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Physician preferences for revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy: Defining equipoise from web-based surveys

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Spertus, John; Bangalore, Sripal; Zhang, Yan; Tarpey, Thaddeus; Hochman, Judith; Katz, Stuart
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:The optimal revascularization approach in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and ischemic heart disease ("ischemic cardiomyopathy") is unknown. Physician preferences regarding clinical equipoise for mode of revascularization and their willingness to consider offering enrollment in a randomized trial to patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy have not been characterized. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We conducted two anonymous online surveys: 1) a clinical case scenario-based survey to assess willingness to offer clinical trial enrollment for a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy (overall response rate to email invitation 0.45 %), and 2) a Delphi consensus-building survey to identify specific areas of clinical equipoise (overall response rate to email invitation 37 %). RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:< 0.0001). In 17 scenarios (11.8 %), there was no difference in CABG or PCI appropriateness ratings, suggesting clinical equipoise in these settings. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:Our findings demonstrate willingness to consider offering enrollment in a randomized clinical trial and areas of clinical equipoise, two factors that support the feasibility of a randomized trial to compare clinical outcomes after revascularization with CABG vs. PCI in selected patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, suitable coronary anatomy and co-morbidity profile.
PMID: 36844107
ISSN: 2666-6022
CID: 5430302

Design and pilot implementation for the BETTER CARE-HF trial: A pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial comparing two targeted approaches to ambulatory clinical decision support for cardiologists

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Reynolds, Harmony R; Xia, Yuhe; Phillips, Lawrence M; Aminian, Rod; Diah, Ruth-Ann; Nagler, Arielle R; Szerencsy, Adam; Saxena, Archana; Horwitz, Leora I; Katz, Stuart D; Blecker, Saul
BACKGROUND:Beart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. However, shortfalls in prescribing of proven therapies, particularly mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) therapy, account for several thousand preventable deaths per year nationwide. Electronic clinical decision support (CDS) is a potential low-cost and scalable solution to improve prescribing of therapies. However, the optimal timing and format of CDS tools is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS/RESULTS:We developed two targeted CDS tools to inform cardiologists of gaps in MRA therapy for patients with HFrEF and without contraindication to MRA therapy: (1) an alert that notifies cardiologists at the time of patient visit, and (2) an automated electronic message that allows for review between visits. We designed these tools using an established CDS framework and findings from semistructured interviews with cardiologists. We then pilot tested both CDS tools (n = 596 patients) and further enhanced them based on additional semistructured interviews (n = 11 cardiologists). The message was modified to reduce the number of patients listed, include future visits, and list date of next visit. The alert was modified to improve noticeability, reduce extraneous information on guidelines, and include key information on contraindications. CONCLUSIONS:The BETTER CARE-HF (Building Electronic Tools to Enhance and Reinforce CArdiovascular REcommendations for Heart Failure) trial aims to compare the effectiveness of the alert vs. the automated message vs. usual care on the primary outcome of MRA prescribing. To our knowledge, no study has directly compared the efficacy of these two different types of electronic CDS interventions. If effective, our findings can be rapidly disseminated to improve morbidity and mortality for patients with HFrEF, and can also inform the development of future CDS interventions for other disease states. (Trial registration: NCT05275920).
PMID: 36640860
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5403312

Association Between Copayment Amount and Filling of Medications for Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitors in Patients With Heart Failure

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Adhikari, Samrachana; Li, Xiyue; Dodson, John A; Kronish, Ian M; Shah, Binita; Ramatowski, Maggie; Chunara, Rumi; Kozloff, Sam; Blecker, Saul
Background Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI) reduce mortality and hospitalization for patients with heart failure. However, relatively high copayments for ARNI may contribute to suboptimal adherence, thus potentially limiting their benefits. Methods and Results We conducted a retrospective cohort study within a large, multi-site health system. We included patients with: ARNI prescription between November 20, 2020 and June 30, 2021; diagnosis of heart failure or left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%; and available pharmacy or pharmacy benefit manager copayment data. The primary exposure was copayment, categorized as $0, $0.01 to $10, $10.01 to $100, and >$100. The primary outcome was prescription fill nonadherence, defined as the proportion of days covered <80% over 6 months. We assessed the association between copayment and nonadherence using multivariable logistic regression, and nonbinarized proportion of days covered using multivariable Poisson regression, adjusting for demographic, clinical, and neighborhood-level covariates. A total of 921 patients met inclusion criteria, with 192 (20.8%) having $0 copayment, 228 (24.8%) with $0.01 to $10 copayment, 206 (22.4%) with $10.01 to $100, and 295 (32.0%) with >$100. Patients with higher copayments had higher rates of nonadherence, ranging from 17.2% for $0 copayment to 34.2% for copayment >$100 (P<0.001). After multivariable adjustment, odds of nonadherence were significantly higher for copayment of $10.01 to $100 (odds ratio [OR], 1.93 [95% CI, 1.15-3.27], P=0.01) or >$100 (OR, 2.58 [95% CI, 1.63-4.18], P<0.001), as compared with $0 copayment. Similar associations were seen when assessing proportion of days covered as a proportion. Conclusions We found higher rates of not filling ARNI prescriptions among patients with higher copayments, which persisted after multivariable adjustment. Our findings support future studies to assess whether reducing copayments can increase adherence to ARNI and improve outcomes for heart failure.
PMID: 36453634
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5374072

