart J; Alodadi, Abdullah; Nose, Fuyuki; Yu, Yung-Cheng Paul; Suzuki, Takanori; Cho, Sang-Choon
This paper introduces a three-stage split-crest (TSSC) technique for horizontal ridge augmentation in the atrophic posterior mandible. The first stage consists of splitting the ridge. Following a 3- to 4-week healing interval, the second stage consists of expansion of the cortical plate (without elevating the periosteum) and placement of a bone replacement graft material. After 3 to 4 months of healing, the implants are placed. The advantages of this three-stage technique are increased vascularization to the surgical area, a decrease in procedure complications, and improved implant survival rates. An extended treatment time is the main disadvantage. The purpose of this retrospective case series is to review and discuss a new step-by-step surgical procedure of a TSSC technique using a delayed implant placement protocol. The results, advantages, and limitations were also presented.
PMID: 29534117
ISSN: 1945-3388
CID: 3181252

Epicrestal and subcrestal placement of platform-switched implants: 18 month-result of a randomized, controlled, split-mouth, prospective clinical trial

Froum, Stuart J; Cho, Sang-Choon; Suzuki, Takanori; Yu, Paul; Corby, Patricia; Khouly, Ismael
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the changes in marginal bone levels (MBL) and soft tissue dimension around platform-switched implants with the implant-abutment junction (IAJ) placed at the crest or 1.5-2 mm subcrestally. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:In all, 96 platform-switched implants were placed in either the posterior maxilla or mandible in 48 partially edentulous patients in a split-mouth study. All implants were provisionally restored after 4-5 months and definitively after 6 months (T6). Radiographic assessment of MBL was assessed at implant placement (T0), T6, 12 months (T12), and 18 months (T18) after placement. Mid-buccal soft tissue and papilla measurements were performed at T6, T12, and T18. RESULTS:In all, 43 patients with 86 implants completed the study. The T18 examination showed an implant survival rate of 100% in both groups. Analysis showed that MBL varied as a function of IAJ location, which indicated more coronal bone levels with subcrestal (2.39 ± 0.08 mm) than with epicrestal placements (0.88 ± 0.08 mm) (p < .05). Greater average marginal bone loss was found in the subcrestal group (0.40 ± 0.07 mm) compared to the epicrestal group (0.13 ± 0.08 mm) although no statistically significant difference was found at T18 (p > .05). Levels of mid-buccal soft tissue had no significant changes over time, regardless of group (p > .05). There was a significant difference in increase in papilla between T6 and T12 and T18 (p = .005 and .001), but not between T12 and T18 (p = .61). These papilla levels and changes were similar between groups (p > .05). CONCLUSIONS:The MBL changes around platform-switched implants with same geometry were not affected by the epicrestal or subcrestal location of the IAJ. Furthermore, the location of the IAJ did not affect the implant survival and soft tissue dimensions. However, no bone loss was located apical to the IAJ when the implants were placed subcrestally.
PMID: 29473223
ISSN: 1600-0501
CID: 2963462

Nobel Orthodontic Implant Site Development Using Labial Root Torque: A Case Report

Chapter by: Suzuki, Takanori; Tanno, Tsutomu
in: RSE : Research Scholarship Expo by
[S.l. : NYU College of Dentistry], 2018
pp. 053-053
ISBN: n/a
CID: 3157092

Narrow-Diameter Implants: Dual Function as a Tent Pole for Vertical Ridge Augmentation and a Guide for Definitive Implant Position

Suzuki, Takanori; Khouly, Ismael; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart
Vertical bone defects present a challenge for the placement of implants in sufficient bone with proper position for a successful treatment outcome. This case report describes the use of a narrowdiameter (2.2 mm) implant as a tent pole for guided bone regeneration and documents the vertical bone augmentation achieved. In addition, following removal, the narrow-diameter implant served as a guide for the proper positioning and angulation of the final implant and its supporting restoration. The protocol and step-by-step procedure are described.
PMID: 28368131
ISSN: 2158-1797
CID: 2519692

