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Use of botulinum toxin in dentistry
Hoque, Afreen; McAndrew, Maureen
A growing number of dentists are providing botulinum toxin to patients. The research presented here outlines potential uses of Botox related to oral health and facial problems as compared to traditional treatment methods. The administration of Botox (historically done by dermatologists and neurologists) may fall under dentists' jurisdiction, as their training and knowledge encompasses the entire head and neck. A review is made of the literature, based on Ovid and PubMed searches, selecting articles describing the injection of botulinum toxin A in areas related to the oral cavity and the face, excluding cosmetic purposes
PMID: 20069790
ISSN: 0028-7571
CID: 154989
A leap in self-esteem due to an improvement in Dental Aesthetics
Peltz, Ivy D; McAndrew, Maureen; Giannoutsos, Efstathios; Estafan, Denise J
A patient presented at New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD), reporting that he did not want to open his mouth. He had been emotionally traumatized by the unaesthetic appearance of his smile, which displayed two open-faced metal crowns on his maxillary central incisors. While removal of caries and restoration of gingival health was achieved, the most important triumph for this patient was the immediate improvement in his self-esteem after completion of the aesthetic treatment
ISSN: 1680-2292
CID: 1791012
Aesthetic dentistry in the twenty-first century
Peltz, Ivy D; McAndrew, Maureen; Estafan, Denise J
ISSN: 1680-2292
CID: 1791032
Integrating dental anatomy and biomaterials: an innovative use of composite resin
Allen, Kenneth L; McAndrew, Maureen
As part of the new integrated curriculum at the New York University College of Dentistry, a pilot program uses composite resins to teach dental anatomy. The Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, in conjunction with the Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, has created a teaching module to replicate the morphology of a central incisor through the manipulation and placement of a composite resin
PMID: 15101307
ISSN: 0363-6771
CID: 151931
Only in New York : PGY-1 law changes dental licensure [Meeting Abstract]
McAndrew, M; Peltz, Ivy D
ISSN: 0022-0337
CID: 2907442
Beauty Is a Joy Forever: The Benefits of Teaching Aesthetic Dentistry in a State-of-the-Art Aesthetic Center [Meeting Abstract]
Peltz, Ivy; McAndrew, Maureen; Cunningham, Ralph; Estafan, Denise
ISSN: 0022-0337
CID: 2649712
Opinions of dental consultants on the standard of referral letters in dentistry
McAndrew, R; Potts, A J; McAndrew, M; Adam, S
AIM: To ascertain the views of dental consultants on the relative importance of a range of topics relevant to specialist referral. SUBJECTS: 200 randomly selected dental consultants working in the UK in 1995. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Data items which referral letters should contain; standard of referral letters; appropriate reasons for referral; how referrals could be improved; should restrictions be placed on specialist referrals. RESULTS: 161 replies were received. Overall there was only slight variation between specialities with regard to data items, appropriateness of referral and standard of referral letter. The perceived standard of referral letters was adequate or better on 76% of occasions; 21% were deemed to be of a poor standard; 2% were described as appalling. CONCLUSIONS: A Section 63 course on how to refer competently could be of benefit. Consultants were generally not in favour of restricting referrals to them
PMID: 9029808
ISSN: 0007-0610
CID: 152581