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Esthetics : direct adhesive restorations on fractured anterior teeth
Baratieri, Luiz Narciso; Berry, Thomas G; Ritter, Andre V; et al
São Paula, SP, Brasil : Quintessence, 1998
Extent: [x], 396 p. ; 29 cm
ISBN: 9788572880060
CID: 4151822
Materiais de forramento : usar ou nao? Quais?
Chapter by: Baratieri, LN; Monteiro, S Jr; Ritter, Andre V; Felippe, LA
in: Atualizacao na clinica odontologica : a pratica da clinica geral by Goncsalves, Elenice Aparecida Nogueira; Feller, Christa, (Eds)
São Paulo : Artes MeÃŒÂdicas, 1998
pp. 45-87
ISBN: 9788574040011
CID: 4151722
Estetica: restauracoes adesivas diretas em dentes anteriores fraturados
Baratieri, Luiz Narciso; Monteiro Junior, Sylvio; Andrada, Mauro Amaral Caldeira de; Vieira, Luiz Clovis Cardoso; Cardoso, Antonio Carlos; Ritter, Andre Vicente
Sao Paulo : Santos, 1998
Extent: 397 p.
ISBN: n/a
CID: 4151832
The effect of stress-absorbing dentin adhesives on the interaction of composites with human dentin : an SEM study [Meeting Abstract]
Francci, C; Ritter, Andre V; Perdigao, J; Rosa, B
ISSN: 1083-0375
CID: 4171702
Influence of finishing and polishing procedures in the decision to replace old amalgam restorations - An in vitro study. [Meeting Abstract]
Ritter, AV; Baratieri, LN; Oleinisky, JC
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 4144592
Influence of finishing and polishing procedures on the decision to replace old amalgam restorations: an in vitro study
Oleinisky, J C; Baratieri, L N; Ritter, A V; Felipe, L A; de Freitas, S F
The purpose of this study was to establish the influence that finishing and polishing of existing amalgam restorations might have on the decision to replace them. Forty extracted teeth, in which amalgam restorations had been placed in vivo, were individually examined by 60 practitioners and students prior to and following standard finishing and polishing procedures. Examiners, who had not been informed of the study's methodology or objective, opted either for maintaining or replacing the restoration in question. The main reasons for replacement were also registered. Finishing and polishing significantly reduced the number of decisions to replace restorations in all groups and for all practitioners. "Appearance" (anatomic shape) was the most frequently cited reason for replacing restorations before finishing and polishing, followed by marginal defects and secondary caries.
PMID: 9452677
ISSN: 0033-6572
CID: 4144152
Posterior resin composite restorations: a new technique
Baratieri, L N; Monteiro Júnior, S; Correa, M; Ritter, A V
A new technique for the performance of resin composite direct restorations on posterior teeth is presented. A clear acrylic resin matrix, fabricated prior to the preparation of the occlusal and proximal surfaces, is employed. The matrix allows the fast and accurate reproduction of the anatomic details from the original occlusal surface of the tooth, as well as the marginal ridges in the case of Class II (occlusoproximal) restorations. Advantages and limitations of the procedure are discussed.
PMID: 9161264
ISSN: 0033-6572
CID: 4144142
Clareamento dental ao alcance de todos
Chapter by: Baratieri, LN; Ritter, Andre V; Monteiro, S Jr
in: Atualizacao na clinica odontologica : a pratica da clinica geral by Todescan, Francisco F; Bottino, Marco Antonio (Eds)
[Porto Alegre] : Artes Medicas : Artes Medicas, 1996
pp. 131-159
ISBN: n/a
CID: 4151732
Guidelines for non-vital tooth bleaching are presented [Meeting Abstract]
Baratieri, LN; Ritter, Andre V; Monteiro, S Jr; Andrada, MAC; Vieira, LCC
ISSN: 0011-8486
CID: 4155552
Blanqueamiento de dientes no vitales : normas generales para el clinco
Baratieri, LN; Ritter, Andre V; Monteiro, S Jr; Andrada, MAC; Vieira, LLC
ISSN: 0214-0985
CID: 4155542