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Subantimicrobial doxycycline therapy for periodontitis [Meeting Abstract]

Caton, J; Blieden, T; Adams, D; Crout, R; Hefti, A; Killoy, W; Nagy, R; ONeal, R; Quinones, C; Taggart, E; Wolff, M; Ciancio, S
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154757

Palatal saliva thickness during the swallowing cycle in normal and xerostomic individuals [Meeting Abstract]

Kaufman, HW; Wolff, MS; Kleinberg, I
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154740

Oil contamination and the bond strength of composite resin [Meeting Abstract]

Wolff, MS; Schlissel, ER
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154756

alpha 1-Proteinase inhibitor in gingival crevicular fluid of humans with adult periodontitis: serpinolytic inhibition by doxycycline

Lee, H M; Golub, L M; Chan, D; Leung, M; Schroeder, K; Wolff, M; Simon, S; Crout, R
The serum protein, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI), defends the host against serine proteinases, e.g. PMN elastase. Using a rabbit anti-serum against human alpha 1-PI, this protein in GCF was quantified from a standard curve constructed from dot-blot analysis and characterized by Western blot. GCF was collected on filter paper strips from healthy (H), gingivitis (G) and adult periodontitis (AP) patients, then extracted with Tris/NaCl/CaCl2 buffer, pH 7.6. alpha 1-PI concentration increased with G and was highest in AP subjects. H sites only showed intact alpha 1-PI (52 kDa); no degradation fragments (48 kDa) were detected. In G and AP subjects, alpha 1-PI degradation fragments were seen in 17% and 71% of GCF samples, respectively. Both collagenase and alpha 1-PI-degrading activities in GCF increased with severity of inflammation (GCF flow). Moreover, the alpha 1-PI degrading (or serpinolytic) activity was characterized as a matrix metalloproteinase, probably collagenase, based on its in vitro response to a panel of different proteinase inhibitors including doxycycline. We propose: (1) that collagenase promotes periodontal breakdown not only by degrading collagen, but also by depleting alpha 1-PI regulation of elastase and other serine-proteinases, thereby favoring a broader attack on extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents, and (2) based on a recent longitudinal double-blind study using the techniques described above for alpha 1-PI analysis, that low-dose doxycycline administration to humans with adult periodontitis can inhibit this broad cascade of ECM degradation
PMID: 9085238
ISSN: 0022-3484
CID: 154708

Dynamics and flow of the oral fluids : saliva and gingival crevicular fluid

Wolff, Mark Steven
[S.l. : s.n.], 1997
Extent: xv, 192 leaves ; 29cm
ISBN: n/a
CID: 151750

Analgesic efficacy and safety of an intraoral lidocaine patch

Hersh, E V; Houpt, M I; Cooper, S A; Feldman, R S; Wolff, M S; Levin, L M
The effectiveness of intraoral II-docaine patches was tested by asking participants to rate the pain experienced after insertions of a 25-gauge needle. Needlesticks were performed at baseline and at various time points after patch placement. Each needlestick included contact with the periosteum. Lidocaine patches achieved significantly better analgesia than the placebo within 2.5 to five minutes after placement. Drug-related side effects were minimal and venous blood levels of lidocaine were low, averaging 10 to 14 times less than those achieved with a typical injection of lidocaine plus epinephrine. The authors conclude that the lidocaine patches used in this study are effective and safe in reducing needle insertion pain in adults
PMID: 8952239
ISSN: 0002-8177
CID: 154700

Effect on non-sensitive teeth of dentifrices undergoing testing for dentinal hypersensitivity reduction [Meeting Abstract]

Kaufman, HW; Wolff, M; Kleinberg, I
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154742

GCF measurement as a predictor of active periodontal disease [Meeting Abstract]

Wolff, M; Kaufman, H; Kleinberg, I
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154743

Localization of secretory proteins in the rat sublingual gland [Meeting Abstract]

Wolff, MS; Lagner, J; Hand, AR; Mirels, L
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154770

An evaluation of intraoral lidocaine patches in reducing needle insertion pain [Meeting Abstract]

Houpt, M; Heins, P; Lamster, I; Stone, C; Wolff, M
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154753