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An interprofessional collaborative approach in the development of a caries risk assessment mobile tablet application: My Smile Buddy
Chinn, Courtney H; Levine, June; Matos, Sergio; Findley, Sally; Edelstein, Burton L
BACKGROUND: Given the rising trend in early childhood caries (ECC) and the wide disparities that exist in pediatric oral health, risk assessment for ECC has become increasingly important. The purpose of this paper is to describe lessons learned from an Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) approach in the planning, development, and pilot testing of an electronic interactive ECC risk assessment application--My Smile Buddy (MSB). METHODS: Five focus groups were conducted during the assessment and development phases of MSB. Community Health Workers (CHW) then facilitated MSB with 35 mothers from the local community. RESULTS: MSB was well accepted by mothers and scored well in usability and usefulness by CHWs. Lessons learned during MSB development included recognizing CHW understanding of local community attitudes regarding oral health and access to dental care and that power-sharing is required in order to create an intervention that is both engaging and accepted by the community.
PMID: 23974376
ISSN: 1548-6869
CID: 1647822
Engaging Dentists with Health and Social Service Professionals to Improve Children's Oral Health and Dental Care [Meeting Abstract]
Edelstein, Burton L.; Chinn, Courtney; Levine, June; Williams, Sharifa Z.; Albert, David A.; Ahluwalia, Kavita
ISSN: 1356-1820
CID: 3537842
Primary Prevention of Early Childhood Tooth Decay through Multidisciplinary Collaborations [Meeting Abstract]
Edelstein, Burton; Chinn, Courtney; Levine, June; Williams, Sharifa Z.; McCord, Mary; Smaldone, Arlene; Matos, Sergio; Findley, Sally; Rauh, Virginia; Witte, Susan; O'Connell, Kathleen; Contento, Isobel; Wolf, Randy; Koch, Pamela; Rowe, Jessica; Yoon, Richard
ISSN: 1356-1820
CID: 3537852
MySmileBuddy: an iPad-based interactive program to assess dietary risk for early childhood caries
Levine, June; Wolf, Randi L; Chinn, Courtney; Edelstein, Burton L
PMID: 23017564
ISSN: 2212-2672
CID: 1647832
Evaluation of behavior change goal-setting action plan on oral health activity and status
Lepore, Lindsay M; Yoon, Richard K; Chinn, Courtney H; Chussid, Steven
This experimental study determined if a "report card-like" oral health action plan was effective in improving oral health behaviors in a sample of 69 patients, ages 1 to 6 years. Participants were divided randomly into control and intervention groups. Data collected included dmft, plaque score, Streptococcus mutans levels and oral health behaviors. Participants in the intervention group received an oral health action plan that included: 1. child's current caries-risk status; 2. identification issues of concern; and 3. one "goal" to improve on for the next visit. All participants returned after two months for follow-up examination and data collection.
PMID: 22338818
ISSN: 0028-7571
CID: 1647842
Effectiveness of an oral health program in improving the knowledge and competencies of head start staff
Chinn, Courtney Hugh
PURPOSE: Head Start and Early Head Start (HS/EHS) programs have partnered with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to promote oral health and increase access to dental homes. Preparing HS/EHS staff for issues related to pediatric oral health promises to improve effectiveness of this collaboration. This paper's purpose was to describe the Columbia Head Start Oral Health Program (C-HSOHP) and changes in HS/EHS staff pediatric oral health knowledge and competencies after participating in C-HSOHP. METHODS: Four HS/EHS grantees in New York City engaged in the 2008-09 C-HSOHP. A convenience sample of 61 staff completed pre- and postself assessments of knowledge and competencies. RESULTS: Significant paired mean improvements were found for staff-reported level of preparation to explain dental issues during pregnancy, the tooth decay process, and preparing parents for their child's first dental visit. Significant improvements were found in staff confidence in teaching parents about children's oral health issues, referring for pediatric dental services, and talking to a dentist about a concern. CONCLUSIONS: The Columbia Head Start Oral Health Program was effective in improving Head Start/Early Head Start staff self-confidence and self-perceived preparedness in teaching parents about oral health, applying oral health knowledge to HS/EHS programs, communicating with dental professionals, and improving access to pediatric dental services.
PMID: 22104708
ISSN: 0164-1263
CID: 2368152
Caries experience among Chinese-American children in Manhattan Chinatown
Chinn, Courtney H; Cruz, Gustavo D; Chan, Allison
There is little research on the oral health status of Chinese-American (CA) children in the U.S. and Asian/Pacific Islanders in general. The purpose of this study was to characterize the dental caries experience of a CA child population in Manhattan Chinatown, New York City. A five-year chart review of 545 initial dental exams of patients aged 2 to 11 was conducted at a community clinic serving an immigrant CA population. DMFT/dft were compared to National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and analyzed for associations among birthplace, language and untreated tooth decay at recall. Subject mean dft was higher compared to NHANES data both in aggregate and ethnic/race subgroups. Subjects had lower DMFT ccmpared to the national data. Significant difference was found between U.S. and non-U.S.-born mean dft. Asian Pacific Islander Americans include a fast-growing immigrant pediatric population at high risk for tooth decay.
