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Current concepts in cariology. Preface

Young, Douglas A; Fontana, Margherita; Wolff, Mark S
PMID: 20630186
ISSN: 0011-8532
CID: 671082

Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates

Ross, C F; Baden, A L; Georgi, J; Herrel, A; Metzger, K A; Reed, D A; Schaerlaeken, V; Wolff, M S
Mammals chew more rhythmically than lepidosaurs. The research presented here evaluated possible reasons for this difference in relation to differences between lepidosaurs and mammals in sensorimotor systems. Variance in the absolute and relative durations of the phases of the gape cycle was calculated from kinematic data from four species of primates and eight species of lepidosaurs. The primates exhibit less variance in the duration of the gape cycle than in the durations of the four phases making up the gape cycle. This suggests that increases in the durations of some gape cycle phases are accompanied by decreases in others. Similar effects are much less pronounced in the lepidosaurs. In addition, the primates show isometric changes in gape cycle phase durations, i.e. the relative durations of the phases of the gape cycle change little with increasing cycle time. In contrast, in the lepidosaurs variance in total gape cycle duration is associated with increases in the proportion of the cycle made up by the slow open phase. We hypothesize that in mammals the central nervous system includes a representation of the optimal chew cycle duration maintained using afferent feedback about the ongoing state of the chew cycle. The differences between lepidosaurs and primates do not lie in the nature of the sensory information collected and its feedback to the feeding system, but rather the processing of that information by the CNS and its use feed-forward for modulating jaw movements and gape cycle phase durations during chewing.
PMID: 20118308
ISSN: 0022-0949
CID: 671092

Mouth-motion fatigue damage of monolithic crowns

Celik G; Bonfante EA; Wolff MS; Jahangiri L; Thompson VP; Silva NRFA
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154823

Determination of shear bond strength of self-etching and multi-step sealant

Kaur R; Pines M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154822

The potential for acid damage on dentin from sports drinks

Rice M; Canares G; Pines M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154821

In vitro effects of red and white wines on dentin microhardness

Canares G; Rice M; Pines M; Kamens T; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154820

Efficacy of various self-etching, self-curing cements on dentin bond strength

Ton J; DiMaggio C; Pines C; Praeger M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154819

Evaluation of surface treatment of CAD-CAM composite

Flores A; DiMaggio C; Ton J; Pines M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154818

Shear bond strength between self-etching cements on CAD/CAM composite blocks

DiMaggio C; Flores A; Ton J; Pines M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154817

Effect of eugenol on bond strength of dentin bonding agents

Wolff Sp; Canares G; Pines M; Wolff MS
ISSN: 0022-0345
CID: 154816