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Shear bond strengths of one-bottle adhesives to moist enamel

Swift, E J; Perdigão, J; Heymann, H O; Ritter, A V
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:This study evaluated bond strengths of six one-bottle bonding agents and a control (primer plus unfilled resin) to moist enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:One-hundred and five bovine teeth were randomly assigned to seven groups of 15. Enamel was etched for 15 seconds with 35% phosphoric acid. Etched enamel was rinsed, and excess water was blotted with tissue paper. Following application of the adhesive, composite resin was bonded using a gelatin capsule technique. Shear bond strengths to enamel were determined using a universal testing machine (Instron Corp., Canton, Massachusetts). RESULTS:Mean bond strengths ranged from 21.9 MPa for OptiBond Solo (Kerr Corp., Orange, California) to 29.6 MPa for Prime & Bond 2.1 (Dentsply/Caulk, Milford, Delaware). Prime & Bond 2.1 had a significantly higher mean bond strength than the other adhesives. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSIONS:The results of this study suggest that all of the one-bottle systems tested should provide clinically acceptable bonding to moist enamel.
PMID: 10530273
ISSN: 1040-1466
CID: 4142692

Evaluation of resin-dentin interfaces formed in vivo [Meeting Abstract]

Baratieri, LN; Perdigao, J; Felippe, LA; Lopes, M; Ritter, Andre V
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4155482

Effect of phosphoric acid and Gluma Desensitizer on dentin [Meeting Abstract]

Ritter, Andre V; Perdigao, J; Swift, EJ; Yamauchi, M
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4155502

An in vitro study of the effect of restorative technique on marginal leakage in posterior composites

Neiva, I F; de Andrada, M A; Baratieri, L N; Monteiro Júnior, S; Ritter, A V
The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare marginal leakage of class 2 light-cured composite resin restorations, with different insertion and polymerization techniques. Fifty sound premolars extracted for prosthetic purposes were used in the study. Conservative class 2 (MOD) preparations were made in all teeth, with one proximogingival margin on enamel and the other on cementum. All the preparations and restorations were performed by the same operator utilizing the same restorative materials. After restoration the teeth were thermocycled and their gingival margins exposed to a dye. Results showed that the kind of matrix system had no significant influence upon the degree of marginal leakage on enamel. On cementum, oblique and horizontal incremental insertion and polymerization techniques using the collimator cone exhibited the least leakage, while the clear matrix band/reflective wedge technique presented the greatest leakage.
PMID: 9855849
ISSN: 0361-7734
CID: 4144172

The use of liners under amalgam restorations: an in vitro study on marginal leakage

Marchiori, S; Baratieri, L N; de Andrada, M A; Monteiro Júnior, S; Ritter, A V
OBJECTIVE:Marginal leakage of amalgam restorations may lead to secondary caries and pulpal damage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect various cavity liners might have on microleakage. METHOD AND MATERIALS/METHODS:Mesio-occlusodistal amalgam restorations with margins on enamel and dentin were treated with different liner materials (an adhesive system, a topical fluoride gel, a cavity varnish, and a glass-ionomer cement) in vitro. Following restoration, the teeth were submitted to thermocycling in a stained solution and sectioned to allow assessment of microleakage. RESULTS:On enamel, the control group (no liner) and the glass-ionomer-lined group had equivalent leakage scores and were superior to every other group. On dentin, only the glass-ionomer specimens had superior performance. The cavity varnish and fluoride-lined specimens exhibited the highest leakage scores. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The use of liners does not reduce microleakage on amalgam restorations when the cavity margins remain on enamel. On dentin margins, a glass-ionomer liner can reduce microleakage.
PMID: 9922761
ISSN: 0033-6572
CID: 4144182

Direct posterior composite resin restorations: current concepts for the technique

Baratieri, L N; Ritter, A V; Perdigão, J; Felippe, L A
Due to the development of sound clinical procedures and evolution of advanced restorative materials, composite resins are being used with increasing frequency for direct posterior applications. When the clinical protocol for the use of composite resin is performed properly, this material can be utilized with success and predictability. This article presents the advantages and limitations of this restorative modality. It also reviews the characteristics of contemporary composite resin materials and demonstrates the treatment protocol that is utilized to achieve aesthetic restorations in the posterior segment.
PMID: 10093551
ISSN: 1042-2722
CID: 4142672

Tooth fragment reattachment: an alternative for restoration of fractured anterior teeth [Case Report]

Baratieri, L N; Ritter, A V; Monteiro Júnior, S; de Mello Filho, J C
The development of advanced adhesive systems has made it possible to bond various substrates, e.g., composite resin and vital or nonvital tooth structures. The management of coronal and coronoradicular fractures in the maxillary region with these adhesive materials is easier, safer, and more efficacious than the use of traditional treatment alternatives that involve the use of posts and cores and/or other mechanical devices to obtain retention. Ability to bond the dislocated segment of the fractured tooth constitutes a significant step forward in the management of this clinical condition.
PMID: 9582667
ISSN: 1042-2722
CID: 4144162

The effect of confining the bonding area on the extent of dentin hybridization. [Meeting Abstract]

Perdigao, J; Francci, C; Ritter, AV; Ambrose, WW
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4144292

Influence of finishing and polishing procedures in the decision to replace old amalgam restorations. [Meeting Abstract]

Cardoso, M; Baratieri, LN; Ritter, AV
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4144302

Shear bond strengths of "one-bottle" adhesives to moist enamel. [Meeting Abstract]

Ritter, AV; Swift, EJ; Perdigao, J; Heymann, HO
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4144312