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A Paradigm Shift Using Scan Bodies to Record the Position of a Complete Arch of Implants in a Digital Workflow [Case Report]

Giglio, Graziano D; Giglio, Ana Becil; Tarnow, Dennis P
The use of conventional scan bodies (SBs) with an intraoral scanner (IOS) to capture the position of a complete arch of dental implants has proven to be challenging. The literature is unclear about the accuracy of intraoral scanning techniques using SBs that are connected vertically to multiunit abutments (MUAs) for numerous adjacent implants in the same arch. Recently, there has been a paradigm shift from vertical SBs to horizontal SBs, which are positioned perpendicular to the long axis of the MUAs. Most IOSs available today can capture these horizontal SBs, called scan gauges (SGs), with better accuracy and consequently acquire the position of multiple adjacent implants using an effective scan path, thus reducing stitching and the number of images. The key to implementing this novel technology is to strategically arrange the SGs to optimize horizontal overlap of multiple adjacent SGs without touching each other. By superimposing two high-resolution intraoral scans of the SGs, an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm is employed to produce a calibrated digital best-fit model on which a passive complete-arch prosthesis can be designed and fabricated. The advantages and disadvantages of SBs and SGs are discussed, and a case report using a digital workflow is presented.
PMID: 37552170
ISSN: 1945-3388
CID: 5672932

Achieving optimal implant esthetics using a team approach: Part 2 treatment options, treatment coordination, and integration of digital technology

Giglio, Graziano D; Giglio, Ana Becil
The second part of this JPD Digital presentation focused on the treatment planning, treatment coordination, and execution of implant therapy. The clinical application of the evidence-based criteria in implant therapy was emphasized including the surgical parameters, restorative parameters, and implant features reviewed in part 1. The objective was to achieve predictable results that improve the longevity of the implant and restoration, maintain peri-implant health, and optimize the esthetic outcome. Examples of several clinical scenarios of single tooth replacement treatment in the esthetic zone were reviewed by using options that included immediate placement, immediate loading, and resin-bonded interim restoration. In addition, patients requiring multiple implants, combinations of tooth-supported and implant-supported restorations, and a complete arch prosthesis supported by implants were presented. Many clinically challenging patients can be treated more effectively by using a digital workflow to plan and execute implant therapy.
PMID: 37741727
ISSN: 1097-6841
CID: 5613792

Full-arch restoration with the NEXUS IOS® system: A retrospective clinical evaluation of 37 restorations after a one year of follow-up

Klein, Michael; Tuminelli, Frank J; Sallustio, Anthony; Giglio, Graziano D; Lerner, Henriette; Berg, Robert W; Waltuch, Allon
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Report the results with a novel workflow of digital restoration for completely edentulous patients with implant supported full arch fixed dental prostheses (ISFDP). METHODS:This multicenter retrospective clinical study was based on the evaluation from a cohort of 29 patients restored with 37 ISFDP designed and manufactured from the data captured by a direct intraoral scan, using a novel full digital system (NEXUS IOS®, Osteon Medical, a Keystone Dental Group company, Melbourne, Australia). Data was collected over a 3-year period, in six different dental centers. This study reported on the clinical parameters including: precision of marginal fit, functional and aesthetic integration of Nexus ISFDP. All patients were followed for a period of one year post delivery. Implant survival, biologic and prosthetic complications were assessed, at one year. A statistical analysis was conducted. RESULTS:All 37 ISFDP were deemed clinically acceptable on insertion. Implant survival at one year was 100 %. The biologic and prosthetic complications were minimal during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS:ISFDP, designed and manufactured using the NEXUS IOS® system, are clinically acceptable, with a low incidence of complications at one year. Long-term clinical studies are needed. STATEMENT OF CLINICAL RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:Within the limitations of this study (retrospective design, small patient sample, limited follow-up) the NEXUS IOS® system seems to represent a viable solution for the restoration of completely edentulous patients with ISFDP, in a full digital workflow.
PMID: 37832627
ISSN: 1879-176x
CID: 5605452

Achieving optimal implant esthetics using a team approach Part 1 a review of evidence-based criteria in implant treatment

Giglio, Graziano D; Giglio, Ana Becil
As dental implants have evolved into a universally accepted treatment option, it is essential to identify nuances of the peri-implant complex and their impact on treatment given the increasing evidence of peri-implantitis and implant loss. A thorough knowledge of anatomy and biology, careful treatment planning, correct placement, prosthetic and occlusal design, and proper long-term maintenance all play a role in dental implant therapy. The goal of this part 1 presentation is to review evidence-based criteria in implant treatment including the surgical and restorative parameters, and the desired implant features, with the objective of achieving predictable results that improve the longevity of the implant and restoration, maintain peri-implant health, and optimize the esthetic outcome. By following science-based guidelines, implant treatment can be improved and simplified with more predictable results, especially in the esthetic zone, where demands are greater and there is less room for error.
PMID: 37739881
ISSN: 1097-6841
CID: 5610232

Achieving optimal implant esthetics using a team approach Part 1 a review of evidence-based criteria in implant treatment [Review]

Giglio, Graziano D.; Giglio, Ana Becil
ISSN: 0022-3913
CID: 5591252

Abutment selection in implant-supported fixed prosthodontics

Giglio, G D
Selecting the appropriate abutment can be both complex and confusing with the ever-increasing number of implant choices and transepithelial abutments available. Many restorative dentists resort to fabricating costly custom abutments to avoid the selection process. Although custom abutments are at times necessary, prefabricated abutments are usually more desirable. This article will describe the various abutments available and how to select the correct abutment for a given clinical situation in an organized, systematic fashion. Criteria discussed include implant position, angulation, soft tissue height, and interocclusal space. The latest modifications and developments in implant abutments are reviewed along with an indirect method of selecting abutments in a laboratory setting
PMID: 10635169
ISSN: 0198-7569
CID: 153962

Glass ionomer cement post-core buildup and the sandwich technique

Scherer, W I; Cooper, H J; Giglio, G D; Hamburg, M
PMID: 2689266
ISSN: 0363-6771
CID: 152008