The Palatal Window for Treating an Incompletely Augmented Maxillary Sinus

Florio, Salvatore; Suzuki, Takanori; Cho, Sang-Choon
Maxillary sinus augmentation through a lateral window is reported as one of the most predictable bone augmentation procedures before implant placement. The elevation of the membrane represents a delicate and crucial step that allows the creation of the space for the bone graft material. If the elevation is not completed, the regenerated bone might be inadequate for the implant placement. In this case, a new intervention will be necessary to complete the bone augmentation. Reaccessing from a lateral window, however, would be challenging due to thickness of the buccal boney wall because of the first grafting procedure; therefore, a different approach has to be used. The aim of this case report is to present the palatal window technique for treating incompletely augmented maxillary sinus. The detailed step-by-step diagnostic and surgical procedures are described, and the advantages and limitations of the technique are discussed through a review of the literature.
PMID: 28234708
ISSN: 1538-2982
CID: 2460082

New Surgical Protocol to Create Interimplant Papilla: The Preliminary Results of a Case Series

Froum, Stuart; Lagoudis, Miltiadis; Rojas, Giovanni Molina; Suzuki, Takanori; Cho, Sang-Choon
The aim of this study was to introduce a new surgical technique to regenerate the papilla adjacent to multiple or single implants using a novel instrument and a new incision design. A total of 10 consecutively treated patients with maxillary anterior implant-supported provisional restorations and missing interproximal papillae received a subepithelial connective tissue graft. The recipient site was prepared with a buccal incision apical to the mucogingival junction and to the defective papilla, and a palatal incision, followed by buccolingual tunneling performed with a translingual curette (EBINA). A total of 10 sites were treated and evaluated pre- and postoperatively with the papilla score based on the Jemt classification. The final prosthesis was delivered 3 months after the papilla regeneration surgical procedure. An average improvement in papilla index score from 0.8 to 2.4 was found after an average follow-up period of 16.3 months. This case series demonstrated that interimplant papilla regeneration can be successful over a period of 11 to 30 months postloading. Long-term prospective studies on tissue stability and esthetic outcomes are needed to corroborate the findings in this study.
PMID: 26901294
ISSN: 1945-3388
CID: 2292292

Biological and biomechanical considerations in immediate implant placement and immediate probisionalization

Chapter by: Suzuki, Takanori; Lagoudis, Miltiadis; Cho, Sang-Choon
in: RSE : Research Scholarship Expo by
[S.l. : NYU College of Dentistry], 2016
pp. 048-048
ISBN: n/a
CID: 2889902

Utilization of extracted teeth as provisional restorations following immediate implant placement - A case report

Wang, Wendy C W; Suzuki, Takanori
This case report utilized a patient's natural teeth as provisional restorations supported by immediately placed implants to provide a seamless transition from hopeless teeth to implant supported restorations.
PMID: 26684492
ISSN: 0377-5291
CID: 1878342

Various Techniques to Increase Keratinized Tissue for Implant Supported Overdentures: Retrospective Case Series

Elkhaweldi, Ahmed; Rincon Soler, Carmen; Cayarga, Rodrigo; Suzuki, Takanori; Kaufman, Zev
Purpose. The purpose of this retrospective case series is to describe and compare different surgical techniques that can be utilized to augment the keratinized soft tissue around implant-supported overdentures. Materials and Methods. The data set was extracted as deidentified information from the routine treatment of patients at the Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. Eight edentulous patients were selected to be included in this study. Patients were treated for lack of keratinized tissue prior to implant placement, during the second stage surgery, and after delivery of the final prosthesis. Results. All 8 patients in this study were wearing a complete maxillary and/or mandibular denture for at least a year before the time of the surgery. One of the following surgical techniques was utilized to increase the amount of keratinized tissue: apically positioned flap (APF), pedicle graft (PG), connective tissue graft (CTG), or free gingival graft (FGG). Conclusions. The amount of keratinized tissue should be taken into consideration when planning for implant-supported overdentures. The apical repositioning flap is an effective approach to increase the width of keratinized tissue prior to the implant placement.
PMID: 26124833
ISSN: 1687-8728
CID: 1649462