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A dual-tuned multichannel bilateral RF coil for 1 H/23 Na breast MRI at 7 T
Ianniello, Carlotta; Madelin, Guillaume; Moy, Linda; Brown, Ryan
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Sodium MRI has shown promise for monitoring neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in breast cancer. The purpose of this work was to build a dual-tuned bilateral proton/sodium breast coil for 7T MRI that provides sufficient SNR to enable sodium breast imaging in less than 10 minutes. METHODS:The proton/sodium coil consists of 2 shielded unilateral units: 1 for each breast. Each unit consists of 3 nested layers: (1) a 3-loop solenoid for sodium excitation, (2) a 3-loop solenoid for proton excitation and signal reception, and (3) a 4-channel receive array for sodium signal reception. Benchmark measurements were performed in phantoms with and without the sodium receive array insert. In vivo images were acquired on a healthy volunteer. RESULTS:The sodium receive array boosted 1.5 to 3 times the SNR compared with the solenoid. Proton SNR loss due to residual interaction with the sodium array was less than 10%. The coil enabled sodium imaging in vivo with 2.8-mm isotropic nominal resolution (~5-mm real resolution) in 9:36 minutes. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The coil design that we propose addresses challenges associated with sodium's low SNR from a hardware perspective and offers the opportunity to investigate noninvasively breast tumor metabolism as a function of sodium concentration in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
PMID: 31148249
ISSN: 1522-2594
CID: 4000212
Precisely-Measured Hydration Status Correlates with Hippocampal Volume in Healthy Older Adults [Letter]
Butler, Tracy; Deshpande, Anup; Harvey, Patrick; Li, Yi; Rusinek, Henry; Pirraglia, Elizabeth; Osorio, Ricardo S; Glodzik, Lidia; de Leon, Mony J; Madelin, Guillaume; Yu, Wen W; Gallagher, Dympna; Masaeka, John
PMID: 30879941
ISSN: 1545-7214
CID: 3734792
Multinuclear Absolute MR Thermometry [PrePrint]
Silletta, Emilia; Jerschow, Alexej; Madelin, Guillaume; Alon, Leeor
ISSN: 2331-8422
CID: 4774172
Tissue sodium concentration and sodium T1 mapping of the human brain at 3 T using a Variable Flip Angle method
Coste, Arthur; Boumezbeur, Fawzi; Vignaud, Alexandre; Madelin, Guillaume; Reetz, Kathrin; Le Bihan, Denis; Rabrait-Lerman, Cécile; Romanzetti, Sandro
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The state-of-the-art method to quantify sodium concentrations in vivo consists in a fully relaxed 3D spin-density (SD) weighted acquisition. Nevertheless, most sodium MRI clinical studies use short-TR SD acquisitions to reduce acquisition durations. We present a clinically viable implementation of the Variable Flip Angle (VFA) method for robust and clinically viable quantification of total sodium concentration (TSC) and longitudinal relaxation rates in vivo in human brain at 3 T. METHODS:and total sodium concentration (TSC) maps using the VFA method. Images are reconstructed using the non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform algorithm and TSC maps are corrected for possible inhomogeneity of coil transmission and reception profiles. Fractioned acquisitions are used to correct for potential patient motion. TSC quantifications obtained using the VFA method are validated at first in comparison with a fully-relaxed SD acquisition in a calibration phantom. The robustness of similar VFA acquisitions are compared to the short-TR SD approach in vivo on seven healthy volunteers. RESULTS:of 39.2 ± 4.4 ms. These results are in agreement with previously reported values in literature TSC estimations and with the predictions of a 2-compartment model. However, the short-TR SD acquisition systematically underestimated the sodium concentration with a mean TSC of 31 ± 4.5 mmol/L. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:-corrected TSC maps.
