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Chromatin diminution and a chromosomal mechanism of sexual differentiation in Strongyloides papillosus
Albertson, D G; Nwaorgu, O C; Sulston, J E
Eggs obtained from feces of rabbits infected with Strongyloides papillosus were squashed and the karyotypes were determined. They contained cells with either two long and two medium sized chromosomes (2L2M), or one long, three medium and one short chromosome (L3MS). Two types of parasitic female gonad could be distinguished on the basis of oocyte chromosome morphology at prometaphase of the maturation division. All the oocytes in a gonad contained either two upaired long chromosomes and two unpaired medium sized chromosomes, or two unpaired medium sized chromosomes and two unpaired chromosomes segmented into beads in one region. At the maturation division in mitotic parthenogenesis the beads appear to be lost from one of the chromosomes. This generates a medium sized and a shorter chromosome, which together with the undiminished chromosomes make up the L3MS karyotype. Animals with beaded oocyte chromosomes lay eggs that develop into males. It is suggested that males are heteromorphic for the long homologue due to chromatin diminution, that occurs in the maturation division of mitotic parthenogenesis.
PMID: 533664
ISSN: 0009-5915
CID: 881142
Cell cycling and DNA replication in a mutant blocked in cell division in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Albertson, D G; Sulston, J E; White, J G
PMID: 631425
ISSN: 0012-1606
CID: 881152
Connectivity changes in a class of motoneurone during the development of a nematode
White, J G; Albertson, D G; Anness, M A
PMID: 625347
ISSN: 0028-0836
CID: 881162
The pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans
Albertson, D G; Thomson, J N
The anatomy of the pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans has been reconstructed from electron micrographs of serial sections. The pharynx is used for pumping food into the gut, and is composed of 34 muscle cells, 9 marginal cells, 9 epithelial cells, 5 gland cells and 20 neurones. Three regions of specialization in the cuticle lining of the pharyngeal lumen may aid in the accumulation of food particles. A basement membrane isolates the pharynx from the rest of the animal, making the pharyngeal nervous system a nearly self-contained unit which is composed primarily of five classes of motor neurones and six classes of interneurones. Three other classes have also been described, which by their morphology appear to be neurosecretory and motor, motor and interneuronal, and lastly one pair that only innervates three of the marginal cells. Some classes of neurone have free endings just under the cuticle lining the lumen of the pharynx, suggesting that these are mechano- or proprio-receptive endings. The connectivity of these neurones has been described at the level of individual synaptic regions, and after combining this information with video taped observations of the pharynx pumping, some interpretations of how these neurones function have been offered.
PMID: 8805
ISSN: 0962-8436
CID: 881172
Chromosome rearrangements in Caenorhabditis elegans
Herman, R K; Albertson, D G; Brenner, S
A method for selecting unlinked duplications of a part of the X chromosome of C. elegans is described. Five such duplications have been identified. One of them, Dp (X;V)1, is translocated to linkage group V, where it suppresses crossing over along the left half of linkage group V. Dp(X;V)1 homozygotes grow slowly and are sterile. The other four duplications are associated with chromosome fragments, as observed cytologically by fluorescence microscopy, and tend to be lost. Their frequency of loss is higher in strains homozygous for a mutation that promotes nondisjunction of X chromosomes. The recombination frequencies between two of these duplications and the X have been measured: the frequencies are at least 50 times less than for X-X recombination in the same region. The duplications may prove useful as balancers of recessive lethal mutations.
PMID: 1269921
ISSN: 0016-6731
CID: 881182
Palindromes in chromosomes
Wilson, D A; Thomas, C A
PMID: 4208606
ISSN: 0022-2836
CID: 3135252
Cyclodromes and palindromes in chromosomes
Thomas, C A; Pyeritz, R E; Wilson, D A; Dancis, B M; Lee, C S; Bick, M D; Huang, H L; Zimm, B H
PMID: 4524763
ISSN: 0091-7451
CID: 3135242
Hydroxyapatite chromatography of short double-helical DNA
Wilson, D A; Thomas, C A
PMID: 4777662
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 3135232