Sex differences in the prognostic value of troponin and D-dimer in COVID-19 illness

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Talmor, Nina; Xia, Yuhe; Berger, Jeffrey S; Iturrate, Eduardo; Adhikari, Samrachana; Pulgarin, Claudia; Quinones-Camacho, Adriana; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Horowitz, James; Jung, Albert S; Massera, Daniele; Keller, Norma M; Fishman, Glenn I; Horwitz, Leora; Troxel, Andrea B; Hochman, Judith S; Reynolds, Harmony R
BACKGROUND:Male sex, elevated troponin levels, and elevated D-dimer levels are associated with more complicated COVID-19 illness and greater mortality; however, while there are known sex differences in the prognostic value of troponin and D-dimer in other disease states, it is unknown whether they exist in the setting of COVID-19. OBJECTIVE:We assessed whether sex modified the relationship between troponin, D-dimer, and severe COVID-19 illness (defined as mechanical ventilation, ICU admission or transfer, discharge to hospice, or death). METHODS:We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at a large, academic health system. We used multivariable regression to assess associations between sex, troponin, D-dimer, and severe COVID-19 illness, adjusting for demographic, clinical, and laboratory covariates. To test whether sex modified the relationship between severe COVID-19 illness and troponin or D-dimer, models with interaction terms were utilized. RESULTS:Among 4,574 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, male sex was associated with higher levels of troponin and greater odds of severe COVID-19 illness, but lower levels of initial D-dimer when compared with female sex. While sex did not modify the relationship between troponin level and severe COVID-19 illness, peak D-dimer level was more strongly associated with severe COVID-19 illness in male patients compared to female patients (males: OR=2.91, 95%CI=2.63-2.34, p<0.001; females: OR=2.31, 95%CI=2.04-2.63, p<0.001; p-interaction=0.005). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Sex did not modify the association between troponin level and severe COVID-19 illness, but did modify the association between peak D-dimer and severe COVID-19 illness, suggesting greater prognostic value for D-dimer in males with COVID-19.
PMID: 36334466
ISSN: 1527-3288
CID: 5358922

Missed opportunities in medical therapy for patients with heart failure in an electronically-identified cohort

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Reynolds, Harmony R; Nagler, Arielle R; Phillips, Lawrence M; Horwitz, Leora I; Katz, Stuart D; Blecker, Saul
BACKGROUND:National registries reveal significant gaps in medical therapy for patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), but may not accurately (or fully) characterize the population eligible for therapy. OBJECTIVE:We developed an automated, electronic health record-based algorithm to identify HFrEF patients eligible for evidence-based therapy, and extracted treatment data to assess gaps in therapy in a large, diverse health system. METHODS:In this cross-sectional study of all NYU Langone Health outpatients with EF ≤ 40% on echocardiogram and an outpatient visit from 3/1/2019 to 2/29/2020, we assessed prescription of the following therapies: beta-blocker (BB), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I)/angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)/angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA). Our algorithm accounted for contraindications such as medication allergy, bradycardia, hypotension, renal dysfunction, and hyperkalemia. RESULTS:We electronically identified 2732 patients meeting inclusion criteria. Among those eligible for each medication class, 84.8% and 79.7% were appropriately prescribed BB and ACE-I/ARB/ARNI, respectively, while only 23.9% and 22.7% were appropriately prescribed MRA and ARNI, respectively. In adjusted models, younger age, cardiology visit and lower EF were associated with increased prescribing of medications. Private insurance and Medicaid were associated with increased prescribing of ARNI (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.02-2.00; and OR = 1.70, 95% CI = 1.07-2.67). CONCLUSIONS:We observed substantial shortfalls in prescribing of MRA and ARNI therapy to ambulatory HFrEF patients. Subspecialty care setting, and Medicaid insurance were associated with higher rates of ARNI prescribing. Further studies are warranted to prospectively evaluate provider- and policy-level interventions to improve prescribing of these evidence-based therapies.
PMID: 35927632
ISSN: 1471-2261
CID: 5285842