PMID: 30695720
ISSN: 1873-5894
CID: 3626622
A dual-tuned O-17/H-1 head array for direct brain oximetry at 3 Tesla
Lakshmanan, Karthik; Dehkharghani, Seena; Madelin, Guillaume; Brown, Ryan
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 4155922
Multinuclear absolute magnetic resonance thermometry
Silletta, Emilia V; Jerschow, Alexej; Madelin, Guillaume; Alon, Leeor
Non-invasive measurement of absolute temperature is important for proper characterization of various pathologies and for evaluation of thermal dose during interventional procedures. The proton (hydrogen nucleus) magnetic resonance (MR) frequency shift method can be used to map relative temperature changes. However, spatiotemporal variations in the main magnetic field and the lack of local internal frequency reference challenge the determination of absolute temperature. Here, we introduce a multinuclear method for absolute MR thermometry, based on the fact that the hydrogen and sodium nuclei exhibit a unique and distinct characteristic frequency dependence with temperature and with electrolyte concentration. A one-to-one mapping between the precession frequency difference of the two nuclei and absolute temperature is demonstrated. Proof-of-concept experiments were conducted in aqueous solutions with different NaCl concentrations, in agarose gel samples, and in freshly excised ex vivo mouse tissues. One-dimensional chemical shift imaging experiments also demonstrated excellent agreement with infrared measurements.
PMID: 33072888
ISSN: 2399-3650
CID: 4637232
Exploration of New Contrasts, Targets, and MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques for Neuromuscular Disease - A Workshop Report of Working Group 3 of the Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences COST Action BM1304 MYO-MRI
Strijkers, Gustav J; Araujo, Ericky C A; Azzabou, Noura; Bendahan, David; Blamire, Andrew; Burakiewicz, Jedrek; Carlier, Pierre G; Damon, Bruce; Deligianni, Xeni; Froeling, Martijn; Heerschap, Arend; Hollingsworth, Kieren G; Hooijmans, Melissa T; Karampinos, Dimitrios C; Loudos, George; Madelin, Guillaume; Marty, Benjamin; Nagel, Armin M; Nederveen, Aart J; Nelissen, Jules L; Santini, Francesco; Scheidegger, Olivier; Schick, Fritz; Sinclair, Christopher; Sinkus, Ralph; de Sousa, Paulo L; Straub, Volker; Walter, Glenn; Kan, Hermien E
Neuromuscular diseases are characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and muscle weakness resulting in functional disabilities. While each of these diseases is individually rare, they are common as a group, and a large majority lacks effective treatment with fully market approved drugs. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy techniques (MRI and MRS) are showing increasing promise as an outcome measure in clinical trials for these diseases. In 2013, the European Union funded the COST (co-operation in science and technology) action BM1304 called MYO-MRI (, with the overall aim to advance novel MRI and MRS techniques for both diagnosis and quantitative monitoring of neuromuscular diseases through sharing of expertise and data, joint development of protocols, opportunities for young researchers and creation of an online atlas of muscle MRI and MRS. In this report, the topics that were discussed in the framework of working group 3, which had the objective to: Explore new contrasts, new targets and new imaging techniques for NMD are described. The report is written by the scientists who attended the meetings and presented their data. An overview is given on the different contrasts that MRI can generate and their application, clinical needs and desired readouts, and emerging methods.
PMID: 30714967
ISSN: 2214-3599
CID: 3631932
Quantitative sodium imaging and gliomas: a feasibility study
Nunes Neto, Lucidio P; Madelin, Guillaume; Sood, Terlika Pandit; Wu, Chih-Chun; Kondziolka, Douglas; Placantonakis, Dimitris; Golfinos, John G; Chi, Andrew; Jain, Rajan
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Recent advances in sodium brain MRI have allowed for increased signal-to-noise ratio, faster imaging, and the ability of differentiating intracellular from extracellular sodium concentration, opening a new window of opportunity for clinical application. In gliomas, there are significant alterations in sodium metabolism, including increase in the total sodium concentration and extracellular volume fraction. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of using sodium MRI quantitative measurements to evaluate gliomas. METHODS:), apparent intracellular sodium concentration (aISC), and apparent total sodium concentration (aTSC). Measurements were made within the contralateral normal-appearing putamen, contralateral normal-appearing white matter (NAWM), and solid tumor regions (area of T2-FLAIR abnormality, excluding highly likely areas of edema, cysts, or necrosis). Paired samples t test were performed comparing NAWM and putamen and between NAWM and solid tumor. RESULTS:(p = 0.19). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Quantitative sodium measurements can be done in glioma patients and also has provided further evidence that total sodium and extracellular volume fraction are increased in gliomas.
