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The history of frenectomy

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646492

The history of gold filling in dentistry

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646482

The history of lead in dentistry

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646472

The history of porcelain in dentistry

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646462

The history of apicoectomy-root resection

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646452

The history of the Bakelite denture

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646432

The history of the surgical sutures

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646442

The history of the dental chair

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646412

The history of the palatal obturator

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646402

The history of the pelican in dentistry

Chapter by: Spielman, Andrew; Judit, Forrai
in: Encyclopedia of the History of Dentistry by
pp. -
CID: 5646392