Sex and Race Differences in the Evaluation and Treatment of Young Adults Presenting to the Emergency Department With Chest Pain

Banco, Darcy; Chang, Jerway; Talmor, Nina; Wadhera, Priya; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Lu, Xinlin; Dong, Siyuan; Lu, Yukun; Betensky, Rebecca A; Blecker, Saul; Safdar, Basmah; Reynolds, Harmony R
Background Acute myocardial infarctions are increasingly common among young adults. We investigated sex and racial differences in the evaluation of chest pain (CP) among young adults presenting to the emergency department. Methods and Results Emergency department visits for adults aged 18 to 55 years presenting with CP were identified in the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey 2014 to 2018, which uses stratified sampling to produce national estimates. We evaluated associations between sex, race, and CP management before and after multivariable adjustment. We identified 4152 records representing 29 730 145 visits for CP among young adults. Women were less likely than men to be triaged as emergent (19.1% versus 23.3%, respectively, P<0.001), to undergo electrocardiography (74.2% versus 78.8%, respectively, P=0.024), or to be admitted to the hospital or observation unit (12.4% versus 17.9%, respectively, P<0.001), but ordering of cardiac biomarkers was similar. After multivariable adjustment, men were seen more quickly (hazard ratio [HR], 1.15 [95% CI, 1.05-1.26]) and were more likely to be admitted (adjusted odds ratio, 1.40 [95% CI, 1.08-1.81]; P=0.011). People of color waited longer for physician evaluation (HR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.73-0.93]; P<0.001) than White adults after multivariable adjustment, but there were no racial differences in hospital admission, triage level, electrocardiography, or cardiac biomarker testing. Acute myocardial infarction was diagnosed in 1.4% of adults in the emergency department and 6.5% of admitted adults. Conclusions Women and people of color with CP waited longer to be seen by physicians, independent of clinical features. Women were independently less likely to be admitted when presenting with CP. These differences could impact downstream treatment and outcomes.
PMID: 35506534
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5216162

Association Between Copay Amount And Medication Adherence For Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitors In Patients With Heart Failure [Meeting Abstract]

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Adhikari, Samrachana; Li, Xiyue; Dodson, John A; Kronish, Ian M; Ramatowski, Maggie; Chunara, Rumi; Blecker, Saul
ISSN: 1941-7705
CID: 5263752

Mistaken Identity: Frequency and Effects of Gender-Based Professional Misidentification of Resident Physicians

Berwick, Shana; Calev, Hila; Matthews, Andrew; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Poole, Brian; Talan, Jordan; Hayes, Margaret M; Smith, C Christopher
PURPOSE:Evaluation of the medical profession at all levels has exposed episodes of gender-based role misidentification whereby women physicians are disproportionately misidentified as nonphysicians. The authors of this study investigate this phenomenon and its repercussions, quantifying the frequency with which resident physicians experience role misidentification and the effect this has on their experience and behavior. METHOD:In 2018, the authors conducted a cross-sectional survey study of internal medicine, surgical, and emergency medicine residents at a single, large, urban, tertiary academic medical center. The survey tool captured both the self-reported frequency and effect of professional misidentification. The authors used a t test and linear multivariate regression to analyze the results. RESULTS:Of the 260 residents who received the survey, 186 (72%) responded, and the authors analyzed the responses of 182. All 85 of the women respondents (100%) reported being misidentified as nonphysicians at least once in their professional experience by patients or staff members, compared with 49% of the 97 men respondents. Of those 182 residents, 35% of women were misidentified more than 8 times per month by patients compared with 1% of men. Of the 85 women physicians responding to the survey, 38% felt angry and 36% felt less satisfied with their jobs as a result of misidentification compared with, respectively, 7% and 9% of men. In response to role misidentification, 51% of women changed their manner of attire and 81% changed their manner of introduction, compared with, respectively, 7% and 37% of men. CONCLUSIONS:These survey results demonstrate that women physicians are more likely than men physicians to be misidentified as nonphysicians and that role misidentification provokes gender-polarized psychological and behavioral responses that have potentially important professional ramifications.
PMID: 33735130
ISSN: 1938-808x
CID: 5262792

Gaps in Medical Therapy for Patients with Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) in a Large, Diverse, Electronically Identified Cohort [Meeting Abstract]

Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Reynolds, Harmony; Phillips, Lawrence M.; Nagler, Arielle; Horwitz, Leora; Katz, Stuart D.; Blecker, Saul
ISSN: 0009-7322
CID: 5263712

Use of a QR Code Accessed Debrief Tool is Associated With Higher Rates of Debrief After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest [Meeting Abstract]

Mitchell, Oscar J.; Drus, Karsten; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Parnia, Sam; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Horowitz, James
ISSN: 0009-7322
CID: 5263722