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Sustainability of an Evidence-Based Practice in Community Mental Health Agencies Serving Children

Horwitz, Sarah McCue; Lewis, Kristen; Gleacher, Alissa; Wang, Nicole; Bradbury, Donna M; Ray-LaBatt, Meredith; Hoagwood, Kimberly Eaton
OBJECTIVE:/UNASSIGNED:The authors documented rates of sustained use of an evidence-based practice following training sponsored by New York State (NYS), and they identified clinician characteristics related to sustained use. METHODS:/UNASSIGNED:Clinicians (N=89) who were employed in licensed NYS Office of Mental Health agencies serving children and adolescents and who were trained to proficiency in Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) in 2016 were contacted between 9 and 18 months later and asked whether they were still using (users) or had stopped using (nonusers) MAP and their reason for doing so. RESULTS:/UNASSIGNED:Responses were received from 57% of trainees and of those, 80% reported continued use of MAP. Score on the appeal subscale of the Evidence-Based Practices Attitude Scale (EBPAS) was the only significant difference between users and nonusers. CONCLUSIONS:/UNASSIGNED:Most clinicians reported sustained use of MAP. The EBPAS appeal subscale can be used to identify clinicians who are likely to discontinue use.
PMID: 30755132
ISSN: 1557-9700
CID: 3656222

A second look at dropout rates from state-sponsored MAP trainings: Can targeted adaptations improve retention in evidence-based practice trainings?

Vardanian, Maria Michelle; Horwitz, Sarah M; Storfer-Isser, Amy; Wang, Nicole; Gleacher, Alissa; Hoagwood, Kimberly; Olin, S. Serene
States are restructuring health care delivery with a focus on cost savings and care quality. Building on lessons learned from the first statewide roll-out of the NY State Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) program, we targeted adaptations to the MAP trainings with the goal of addressing key factors related to clinician dropout. We describe these adaptations made to MAP version 2, using Damschroder et al.'s (2009) theoretical model of the consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). our adaptations were connected with each of the five domains: intervention characteristics, outer setting (incentives and cost), inner setting (leadership/champions), characteristics of the individuals, and the process of training implementation (planning, engaging, executing, and reflecting and evaluating. Next, we compared dropout rates between MAP version 1 (v1) and MAP version 2 (v2). Because the structural adaptations aimed to increase retention rate by targeting factors hypothesized to be associated with empirically derived predictors of dropout, we expected that the dropout rate would be significantly lower in MAP v2. We then examined associations of clinician sociodemographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, and attitudes with dropout. Although older participant age was significantly associated with dropout in MAP v1, we hypothesized that participant age will not be a significant predictor of dropout in MAP v2 because MAP v2 adaptations focused on age-related factors. However, we expected clinic region, which is immutable, to remain a significant predictor of dropout.
ISSN: 0278-8403
CID: 3114472

The roles of individual and organizational factors in burnout among community-based mental health service providers

Green, Amy E; Albanese, Brian J; Shapiro, Nicole M; Aarons, Gregory A
Public-sector mental health care providers are at high risk for burnout, which negatively affects not only provider well-being but also the quality of services for clients and the functioning of organizations. This study examines the influence of demographics, work characteristic, and organizational variables on levels of burnout among child and adolescent mental health service providers operating within a public-sector mental health service system. Additionally, given the dearth of research examining differences in burnout levels among mental health subdisciplines (e.g., social work, psychology, marital and family therapy) and mental health programs (e.g., outpatient, day treatment, wraparound, case management), analyses were conducted to compare levels of burnout among multiple mental health disciplines and program types. Surveys were completed by 285 providers across 49 mental health programs in a large urban public mental health system. Variables representing dimensions of organizational climate and transformational leadership accounted for the greatest amount of variance in provider reported burnout. Analyses demonstrated significantly lower levels of depersonalization among wraparound providers compared to traditional case managers. Age was the only demographic variable related to burnout. Additionally, no significant effects were found for provider discipline or for agency tenure and caseload size. Results suggest the need to consider organizational development strategies aimed at creating more functional and less stressful climates and increasing levels of transformational leadership behaviors in order to reduce levels of burnout among clinicians working in public mental health settings for youth and families.
PMID: 24564442
ISSN: 1939-148x
CID: 2311142