Sodium multiple quantum spectroscopy of articular cartilage: effects of mechanical compression
Duvvuri, U; Kaufman, J H; Patel, S D; Bolinger, L; Kneeland, J B; Leigh, J S; Reddy, R
The effects of mechanical compression on the multiple quantum coherences generated from sodium ions in articular cartilage were investigated. Cartilage samples obtained from bovine patellae were studied during compression at 0.7 MPa (100 psi) for 1 hour. The double quantum filtered spectra showed marked lineshape changes in the compressed samples. Compression did not seem to influence the lineshapes of the single quantum and triple quantum filtered spectra significantly. We found that the residual quadrupolar interaction was reduced in the compressed samples. Changes in the ordering of collagen fibers may be responsible for the observed effect.
PMID: 9727939
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 5488092
T1rho-relaxation in articular cartilage: effects of enzymatic degradation
Duvvuri, U; Reddy, R; Patel, S D; Kaufman, J H; Kneeland, J B; Leigh, J S
Spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame (T1rho) dispersion spectroscopy and imaging were used to study normal and enzymatically degraded bovine articular cartilage. Normal specimens demonstrate significant T1rho "dispersion" (approximately 60 to approximately 130 ms) in the 100 Hz to 9 kHz frequency range. Proteoglycan-degraded specimens have 33% greater T1rho values than collagen-degraded or normal samples. T1rho-weighted images reveal structure not found in conventional T1- or T2-weighted images. Our results suggest that T1rho measurements are selectively sensitive to proteoglycan content. The potential of this method in distinguishing the early degenerative changes in cartilage associated with osteoarthritis is discussed.
PMID: 9402184
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 5488082