Searched for: person:mbf2
What Defines a Psychiatric Disorder? A Network Mapping Perspective [Meeting Abstract]
Taylor, Joseph; Lin, Christopher; Talmasov, Daniel; Ferguson, Michael; Schaper, Frederick; Goodkind, Madeleine; Etkin, Amit; Siddiqi, Shan; Fox, Michael
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 5273362
Hydro guide
Chapter by: Youssef, Youssef; Ferguson, Michael; Baker, Paul; Talib, Huzefa
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2021
pp. ?-?
CID: 4819822
Current status and recommendations for biomarkers and biobanking in neurofibromatosis
Hanemann, C Oliver; Blakeley, Jaishri O; Nunes, Fabio P; Robertson, Kent; Stemmer-Rachamimov, Anat; Mautner, Victor; Kurtz, Andreas; Ferguson, Michael; Widemann, Brigitte C; Evans, D Gareth; Ferner, Rosalie; Carroll, Steven L; Korf, Bruce; Wolkenstein, Pierre; Knight, Pamela; Plotkin, Scott R; ,
OBJECTIVE:Clinically validated biomarkers for neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2), and schwannomatosis (SWN) have not been identified to date. The biomarker working group's goals are to (1) define biomarker needs in NF1, NF2, and SWN; (2) summarize existing data on biomarkers in NF1, NF2, and SWN; (3) outline recommendations for sample collection and biomarker development; and (4) standardize sample collection and methodology protocols where possible to promote comparison between studies by publishing standard operating procedures (SOPs). METHODS:The biomarker group reviewed published data on biomarkers in NF1, NF2, and SWN and on biobanking efforts outside these diseases via literature search, defined the need for biomarkers in NF, and developed recommendations in a series of consensus meetings. RESULTS:We describe existing biomarkers in NF and report consensus recommendations for SOP and a minimal clinical dataset to accompany samples derived from patients with NF1, NF2, and SWN in decentralized biobanks. CONCLUSIONS:These recommendations are intended to provide clinicians and researchers with a common set of guidelines to collect and store biospecimens and for establishment of biobanks for NF1, NF2, and SWN.
PMID: 27527649
ISSN: 1526-632x
CID: 5681712
Chapter by: Bhalla, Simran; Ferguson, Michael B
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2015
pp. 7-7
ISBN: n/a
CID: 1872652
The Importance Of Proper Treatment Sequencing; Treating A Fixed/Removable Prosthodontic Rehabilitation Case To Restore Form, Function And Aesthetics In A Patient Suffering From Depression
Chapter by: Kim, Andrew; Ferguson, Michael
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2015
pp. 4-4
ISBN: n/a
CID: 1872612
Case report : an impactful prosthodontic rehabilitation combining fixed and removable prostheses
Chapter by: Chong, Rory; Ferguson, Michael
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2014
pp. 13-13
ISBN: n/a
CID: 959632
Case report : an impactful restorative procedure -- immediate dentures
Chapter by: Abude, Peter; Ferguson, Michael B
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2013
pp. 12-12
ISBN: n/a
CID: 852282
Amelogenesis imperfecta : a conventional approach to restoring esthetics, form, and function with psychosocial implications
Chapter by: Vu, Anthony; Ferguson, Michael B
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2013
pp. 11-11
ISBN: n/a
CID: 852272
Predoctoral fixed implant patient satisfaction outcome and challenges of a clinical implant competency
Moghadam, Marjan; Dias, Renata; Kuyinu, Esther; Ferguson, Michael B; Mucciolo, Thomas; Jahangiri, Leila
Treatment with fixed and removable partial dentures has been the traditional method of addressing the replacement of teeth competencies in dental education. However, by 2013 the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) standards will mandate a competency in "replacement of teeth including fixed, removable, and dental implants." In 2005, New York University College of Dentistry implemented a comprehensive implant program for predoctoral dental students. One of the outcome assessments of this program was to determine the level of patient satisfaction. Therefore, a patient satisfaction survey (n=103) assessed the use of implant treatment for the restoration of partially edentulous patients, measuring such dimensions of satisfaction as function, comfort, and esthetics. The results revealed that 96 percent of the patients surveyed were satisfied with their ability to chew, 91 percent were satisfied with the comfort of their restoration, and 86 percent were satisfied with the appearance of their restoration. Additionally, 90 percent of the surveyed patients who received implant-retained crowns as part of their routine care were satisfied with the overall treatment experience, and 97 percent of them would recommend this treatment to a friend. The survey results validate implant-supported crown treatment in predoctoral education. Although implant-supported restorations are a valid treatment option that must be presented to patients during treatment planning, creating a clinical competency in implant therapy requires greater consideration. Therefore, the benefits and challenges of such a clinical competency are discussed.
PMID: 22473555
ISSN: 0022-0337
CID: 163596
Addressing Esthetic Concerns , Along with Form and Function for a Geriatr ic Patient
Chapter by: Ferguson, Michael; Truong, Timmy
in: Clinical & Educational Scholarship Showcase by
[New York NY : NYU College of Dentistry. NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators], 2012
pp. 7-7
ISBN: n/a
CID: 350072