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Diagnosis of enamel defects

Sarnat, H; Moss, S J
PMID: 3856783
ISSN: 0028-7571
CID: 1557832

Examination, evaluation and behavior management following injury to primary incisors

Moss, S J; Maccaro, H
PMID: 3856788
ISSN: 0028-7571
CID: 1557822

Complete absence of the permanent dentition: an autosomal recessive disorder

Gorlin, R J; Herman, N G; Moss, S J
PMID: 7395912
ISSN: 0148-7299
CID: 152030

Cooley's anemia--orthodontic and surgical treatment [Case Report]

Silling, G; Moss, S J
PMID: 281147
ISSN: 0002-9416
CID: 1557842

Ellis class 6 fracture: report of case

Kahn, F H; Moss, S J
PMID: 330584
ISSN: 1945-1954
CID: 154014

Anodontia of the permanent dentition: report of case

Herman, N G; Moss, S J
PMID: 319130
ISSN: 1945-1954
CID: 152017

Odontodysplasia: report of case

Herman, N G; Moss, S J
PMID: 188872
ISSN: 1945-1954
CID: 151996

The replantation of exarticulated permanent teeth--speculation and a clinical appraisal

Moss, S J
PMID: 1062924
ISSN: 0002-6417
CID: 1557852

Newer approaches to dental therapy

Moss, S J
PMID: 1053871
ISSN: 0077-8923
CID: 1557862

Pedodontic student attitude survey

Sforza, A V; Moss, S J
PMID: 4268361
ISSN: 0022-0337
CID: 1557872