PMID: 29862413
ISSN: 1432-1920
CID: 3137202
An eight-channel sodium/proton coil for brain MRI at 3Â T
Lakshmanan, Karthik; Brown, Ryan; Madelin, Guillaume; Qian, Yongxian; Boada, Fernando; Wiggins, Graham C
The purpose of this work is to illustrate a new coil decoupling strategy and its application to a transmit/receive sodium/proton phased array for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the human brain. We implemented an array of eight triangular coils that encircled the head. The ensemble of coils was arranged to form a modified degenerate mode birdcage whose eight shared rungs were offset from the z-axis at interleaved angles of ±30°. This key geometric modification resulted in triangular elements whose vertices were shared between next-nearest neighbors, which provided a convenient location for counter-wound decoupling inductors, whilst nearest-neighbor decoupling was addressed with shared capacitors along the rungs. This decoupling strategy alleviated the strong interaction that is characteristic of array coils at low frequency (32.6 MHz in this case) and allowed the coil to operate efficiently in transceive mode. The sodium array provided a 1.6-fold signal-to-noise ratio advantage over a dual-nuclei birdcage coil in the center of the head and up to 2.3-fold gain in the periphery. The array enabled sodium MRI of the brain with 5-mm isotropic resolution in approximately 13 min, thus helping to overcome low sodium MR sensitivity and improving quantification in neurological studies. An eight-channel proton array was integrated into the sodium array to enable anatomical imaging.
PMID: 29280204
ISSN: 1099-1492
CID: 2895902
Dynamic phosphocreatine imaging with unlocalized pH assessment of the human lower leg muscle following exercise at 3T
Khegai, Oleksandr; Madelin, Guillaume; Brown, Ryan; Parasoglou, Prodromos
PURPOSE: To develop a high temporal resolution imaging method that measures muscle-specific phosphocreatine (PCr) resynthesis time constant (tauPCr ) and pH changes in muscles of the lower leg following exercise on a clinical 3T MRI scanner. METHODS: We developed a frequency-selective 3D non-Cartesian FLORET sequence to measure PCr with 17-mm nominal isotropic resolution (28 mm actual resolution) and 6-s temporal resolution to capture dynamic metabolic muscle activity. The sequence was designed to additionally collect inorganic phosphate spectra for pH quantification, which were localized using sensitivity profiles of individual coil elements. Nineteen healthy volunteers were scanned while performing a plantar flexion exercise on an in-house developed ergometer. Data were acquired with a dual-tuned multichannel coil array that enabled phosphorus imaging and proton localization for muscle segmentation. RESULTS: After a 90-s plantar flexion exercise at 0.66 Hz with resistance set to 40% of the maximum voluntary contraction, tauPCr was estimated at 22.9 +/- 8.8 s (mean +/- standard deviation) with statistical coefficient of determination r2 = 0.89 +/- 0.05. The corresponding pH values after exercise were in the range of 6.9-7.1 in the gastrocnemius muscle. CONCLUSION: The developed technique allows measurement of muscle-specific PCr resynthesis kinetics and pH changes following exercise, with a temporal resolution and accuracy comparable to that of single voxel 31 P-MRS sequences. Magn Reson Med, 2017. (c) 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
PMID: 28560829
ISSN: 1522-2594
CID: 2591712