PMID: 21894832
ISSN: 0028-7571
CID: 1647862
Alternative careers in pediatric dentistry: a survey of pediatric dental residents
Chinn, Courtney H; Edelstein, Burton L
Pediatric dentistry has enjoyed growing popularity in recent years, yet there remains a need for leadership in academe, research, and public health. In November 2008, the first Maternal and Child Health Bureau-sponsored regional Leadership in Pediatric Dentistry convocation was held at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. Seventy-two pediatric dentistry trainees from thirteen programs in the New York City area participated in interactive presentations and exercises. Of the sixty- seven participants who completed a pre-event survey, 93 percent stated they would likely or very likely pursue careers that involved, at least in part, private practice, 55 percent in care of children in Medicaid, 51 percent academics, 36 percent dental public health, and 12 percent research. Barriers related to finances, competence, or work environment/location were perceived by 83 percent for careers involving research, 73 percent for dental public health, 66 percent for providing care to children in Medicaid, 46 percent for academics, and 9 percent for private practice. Results of a pair of pre-event and post-event surveys completed by sixty-three attendees showed no change in reported likelihood to pursue a career alternative except for an increase in the likelihood of working in a practice that accepts Medicaid. The challenge before dental educators is to provide consistent and meaningful opportunities throughout training that encourage residents to consider all career options and to discover how their individual interests mesh with their clinical learning.
PMID: 20930245
ISSN: 1930-7837
CID: 1647872
Bisphenol A and related compounds in dental materials
Fleisch, Abby F; Sheffield, Perry E; Chinn, Courtney; Edelstein, Burton L; Landrigan, Philip J
CONTEXT: Dental sealants and composite filling materials containing bisphenol A (BPA) derivatives are increasingly used in childhood dentistry. Evidence is accumulating that BPA and some BPA derivatives can pose health risks attributable to their endocrine-disrupting, estrogenic properties. OBJECTIVES: To systematically compile and critically evaluate the literature characterizing BPA content of dental materials; to assess BPA exposures from dental materials and potential health risks; and to develop evidence-based guidance for reducing BPA exposures while promoting oral health. METHODS: The extant toxicological literature and material safety data sheets were used as data sources. RESULTS: BPA is released from dental resins through salivary enzymatic hydrolysis of BPA derivatives, and BPA is detectable in saliva for up to 3 hours after resin placement. The quantity and duration of systemic BPA absorption is not clear from the available data. Dental products containing the bisphenol A derivative glycidyl dimethacrylate (bis-GMA) are less likely to be hydrolyzed to BPA and have less estrogenicity than those containing bisphenol A dimethacrylate (bis-DMA). Most other BPA derivatives used in dental materials have not been evaluated for estrogenicity. BPA exposure can be reduced by cleaning and rinsing surfaces of sealants and composites immediately after placement. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the proven benefits of resin-based dental materials and the brevity of BPA exposure, we recommend continued use with strict adherence to precautionary application techniques. Use of these materials should be minimized during pregnancy whenever possible. Manufacturers should be required to report complete information on the chemical composition of dental products and encouraged to develop materials with less estrogenic potential.
PMID: 20819896
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 1647882
Update on disparities in oral health and access to dental care for America's children
Edelstein, Burton L; Chinn, Courtney H
This contribution updates federal survey findings on children's oral health and dental care since release of Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General in 2000. Dental caries experience continued at high levels, impacting 40% of all children aged 2 to 11 years, with greater disease and untreated disease burden borne by poor and low-income children and racial/ethnic minorities. Caries rates increased for young children (to 28% of 2- to 5-year-olds in the period 1999-2004) and remained flat for most other ages. The total volume of caries and untreated caries increased as the numbers of children increased. The proportion of US children with a dental visit increased modestly (from 42% to 45% between 1996 and 2004), with the greatest increases occurring among children newly covered by the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Disparities in dental visits continued to be evidenced by age, family income, race/ethnicity, and caregiver education. Parental reports of children's oral health and dental care parallel these findings and also reveal higher unmet dental needs among children with special health care needs. Racial- and income-based disparities in both oral health and dental care continue into adolescence and young adulthood. These disparities can, as in the past, be expected to exacerbate under the forces of growing income disparities and demographic trends.
PMID: 19945076
ISSN: 1876-2867
CID: 1647892